An example of an essay on the topic “What is human success in life”

Finding the way

The path to success is hard work. This statement comes from professional politician Claude MacDonald. It is difficult to disagree with a person who, through his own efforts, overcoming difficulties and suffering failures, has made a career that is considered successful.

The concept of success, according to different people:

  1. Achievements in working career, business. Financial wealth.
  2. Well-being in the family, health of relatives and friends. Having good friends.
  3. Winning the lottery, good deal, good buy.

In the latter case, it turns out that success is something fleeting and short-term.

Soviet and Russian poetess Bella Akhmadulina said that luck requires chance. Often in critical, dangerous situations, something unexpected happens, which is why problems are solved as if by themselves.

Some see in such cases a manifestation of the activity of higher powers. And they evaluate what is happening as a reward for past actions. Many believe that this is fate.

Whether such luck is considered success is everyone’s personal choice.

Essay “Seven Steps to My Success”


"Seven steps to my success"

“Each person is provided with

at least ten opportunities to change your life.

Success comes to those who know how to use them.”


Every person strives to achieve certain success in life. How to become successful? What steps need to be taken for this? And what is success anyway?

Many people think about what success is, because in modern life it has become prestigious to be successful. But, as they say, there are so many people, so many opinions, so it was never possible to come to a common understanding of this issue.

Here's what different people at different times said about success: “The main condition for success is patience.” Leo Tolstoy, “Those who do not think about failure achieve success.” Orison Marden, “Expecting success without hard work is like waiting for the harvest if nothing has been sown.” David Blaine, “Success is a journey, not a destination.” Ben Sweetland

These quotes help to consider the concept of “success” from different angles, making it possible to understand that such a seemingly simple word, often used in our everyday life, has a deep meaning. More than one generation of people will reflect on the topic of success, revealing its concept again and again, each time introducing something of their own into its understanding, based on personal experience, reflecting the life style of a particular person.

I understand success as the result of any persistent activity aimed at achieving specific goals, activity that will bring inner satisfaction; like reluctance to wait for a “miracle”, but to create it yourself; as an opportunity to do whatever your heart desires.

In addition, I absolutely clearly understand that to achieve success you need to be patient, hard work alone is not enough, because the path to success is thorny and full of undercurrents. But in any business, when achieving any goal, you must always use all opportunities and not pay attention to the difficulties that arise.

I am a student of the 8th grade of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Lyceum of Uvarovo named after. A.I. Danilova, I am a member of the city children’s organization “Fortune”, and this is no coincidence. My biggest dream, one might say, is also the goal of my life - to build the world around me, to help the people around me become happy. DO “Fortuna” helps me fulfill my dream, realize myself in helping others. Volunteering, the implementation of social projects, various actions and other activities of my public association give me a unique opportunity to participate in the life of my country. The opportunity to make the world a kinder place, not in word, but in deed, teach to feel other people’s pain and suffering, hear a silent cry for help, respect old age, teach to remember the victories of one’s country in World history, teach to preserve the best Russian traditions for future generations.

By actively participating in the affairs of my children's organization, I achieve success and achieve my goals, because every day I do not just what is necessary for the full development of modern society, but I do what brings me personal moral satisfaction, i.e. I do what I WANT TO DO. And this is very important! Of course, achieving success if you are doing something alien to you is simply unrealistic.

Reflecting on all of the above, considering success as the top to which we climb the ladder, there are seven main steps. The very first thing on the path to success, in my opinion, is the understanding that the path to success has a very long and difficult path, so it is important to be patient. Important! Even before starting the journey, determine the goal so as not to feel like a blind kitten.

The second step will be daily painstaking work, nothing is given to us just like that or in advance. The third step is the ability to avoid obstacles and the ability to find opportunities; it is very important to see an opportunity where others no longer hope to win in the business they have begun. And here we need faith - faith in ourselves, in our strengths and capabilities. It is self-confidence that will not allow you to turn halfway. You cannot allow yourself to treat any mistake as a failure in general. Any mistake should be regarded as experience, as a valuable lesson, and then it will become another step towards success.

