Essay What is a family reasoning Grade 9 15.3

  • Essays
  • 9th grade OGE
  • What is family

Family is the main component of every person’s life. If we hear this word, our soul immediately becomes warm, we remember our loved ones who are waiting for us at home. The family accepts you for who you are, unlike the rest of the environment. Each family member plays a special role. These are the people who largely contribute to the formation of personality. A person without a family is like a tree without a root.

Many works of literature touch on the topic of family and relationships within it. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba” reveals the problem of personality development and shows two sides of family influence. Two brothers Andriy and Ostap grow up in the family of the Cossack Taras Bulba. For Ostap, the image of his father is very important. Since childhood, a young man does everything his parent teaches him. He adopts character traits such as courage and perseverance. My father instilled a sense of patriotism. This contributed to the fact that Ostap stood up for his Motherland with dignity. On the other hand, too much pressure from Taras on Andriy caused him to run away from home and break the rules of his family. The young man wanted to build his life differently than his father told him. This proves how differently upbringing can influence the fate of people.

Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” also shows the influence of family. Mitrofanushka is one of the main characters, the son of the landowners Prostakovs. He doesn't know what he wants from life. Suppressed by his mother's care and care, the boy grows up as a dependent and lazy person. A woman is trying to tie her son to her. The mother is so blinded by her love for her son that she does not see that her son is growing up undersized. She solves all the problems for him, so Mitrofanushka did not need to make any efforts for this. Thus, in D.I. Fonvizin’s play, blind maternal love did not allow the main character to develop.

The theme of family remains relevant at all times. We see how strongly family members influence what kind of person a child becomes, what qualities and character traits he acquires. Sometimes parenting has a positive effect, but this does not always happen. Thus, the family is responsible for the development of the individual.

Essay 2

There are many important things in every person's life. For some, material well-being is important, for others, recognition in society, while others simply dream of leaving a mark in history. However, there are goals in human existence that are necessary for the harmonious development of each individual. Whether you earn a lot or strive for spiritual peace, you need a soul mate. A person who will share your interests and serve as a support.

The family is the first and most important unit of society. Everything in this world is created for the sake of family relationships. Men build homes and careers for a single woman. Since childhood, representatives of the fairer sex have been puzzled by the rules of raising children and maintaining home comfort. Everything in life can be changed or lost, but family must always be preserved, despite all the hardships of life. It is there, in the depths of domestic relations, that a piece of society is formed. In the daily interactions of people, family traditions are created that are passed on from generation to generation. The result of family well-being is children. The birth of a new personality is always accompanied by joy. The birth of a new person becomes a transitional period for parents. At this time, awareness of worldly existence occurs. The sense of responsibility at this moment increases, and people reach a new level of life. Many problems that occur earlier seem insignificant. Life takes on a new meaning.

Every person must understand the primary task of his life. Think about your stay on this planet. Realize the scale of your role in this universe. Family is the first step in the development of every representative of the human race. From primitive times to information globalization, the creation of family relationships has not lost its importance. Modern society dictates the fashion for open relationships, freeing people from making important decisions. This creates a degrading society that destroys our world. The vices, crimes and endless chaos that result from the decaying situation bring extraordinary harm to our lives. Stop, think about where you are going. Perhaps you are opening another door.

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Essay on the topic Family

When we want warmth and comfort, support and love, if we want peace and confidence, we think about family. After all, family is close and dear people, they will always support and understand. You feel comfortable being around your family. Home is a place where we can be who we are and be loved.

Family is a great wealth in the life of every person. You won’t be able to open your feelings or share your experiences with anyone as much as you can with your mother. There is no other person with whom you will feel protected as with your dad. No one can bake a tastier pie than grandma. And no one can share wise advice like grandpa.

Every person needs to understand the value of their family. Respect your loved ones and be grateful for their love. Sometimes we forget ourselves and take our family for granted. We are afraid of offending and accidentally offending a stranger, and at home we often don’t notice how we offend someone by answering harshly or raising our voice. Sometimes we come home in a bad mood and grumble at everyone. You can't do that!

Our relatives teach us kindness and understanding, teach us to respect each other, take everyone’s opinions into account, and support. If one person has problems, everyone in the family helps him. Even in many fairy tales, the plot says that while a family is apart it is very bad, but when everyone is together and understands each other, then their strength is very great. Such a family will overcome any obstacles in life.

