Pazaz help me write an essay on the topic of human memory. the essay must be at least 25 sentences

  1. Essays
  2. 11th grade and Unified State Exam
  3. The role of memory in human life

What is memory? And why is it so important to take care of it? Memory is the experience on the basis of which our life flows. Based on it, a person makes decisions in certain life issues. History is part of memory, only on the scale of all humanity. You should study history in order to avoid making the mistakes of the past. Based on the knowledge acquired by our ancestors, we can build a more perfect world. The present, such as it is now, is the result of past events. Therefore, it is worth taking care of history, knowing it, and remembering it.

Very often writers touch on the problem of memory in their works. So the key question that A.P. Chekhov raises in the play “The Cherry Orchard” becomes the role of memory in human life.

Lyubov Ranevskaya loves her estate not for the fruits it brings, but for the memory. The cherry orchard reminds the heroine of her son and husband, who have long been dead. Ranevskaya does not save her estate and it is sold for debts, but the memory of the past remains forever in the woman’s heart. The memory of the people she loves lives in the cherry orchard, and Ranevskaya’s emotional pain resonates with bitterness when she hears workers cutting down trees with an ax. The present and the past are very closely intertwined in the story.

I. A. Bunin’s story “Antonov Apples” is also permeated with nostalgia for the past. At first glance, the concept of the work is structured strangely: the action of the story moves, but the writer’s thoughts are directed back to the past. And the reader can observe the hero’s spiritual world in different age categories. First, this is the world through the eyes of a child, then a teenager, an adult, and in the end it is an elderly man whose temples are covered with gray hair. But the actions of the story are experienced by the narrator himself, not as if they happened once upon a time; a person’s memory is so strong that everything that happened with renewed vigor comes to life in his mind, right down to the aroma of Antonov apples. Every work of the writer is filled with this distinctive feature.

Thus, memory is undoubtedly a very important part of human life. Each of us carefully preserves the best memories, trying to revive them (for example, looking at old photographs in an album). Memory also allows you to avoid repeating mistakes made once. Based on the above, we can conclude that memory should be kept in the heart of every person in order to illuminate his path with the knowledge already acquired.

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Memory in human life


Rene Magritte. Memory.

Human life consists of a huge number of moments that remain in memory for many years. At the same time, other events that we consider not particularly important are forgotten over time and fade into oblivion. If this sequence is applied to humanity as a whole, then the forgotten history of the past can interfere with the well-being of the present and become a threat to the future. In other words, neglecting already experienced events is dangerous for our present and subsequent lives.


It is the question of the influence of memory on human life that becomes central in the text of Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, a Soviet and Russian philologist and art critic. Does memory have any meaning for people or can the past be easily forgotten and begin to build existence from scratch?

A comment

Trying to convey his thoughts to the reader, D.S. Likhachev gives a precise definition of the concept at the very beginning of the text: “Memory is one of the greatest properties of being, any being: material, spiritual, human.” Thanks to the accumulated experience from the past, we can build a life, families, work, and pass on our knowledge to our descendants. Caring for the past helps to pass on cultural heritage and generally accepted traditions to those who will live after us. But there are also people in society who deny memory, its significance and importance. The author calls them “memoryless.” Their main qualities are ingratitude and inability to take kind, beneficial actions for others. They cannot see the value in past life experiences they have already acquired. It is extremely important for modern society to thank previous generations for the world they built for the sake of their descendants. After all, being brought up in the “moral climate” of the memory of the family and people, we will be able to protect what has accumulated over the centuries, we will be able to preserve the world in its original form.

Author's position

The author is deeply convinced that memory can have a huge impact on a person’s life, and our primary moral duty to future generations is to preserve the experience of the past. Teach descendants to honor traditions, master the ability to work on themselves and society. And most importantly, memory will not allow you to make mistakes that our ancestors have already encountered; it will help you predict and prevent them. After all, it can protect us from merciless time and unknown dying.

Your position

I believe that preserving the memory of the past is an indicator of the health of society. This is what fills us, makes us spiritually rich and intellectually developed people. Only thanks to the achievements of the past can attempts be made to build a happy future.