An equally important step on the path to success is constant learning. The world is very changeable, there are millions of processes happening in it non-stop that change it. If we learn, then we move forward, we ourselves create the future world around us.

The seventh, key step on the path to success will be our attitude towards what we do. You need to sincerely love your job, this will allow you to gain satisfaction in what you do. If you fall in love with your work, you will be able to put in maximum effort without feeling tired. Because you will do what you want and love to do yourself.

Today, it is my children's organization that teaches me to achieve success, to be a self-sufficient, self-confident person. Joint activities for the benefit of our society provide invaluable experience, which in the future I, like a valuable cargo, will take with me into adulthood.

Formula of happiness

It is easy to see that for each person a different victory is considered successful. You can agree with Dale Carnegie, who devoted entire essays to this problem and wrote that success is achieving a goal, and happiness is the ability to want what you get.

For example, for Bonaparte, the French emperor, success could only mean one thing: the whole world must be conquered! Napoleon would not agree to anything less. And for a small child, learning to ride a tricycle is already an achievement. But can it be said that Napoleon would have experienced greater happiness from his success? Most likely no.

The degree of magnitude, immensity and greatness of the goal do not affect the degree of joy . Both a child who has achieved his goal and an adult who has achieved his goal on a much larger scale will be absolutely equally happy.

It can be argued: in order to be happier, you need to set realistic goals and be able to enjoy every small step. If you wait and strive only for the grandiose, life can turn into continuous dissatisfaction, and a person will never be happy. Any effort should be appreciated to maintain self-esteem at the proper level.

True, abuses do occur: when self-esteem is groundlessly inflated and develops into an overestimation of one’s own importance in society, so one can safely believe the old wisdom that one must be able to be content with little.

Essay on the topic of success in life

What does it mean to achieve success in life? How to become a successful person? This question has been troubling more than a dozen generations, but it has never been possible to obtain a more or less intelligible answer to it. There are a lot of opinions on this matter, and everyone believes that his opinion is correct. Let's look at some examples. Successful businessman. Its income is constantly growing, it provides more and more jobs, people’s wages are increasing, and taxes are being paid regularly. Production is constantly increasing, new branches are opening in different cities and even countries. Has this person achieved success? Yes, definitely! But only financial. And if you try to establish contact with such a person, then, in fact, he is only interested in financial partners and increasing profits. It’s not that he doesn’t want to communicate with ordinary people, but he doesn’t even “see them point blank!” They simply don’t exist for him. He was overshadowed by pride and vanity, the thirst for profit. He has no friends or acquaintances, as such. And, over time, relatives also try to bypass him on the tenth road. Another example. Famous artist. There is not a single person who does not know him by name and surname and by sight. He generously gives autographs, enjoys communicating with fans, etc. But, as for touring, he wants to come only to large cities. In small towns, and even more so in villages, as they say, “you can’t drag it with a tractor.” Is this person successful? Yes, of course. He achieved popularity, fame, recognition. But for him, too, money “clouded his mind.” After all, he is by no means stupid, and he understands perfectly well that he will not “make money” in small settlements, although people also live there and, perhaps, would really like to see him, as they say “live”. Another similar example. A successful and competent lawyer. There is a queue for him for many months ahead. But, although he is obliged to help any person, he only takes on those cases that he knows he will win. The fate of other suspects, perhaps illegally, is absolutely of interest to him. Again, this person is lucky only from a financial point of view, and not from a moral and ethical point of view. And one last example. A person who simply works is not very rich, but not poor either. He has a wonderful family, he has many friends and acquaintances who respect him to the core. They will not allow you to say a “crooked word” to him, under any circumstances. When it's his birthday, his phone doesn't stop ringing from early morning until late at night. Everyone characterizes him in the most positive light; he has the highest authority. Of course, if we consider the financial side, it cannot be called successful. But in all other respects, this is the person you can trust, who you can rely on and who will never let you down in difficult times, and will keep his promise under any circumstances. Or maybe this is the person who achieved real success?...

