Essay on the topic Strength of Spirit, grade 9 OGE 15.3

  • Essays
  • 9th grade OGE
  • Strength of mind

Strength of spirit is a very important concept that characterizes a truly strong inner state of a person. A person who is strong in spirit is immediately visible; this person is not always very strong physically, but he will still be more significant and dangerous. A strong-willed person will never stoop to hurting the weak, and will never offend the helpless. Such a person will help out in any, even the most dangerous situation. He will stand face to face with any enemy and defend his honor. We can see strong-willed people in the theater and cinema, but a huge number of such people are among us. These are rescuers, military personnel, pilots. They are ready to stand up for us, even risking their own lives. Strength of spirit can and should be developed. This can be done by overcoming your fears and developing physically.

Many people think that mental strength does not depend on your physical strength, but this is not always the case. These two concepts are interrelated. The stronger you are physically, the more confidence, courage, and fortitude you have. But you can also meet many weak-willed people on your life’s path. Such people offend the weak and small, do not respect their elders, and are very afraid of even the slightest danger. Such weak-willed people will never defend themselves, but to offend them is a mere trifle.

From childhood we must learn that the most important thing is courage and pride. Otherwise, there will not be a single ounce of fortitude, and all human vices will only intensify with each passing day. But if suddenly you missed the time when it was worth taking care of yourself, it doesn’t matter! Start training willpower, physical strength, do something crazy, but do it in such a way as to feel that you are a person with enormous fortitude, develop it, instill it in your children. If every person becomes even a little stronger in spirit, the whole Earth will be transformed in an instant. People must learn to respect and love others, be less afraid of danger, and do more strong and courageous things. Then we will definitely live much better. People will stop trembling before changes, we will become stronger and this inner strength will propel us to great things.

Try to become stronger in spirit, help someone you know who needs your support and support, help your parents, protect the weak, and you will see how the world will transform and sparkle with new colors. Also tell your friends to urgently begin to develop themselves both internally and physically, and then you will definitely become the strongest in spirit!

Option 2

From various examples of art we can learn about what fortitude is. There are also many examples from everyday life when such quality is manifested.

Of course, history is written by the winners and they often embellish their own merits. Sometimes some people’s actions are idealized, and everyday life is presented as strength of spirit. However, there are truly phenomenal feats that could only be accomplished by people with fortitude.

For me, such an example is the act of Tsar Alexander III, who with his own hands held the roof of the carriage in which he was traveling and held it until the others got out. Perhaps there is some exaggeration here, but it seems to me that this feat really was like that and in fact the king showed, so to speak, his royal nature.

By the way, in my opinion, strength of spirit largely determines one’s position in society and the attitude of other people. It is difficult to become a truly respected person and a truly valuable person in society without this quality. The amazing thing about this property is the ability to feel the strength of the spirit with some special feeling.

No one has a special measuring device, however, it is often easy to understand from a person whether he has fortitude or vice versa. This parameter can be developed and trained. After all, it is unlikely that anyone who has accomplished a feat or something similar has previously developed their own spirit at all.

On the contrary, fortitude is given only to people who constantly cultivate this quality. In many ways, it can even be the opposite of physical strength.

Some bodybuilder may develop muscles and be able to lift heavy dumbbells, but he will chicken out even in the slightest danger or “come apart” in a difficult situation. On the other hand, there are spiritually strong people who are not distinguished by outstanding physical strength, but at the same time they always behave confidently. Such confidence is often explained by understanding the world.

A person who develops spiritual strength understands the primacy of the spirit over the material, in particular over the body. Such people do not pay attention to their own body; they are more focused on their inner world and their own spirit.

Example from life

If you need to give an example of people in whom life has cultivated fortitude by forcibly putting weapons in their hands for self-defense, then first of all, of course, the Great Patriotic War comes to mind.

Young girls - partisans who, having been captured, were tortured to death, but never betrayed their comrades - this is an example of true courage and dedication.

Fighters who throw themselves in front of bullets to fight for what they believe in, for what they love - this is an example of true courage.