Argument No. 1

Many writers touch on the problem of memory in their works. For example, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in his play “The Cherry Orchard” tells the story of the life of the main character Lyubov Ranevskaya, whom her daughter brought to her native estate after many years of living abroad. The memory of the past stupefied the woman; she remembered her long-gone childhood, her parents, her son - everything that was once dear to her. After selling the cherry orchard, the heroine leaves Russia and tries to forget the best moments of her life. Without an estate, she feels like a nobody. Without being able to touch the past, hope for a better future fades.

Argument No. 2

A later work of Russian literature, French Lessons by Valentin Rasputin, also raises the theme of memory. The French teacher, Lidia Mikhailovna, offered the student additional classes at home. From someone closer, she learned that the boy did not have enough money for food and invited him to play for money. So she tried to help the student, not allowing him to think that he owed her something. Soon the school principal became aware of these games, and the teacher was fired. But the young woman’s act was so etched in the child’s memory and made such an indelible impression on him that, as an adult, he published a book dedicated to Lydia Mikhailovna and her kind heart. So he passed on his moral experience to us, the future generation.


So, memory has a huge impact on human life. Its properties help to realize the past, without accepting which there will be neither the present nor the future. Our task is to preserve the experience of our ancestors and apply it in building a modern society in order to be able to pave the way for our future life.

The meaning of the word "memory"


    , -i,

    The ability to retain and reproduce previous impressions in the mind.
    Good memory for numbers.
    Visual memory.
    A new one named, if my memory serves me correctly, Butkevich was invited to take his [teacher’s] place.
    Korolenko, History of my contemporary.
    Memory helpfully resurrected the experience.
    Sholokhov, Quiet Don.
    || A stock of impressions stored in the mind. Sink into the mind.
    Be erased from memory.
    — These years need to be erased from memory.
    Garshin, Nadezhda Nikolaevna.
    Some month would pass, and it seemed to him that Anna Sergeevna would be covered in fog in his memory and would only occasionally be seen in dreams with a touching smile.
    Chekhov, Lady with a Dog.


    A memory of someone or something.
    The literature of the forties already left an indelible memory, that it was a literature of serious conviction.
    Saltykov-Shchedrin, All year round.
    Thank you for the memory and wonderful flowers.
    Your memory of me touched me very much. Stanislavsky, Letter from S. G. Birman and E. I. Kornakova, January 19.
    1931. || whose.
    Memories of the deceased.
    The blessed memory of the fallen heroes.

    I don’t know what will happen to me, but even after D.’s death I will remain faithful to his memory, to the work of his whole life.
    Turgenev, On the Eve.
    “I want to propose a toast in memory of Nesterov,” said Gleb.
    Sayanov, Heaven and Earth.
    || About what (or who) is a reminder of someone, about someone. event, incident, etc. - Madam Ivanova, you are looking after the dog.
    Maybe I won’t come back, so you will remember Sashka. Kuprin, Gambrinus.
    I knew what he was thinking as he twirled in his hands an old copper lighter made from a cartridge—probably a memory from the Civil War.
    Kaverin, Two captains.


    The ability to meaningfully perceive the environment, to be aware of one’s actions and feelings;
    consciousness. Alyosha told Ivan that the old man had woken up and remembered.
    Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov.
    Two doctors argued, thinking that he was completely out of memory and did not understand anything.
    Panova, Satellites.