The theme of the importance of support and faith in family can often be seen in films or cartoons. For example, the cartoon "The Croods". The plot is about a prehistoric family, where the daughter was curious and was looking for adventure, but the entire family circle considered curiosity a bad quality and even deadly. Due to a number of circumstances, they had to trust the girl, and then the whole family learned a lot of new things about life. They realized that if it weren’t for their meticulous daughter, they would have died in their cave, afraid to go outside.

Every family member is very important, even the smallest pet. All of them give us the best feelings: a feeling of protection, love and reliability. Thanks to our loved ones, we grow from a child into adults, confident people. The best answer to our loved ones is our love and respect.

Ideal family - essay

Every person loves and values ​​his home and his family. After all, a house is considered its own fortress, where you can hide from any of life’s hardships, and the people who live in it, who will always understand and support you in difficult times, are a family. And its role for each of us is enormous. After all, all the first sensations and ideas of a person when he is just beginning to become aware of the world around him are associated with the family. And subsequently, it is in the family that such human concepts as love and care are formed. It is not for nothing that the family is called a unit of society, a small homeland. It is where the human personality is formed and the individual is educated. Therefore, usually what kind of family a person had depends on what he became. For me, my family is the most important thing in life.

Family for everyone is the same beloved and dear people who have been with him since childhood. And the main role in creating a family hearth belongs, of course, to the mother. A woman can be a brilliant specialist in any field, however, her most important role in society, something that no man can cope with, is creating a family. Since ancient times, a woman has been the keeper of the hearth. She was responsible for all the housework. In addition, she had to create such a home environment so that the rest of the family felt the warmth and comfort of the house, felt like a family - a single whole. This is a very hard and responsible job, but the woman always coped with it. These are completely different times. A woman is busy at work, and there is less and less time for home. However, now, like many years ago, she takes care of the house, creates, supports and strengthens her family. Mom is the person closest to me. I believe that the head of our family is, after all, my mother.

Of course, for a family to be good and friendly, the mother’s strength alone is not enough. All family members should make efforts to create a family climate. After all, a family is, first of all, a team.

Family traditions are very important so that every person in the family feels like a member and has something in common with other relatives. And, of course, every family has its own dates that are memorable to everyone, its own family holidays. Our family looks forward to their arrival because they bring us all joy. But this is not the only good thing about family traditions. Spending the evening with their parents, children also feel like full-fledged members of the family, and this greatly unites us.

It is important that in any family there is trust and mutual understanding, love and care for each other. The good thing about family is that here a person always remains himself, and under no circumstances will they stop loving him, they will always understand and support him. Family is the most important support for any person, which should always remain with him.

Option 4

Family - how much meaning is put into this word. First we are born into a family where we are loved, cared for and cherished by our parents. Where we are looked after and loved madly by our grandparents. Where no one wishes you harm, no one will offend you, no one will betray you. Family is a place where you feel completely protected, where you have confidence in the future and where no one envy anyone, but knows how to rejoice in the successes of others.

Family is a real gift of fate, because without the people closest to us, we are nothing. What is the point of being alone, living in an empty house, where there is not a living soul with whom you can talk, discuss something, or reveal a secret. Family is the place where you want to return after school or work. After spending time somewhere away from home, you rush back as quickly as possible to see and hug your loved ones. Tell me how and what happened to you.

Unfortunately, not everyone in our vast world has family of origin. There are those who are abandoned by their parents and left in orphanages or those whose parents have left this world. But even when they are in an orphanage, the children are surrounded by care and consider each resident to be a part of their family, and it doesn’t matter whether they are family or not.

You can safely call your class or group at an educational institution a family, because we spend so much time together and know almost everything about each other.

My family is my treasure. Without my family, I have no meaning in life.

If the first family is the one you were born into, then the second is the one you created yourself. Children grow up, fly out of their parents' nest, where they undoubtedly come to visit more than once. A new family is being created - a new unit of society. The couple also has their own children, whom they raise the same way their parents raised them before. Everything changes. Parents grow old, children grow up. But everyone is united by family ties that are simply impossible to break.