Main components

The life of any person is a kind of essay on the topic “My success in life.” Everyone's text is different. You won't find two alike.

Perhaps Bob Dylan was right when he said that successful people are the ones who wake up in the morning, go to bed in the evening, and do what they love during the day. Indeed, only in this case can a person feel free and happy. Ordinary life recedes into the background. You no longer need to worry about your “daily bread”. Ideas related to creativity, hobbies and good deeds appear in your head.

A person who has a job he loves, who does something necessary, useful, interesting, or has fans of his talent, is happy.

Happiness becomes more complete with love in the family, peace of mind in everyday life, and confidence in the future.

It is important that everyone has perseverance, patience, and most importantly, a great desire to do, achieve, achieve something.

The ingredients for success are:

  1. Peace of mind.
  2. Health, moral and physical.
  3. Material well-being.

If these “three pillars” are present, a person can be happy and useful to society.

You can achieve success by following a simple algorithm of actions. First you need to define a goal for yourself, then plan in detail the actions necessary to achieve it, and secure it with good motivation.

The main desire

Stop talking, start doing - that was Walt Disney's life principle. He has proven this with his success story.

You can name the important components of success, without which there will definitely not be a positive result - diligence and patience. Under no circumstances should you give in to circumstances, even if failures are frequent. What success in life consists of may not be immediately clear. The interpretation and meaning of this word often changes.

Many recognize that success is self-expression , in which a person, doing what he loves, constantly improves certain skills, after which he moves to the next level of skill and reaches new heights. By moving a little bit at a time, people achieve success every day.

Whether a person will be truly successful in any business depends in most cases on desire. Although the possibility should not be discounted. To become successful in a certain area, you need to decide on a field of activity in which you can solve various problems, find interesting tasks and meaning in life. Then in this field of activity you can become successful and achieve different heights. Then true satisfaction and pleasure from what you do will come.

But first you should ask yourself, “Am I creating problems or solving them?” Where, in what area, can a specific person be more needed and useful in order to write his personal essay “My path to success.”

The task of a successful person is not to solve various problems every day, but to find and decide where he would be special! You must understand that only then can you fully demonstrate your abilities, stand out from everyone, and show your uniqueness.