    Eternal memory of someone
    - a wish that someone will always, forever be remembered.
    deceased (words from a prayer for the deceased). Leaky memory see
    Living memory of someone
    - about a witness of something.
    events. Short memory see
    Chicken memory see
    To the blessed (
    bright, unforgettable) memory of someone
    ) - about the deceased, deceased (mentioned with respect).
    has a sad (
    bad) memory - about the deceased, deceased (mentioned with condemnation, disapproval).
    Computer memory
    is a computer device that records, stores and reproduces information.
    The memory of the heart
    is a store of sensory impressions.
    Without memory
    - 1) forgetting everything, to the point of losing consciousness, very much.
    [Katya] looked around her trustingly, and one could notice that Nikolai Petrovich had already fallen deeply in love with her.
    Turgenev, Fathers and Sons;
    2) ( from someone
    ) in admiration, delighted with someone, something.
    “Talk to him about his merits, about his nobility, and he will be swooning over you.”
    Pushkin, Arab of Peter the Great.
    In someone's
    - during the period of someone's life when he himself witnessed something.
    and still remembers what happened then. As a keepsake
    (give, donate, take, receive, etc.) - in order to remember, not to forget about someone or something.
    By memory
    from memory
    (speak, tell, know, etc.) - by heart, without looking at the text.
    For fresh memory, see
    From old memory
    - under the influence of previous habits or memories of the past, the past.
    Notch in memory see
    To rummage through one's memory
    is to try to remember something.
    Survive from memory see
    To come to memory
    - to be remembered, to be remembered.
    God bless the memory (memory)
    ) - used when making an effort to remember something.

  • Essay "Memory"

    Memory is a strange artist: she

    renews the colors of life and erases the gray

    shades, preserving only the most

    bright colors and the most expressive silhouettes

    Mark Levy. "Those words we didn't say to each other"

    What is memory? Memory is the pieces of our past life collected together. Without memory, life would be impossible; if not for oblivion, she would be unbearable. Each of us can remember many things that we would like to forget forever. But it is impossible to forget something consciously, purposefully. Trying to forget this or that event, we set ourselves a goal. But if you consciously move towards a goal, you involuntarily remember it:

    I have a lot to do today: I need to completely kill my memory, I need my soul to turn to stone, I need to learn to live again

    (Anna Akhmatova)

    No one has ever succeeded in “deliberately erasing” it from memory. Don't let your memories control you. Forgetting about the past can actually be easy - the main thing is the people who surround us, the work we do, and our inner mood. It is necessary to look for yourself in the present, and not in the margins of the past. Good things are remembered less often than bad things. Agree, vindictive people are deeply unhappy. You need to be able to accept the world around you as it really is, and try to focus your attention only on positive things. In this way, we can make our life happy, our memory a garden of Eden.

    “I have an excellent memory for what I want to remember.”

    Oscar Wilde. "Ideal husband"

    There are many simple ways to relive pleasant memories in your life. One of them is watching old videos or photos. When do we take pictures? Usually during some exciting travels, when meeting with friends and relatives, on birthdays and other celebrations. Let's look at old photographs more often, remember interesting stories that happened to us once. By taking photographs, we create an image of ourselves that will forever remain in the memory of the right person. Famous (and unrecognized) artists create wonderful works, hoping to leave an image of themselves for posterity. Every person has created at least once in his life - be it a small drawing on a piece of paper or the Mona Lisa in the most famous museum in the world. Any art is beautiful if its goal is to touch the heart, to awaken good intentions in this heart.

    I think any decent person would want to leave good memories of himself. But there are also those who want to be preserved in our memory in any way. Such people are mentioned in history, literature and even ancient myths. A man named Herostratus in 356 BC. set fire to the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, which was considered one of the seven wonders of the world. Herostratus did not hide his senseless crime and was executed for it, but the memory of him was preserved for thousands of years. Nowadays, a play called “Forgetting Herostratus” was written on this plot. The main idea of ​​the play is precisely that you need to try to forget the criminal in order to deprive him of the hope that someone will remember about them.

    In everyday life, we often rely on our memory, sometimes without sufficient reason. Memory cannot be compared to a video cassette, the recording on which can be replayed in order to once again see a picture of what is happening on the screen. We focus our attention only on significant details; the whole picture is completely “shrouded in fog.” Often memories are our fantasies. In Maxim Gorky’s work “At the Lower Depths,” the heroine Nastya, while reading a love story, imagined a touching story in her past life. Man creates his own memories. We can say that in our memory each of us is an artist, each of us creates. Memory reflects our personality and is a bridge between the past and the present. Imagine, rejoice, listen only to those memories that make you happier.

    “If you always and everywhere left only good things for people - flowers, thoughts, pleasant memories of you, your life would be easy and pleasant.” From a letter from M. Gorky to his son

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