It is impossible to force a mother to stop loving her child, just as it is impossible to force a husband to betray his beloved wife. It is impossible to teach a child to treat his parents poorly if he himself only feels respect, love and gratitude for them.

My family is my fortress. Every day I rush home to see and talk to my family as quickly as possible. Not without that, in life, everything happens, we quarrel, and can be offended at each other for a long time, but still we are together and no matter what happens, we will always come to each other’s aid. Only here can I feel calm, free and easy, because I know that I am loved here.

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Option 5

When we say the word “family,” we feel how it warms our soul, because it reminds us of the gentle voice of our mother and some of the severity of our father. It is in this bright corner that we are given the holy name. But few people know that family comes from the word “seed”. After all, it is a tiny seed, planted and nurtured with special care and tenderness, that produces a sprout. First we see beautiful flowers, and then fruits.

When our parents built a family, it was just like a small seed that needed to be grown with special care, namely, to cherish each other and live in peace and harmony. And with the strengthening of the family, the first shoots appear - their children. However, with the advent of children, parents have special responsibilities - to raise them correctly. After all, when mutual respect, peace, and kindness reign in a family, then children grow up happy. And of course, it is important that happiness reigns in the house; each member of the household needs to give each other smiles. But not all adults understand this.

More and more single-parent families are appearing in the country, where mom and dad could not get along, and the child has simply become a bargaining chip for them in the division of property and other social benefits. It is also painful to see where a child has no place among parents who love alcohol and drugs most of all. And they wander down the street in search of their own happiness. For some, this path ends in prison or a colony, and many find happiness in foster families, where they are helped to forget the bad moments in their lives and taught to rejoice again. And it turns out that children who have not seen affection and friendliness, mutual understanding, may repeat the same fate in the future. No wonder people said that a child learns what he sees in his home. And his parents are his example.

However, any team can be called a family, where they come to each other’s aid in difficult times, always support each other, give valuable advice, and do not envy others’ successes. It is in such a group of people, on holidays and in any other activity, that you feel at home. And of course, I would like there to be more wonderful families, and we all need to try to ensure that there is peace, harmony and mutual understanding in them.

9th grade. 15.3

My family

The most important thing in the life of each of us is family. Family relationships are different. While some are characterized by a peaceful and calm atmosphere, others are accustomed to Spanish passions. In any case, only our relatives always understand and support us. They are always ready to provide help if it is needed, without demanding anything in return. For me, my family is my wealth, my small homeland and support.

I live with my dad, mom, brother and sister. Mom and Dad work at the hospital, they are doctors. My dad is a surgeon, he often performs operations on people, and my mom is an ophthalmologist. As a rule, she checks your vision, helps you choose glasses and prescribes treatment if necessary. My older brother Sasha entered university this year and is studying to become an economist. He likes to count and calculate. Sofia is only 5 years old and she is so funny. My brother and I constantly monitor her and help her parents raise her. Sonya loves to draw, so the walls in her nursery are multi-colored.

My mother is the most wonderful mother in the world. She is very caring and gentle. Our house is always cozy and you can smell delicious baked goods. Mommy helps with homework, cooks delicious meals, walks and plays with us. I think it’s difficult to do so many things in one day.

My grandparents, aunts and uncles are also part of our big family. However, I see them extremely rarely, because several years ago we moved to Moscow, and they stayed in Kirovo. However, I often call them and communicate through social networks.

Our family has a small house in the Moscow region. There we have a small garden where we plant potatoes, carrots, garlic, beets, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables. We also have fruit trees and bushes. It's great to wake up in the morning and go out to the garden to get fresh vegetables and fruits.

There are many traditions in my family. For example, every year in winter we go to a ski resort. In the summer we go to the sea and play cards every evening on the shore. Whoever loses the most goes to the room for sweets. On the eve of the New Year, Sonya, Sasha, and I clean the house, dad brings a Christmas tree, and we decorate it together. At this time, mom prepares real New Year's dishes. Our favorite family dish is Olivier salad.

My family is the best in the world. I'm good enough for each of us. I really like the good-natured atmosphere that reigns in our home. Of course, we sometimes quarrel, but we try to meet each other halfway in the near future. We are used to making compromises, and this is the key to our family happiness. I love my family more than anything in the world!

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