Essay on the topic of success

Success in life This topic is very relevant now. We live in a time when everyone evaluates and compares each other. There is the Internet where people post information about themselves. Unfortunately, sometimes it would be better if they didn’t do this. Undoubtedly, the advantage is that it is easier for a person with talent and abilities to show themselves world and gain recognition, achieve success, but the opposite effect is also possible: some people risk becoming a laughing stock, gaining notoriety. Of course, someone will think that any, even negative, assessment is good, no matter what, but still popularity ... It seems to me that the most valuable thing for any person is to remain himself, because each of us is truly individual, and at the same time it is necessary to develop, grow spiritually, not bury talent in the ground. But if suddenly, unfortunately, no special inclinations in creativity, maybe it’s worth paying attention to other areas of life: family, work, and realizing yourself to the fullest. It’s very sad to watch how young people post their next selfie... the facial expression is always the same... it looks stupid. You feel power pride, narcissism...Success is measured by the number of “likes” and comments. It's like a trap. Everything is good in moderation, these are not my words, but I completely agree with them. And if you have nothing to show other than your next self-portrait, then it’s better not to make such posts. It’s better to read a good book, or go for a walk, and then share your impressions... Fortunately, not all people are sick with narcissism. We can see real masterpieces that ordinary people create, and again demonstrate them on the World Wide Web, and this, in my opinion, is wonderful. Everyone has their own opinion about what success in life is, how it is measured, and what it looks like. I used to think that people who are famous, rich, and in demand are successful people. Yes, we can agree with this, because this is how they look in the eyes of other people. But this is only one side of the coin. I’ll explain why I think so: for example, many of us have read biographies of famous people, watched documentaries about them, from which it follows that despite their success, not all of them were happy, not everything in their lives was the way they wanted. Some of them were hostage to their popularity. But, fortunately, not all. There are many striking examples of famous people, strong personalities who lived happy, fulfilling, multifaceted lives. In my opinion, the main success of a person is if he becomes happy and lives in harmony with himself and with the world around him. That is, success is happiness, balance, harmony, peace, a person always strives for all this with all his soul, but this path is not always easy, and our dreams, plans and desires do not always come true. Some people see signs of fate in this, some rely only on themselves, and some turn to otherworldly forces... everyone has their own goal and their own means, the main thing is to find their own. I think that a person can, if he wants, achieve success in any area of ​​life, no matter what chance fate presents, but only if this is your path, your calling. Therefore, you need to focus primarily on your own feelings, your opinion, and not on the opinion of the majority, on trends fashion and such nonsense. In my opinion, each of us has hidden and obvious abilities, you just have to be more attentive to yourself and your life. Someone became a great actor or singer, a major entrepreneur or politician, and someone is a mother of many children, the best in the world not only for her children, but also for others. You can even do the work of a janitor with your soul, for the joy of other people. The main thing so that everyone does what is close to him, what he likes and what turns out brings benefit and joy not only to the person himself, but also to others. Of course, this is a utopia, but at least there is something to strive for. One wise man said “Try to have what you love, otherwise you will have to love what you have.” I think these words refer not to material values, but to spiritual ones. The meaning is that if for some reason you failed to achieve that whatever you want, you need to give it your all where fate has thrown you. And then a person will experience success and joy from the fruits of his own labor. I consider exactly the same utopia the desire of many to become businessmen, politicians, artists or singers in spite of everything. Who then, for example, will bake bread, treat people, and maintain public order? It seems to me that the media is permeated with propaganda of such “success”, the conquest of the capital and the like. There is a Russian proverb: where you are born, you are useful there. Of course, anything can happen in life, but I’m not talking about the rare cases of talented, wonderful people, but about those who went, for example, to “conquer the capital”, failed, and remained there incomprehensibly. It’s worth trying, of course, but still within reason, don’t go over your head, as they say. Of course, this is my personal opinion, which I share, but in no way impose, because I am convinced that no one except the person himself is responsible for his decisions and actions. Each of us thinks, weighs, and makes his own choice goes its own way. To be honest, I am often visited by thoughts about my own destiny, my life. And reflecting, I came to the conclusion that, be that as it may, there is no point in regret, but on the contrary, to be happy and appreciate what you have. What if everything - if something is missing, then forward to your cherished goal! In my opinion, the question of success in life is very important. It concerns everyone, and you can look at it from different sides, it cannot be discussed one-sidedly, because just as life is diverse in its manifestations, so success can be different. For everyone. For some, the first steps and words of a child are success, but for others, it is necessary to change their car or suit in order to feel more successful, in a different, higher status. What can we say about people with disabilities, for whom things that are familiar to us are inaccessible luxury? We, full-fledged people, not disabled people, manage to become despondent, fall into depression, find hundreds of reasons and justifications for our inaction and laziness... Of course, I’m not talking about all people, but about individual individuals, to be honest, I myself am lazy, and very I condemn myself for this at such moments. “Everything is in our hands, so we can’t let them go” are golden words that help a lot. Each of us should have our own “island” of calm, a source of inspiration, a “lifebuoy in the sea of ​​life”, I think that it is in our soul and heart. If we listened more to our hearts, and not to some imposed stereotypes, standards, if they looked into the soul, and not at templates, then a lot would be different. But it’s not so simple, there are always something distracting, it’s difficult to concentrate. Again, if you force yourself to do something, and then see the first results, this is joy and pleasure from the fruits of your labor. Any business can be done with soul, bringing joy and smile to other people. These are eternal values ​​in my opinion. A person’s idea of ​​the world begins to form in childhood, with mother’s milk, figuratively speaking. Children are initially kind, love everything and everyone, and of course a huge responsibility lies with the parents. What children see, hear, they absorb into themselves, and then reproduce in own life. Genetics, upbringing, environment, individual characteristics of character, mentality and similar nuances contribute to the formation of personality. Including the idea of ​​success and your purpose in life. I repeat that this is largely the task of parents. Be attentive to your child, listen, look closely, try to notice strengths and help reveal their talents. At the same time, parents need to work on themselves and set a good example for their children. Only honestly, from the heart. Children feel deceived. And then, I think, the world will become a little better, life will be a little simpler and more joyful. Everyone has the power to achieve their own unique success, realize themselves and be happy. I wish you all happiness, good luck, love and, of course, success!

Recognition of success

One way or another, everyone wants or strives to be successful. “The bad soldier,” Alexander Suvorov said, “is the one who does not strive to be a general.”

A person himself determines his goal and mark, upon reaching which we can say that the path taken is successful. First, the goal you want to strive for is determined. Then begins to overcome the difficulties that stand in the way. This stage is called achieving the goal.

The second stage is obtaining satisfaction from your actions. When someone gets what they were striving for, they are overcome by a storm of good emotions, a feeling of being needed and useful. If something turns out as planned, a person “flourishes” and, as a result, enjoys it.

The third mandatory part is recognizing other people. Someone may be offended or even offended if no one notices or positively appreciates his efforts.

Many people are so unsure of their abilities that they may not even consider their victory a success if those around them do not appreciate the work done, the technologies developed, or the efforts made. People subconsciously expect loud pleasant messages and praise.

Essay How to Succeed!

This is probably the main question in our time, and for some reason it is not taught to us in school. Many people have achieved success in life without even knowing it. There are many lectures, videos, books on where to catch this wave of success, where and how to understand what to do. As for me, the main thing is to mind your own business and always get carried away with what you want and not listen to anyone but yourself, because you yourself decide your destiny and what will happen in it.

I am currently studying in the 10th grade and want to enter the best university in my city for a profession that is related to my hobby, but my relatives dissuade me and think that in this profession I will not be able to get a good salary and in general this university requires a lot money, but we don’t have it.

But there is, and on the other side, I have a person who wants and insists that I go there and finish the university well, he helps me do everything so that my life turns out well, unlike my relatives who say that I am stupidly untalented and nothing I won’t achieve it in this life. Although, with the transition to 10th grade, I thought about everything, I am doing everything possible to ensure that I have a good certificate. I want tutors who prepare me for exams. I'm doing everything in my power, but no one saw it. Only he asks me every day if everything is fine with me and what my grades are, and yes, he is not my relative, he is just my teacher who can be considered a relative to me, because he knows me better than anyone and will always support me at any moment, despite the fact that whether I'm in the mood or not. Are you enrolling in 2019? Our team will help you save your time and nerves: we will select directions and universities (according to your preferences and expert recommendations); we will fill out applications (all you have to do is sign); we will submit applications to Russian universities (online, by e-mail, by courier); we will monitor competition lists ( we will automate the tracking and analysis of your positions); we will tell you when and where to submit the original (we will evaluate the chances and determine the best option). Entrust the routine to professionals - more details.

So, the main thing when starting your own business is to be confident and not listen to anyone but yourself. Don’t be afraid to invest somewhere, but it’s better not to think at all, but to do what your heart tells you.

Useful material on the topic:

  1. Who achieves more success in life - those who master the art of speaking or writing?
  2. Always treat a person as an end and never as a means.
  3. Why do people in society know how to do it, but act as they want?
  4. Do you agree with the statement “A person’s character is determined not by how he enjoys victory, but by how he endures defeat?”
  5. My story is about how I passed my exams. How I passed the Unified State Exam (USE)
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