Mothers, day and night waiting for their sons at the doorstep, starving, but saving the last piece of bread for children who may return - this is what can be called real strength of spirit.

People experiencing terrible wartime deserve not only respect, but also admiration and worship. Not many offspring of the modern generation will be able to repeat what those who disappeared into oblivion did.

Thinking about others first, caring about your neighbors, putting other people's interests above your own and overcoming difficulties - this is what real fortitude is.

Essay Strength of Spirit

Strength of spirit, or willpower, is an abstract concept that is often used for edifying purposes, given as an example to follow, but, unfortunately, in everyday life it is less common than it deserves. Of course, we all know the examples of impeccable will, strong actions, nobility and heroism that evoke admiration and admiration, with which the history of war times is rich. But these were difficult and cruel times. Is it worth measuring the strength of the spirit on the scales of adversity? Do you necessarily need special circumstances in order to strengthen and demonstrate your character? Or is willpower training an everyday practice, an integral part of daily decisions made and actions taken?

What is fortitude in the context of everyday life?

First of all, this is the ability to confront your fears, losses, pain and despair, the ability to persevere with failures and, using them as the basis for your personal growth, move on. And you don’t have to look far for an example. Russian, and not only Russian, athletes, participants in the Paralympic Games, who captivated the audience at the last Olympics, are the best demonstration of the triumph of human will and the desire to win.

There is another component of strength of character and spiritual depth - this is the ability to perform noble deeds for the sake of other people. There can be countless examples here, although at first glance they are insignificant: giving up your seat on the subway, protecting the weak, helping an unfamiliar passerby. One of the most romantic and kind deeds in the name of loved ones is described in O. Henry’s short story “The Gift of the Magi.” Each of the characters in this work sacrificed for the sake of the other the most precious thing he had. Such an act is a priceless gift that elevates the one who performs it.

Speaking about willpower and character, it is worth remembering that every new day can become for us a simulator for self-education and a new step to the heights of the spirit.

Reasoning with an example from literature

Fortitude is a quality of a person that helps him survive in the most difficult conditions. Without this property, people most often find themselves in a difficult situation, suffer, and get into trouble. Let's consider this statement using literary examples.

Many heroes of works dedicated to the Great Patriotic War have fortitude. The work of M.A. Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man” also talks about this. The main character has experienced a lot of suffering in his life. In his youth, he lost his relatives; they died during the Civil War from hunger and disease. In his younger years, he devoted all his strength to restoring the destroyed farm. Happiness came to him in family life. Your own home, a friendly family, a loving wife, children, a job that captivated you. Everything was destroyed in an instant, war came.

From the first days, Sokolov was called to the front. During a shell shock he is captured. It was precisely his firmness, fortitude, and ability to withstand very difficult conditions of captivity, bullying, and monstrous work that allowed him not to break and to remain human. Andrei did not allow the enemy to humiliate him, did not bow to Muller even under the threat of death. For this courage, the Nazis spare his life and reward him with bread and a piece of lard. Strength of spirit allows Sokolov to escape from captivity, taking his tongue with him. However, not all his troubles are over. At home, terrible news awaits the soldier. His family died during the bombing; a shell hit the house, which was located next to the plant. There remains one thread connecting him with his former life. This is the son Anatoly, who is fighting in Germany. On the last day of the war, Sokolov's son dies. Terrible despair and melancholy settles in the hero’s heart. He cannot find a place for himself in life. It seemed that he had no future, only memories remained. At night he can photograph his wife and daughters. Sokolov goes to visit a fellow soldier and lives with his family. One day Andrei sees a boy at the tea shop. He finds out that Vanyushka is an orphan. Then Andrei decides to take the boy as his son. He understands that it was not in vain that fate brought together these two people lost because of the war. Only now does the old soldier begin to thaw, only now does he see that life goes on. After all, Vanyushka needs Andrei. Having such a valuable quality for life as fortitude, he himself taught his son to be strong and cope with difficulties.

Thus, we can say that fortitude turned out to be precisely the property that allows you to cope with any difficulties, not fall into despair, withstand all the difficulties that befall you, and remain human.

9th grade. OGE. 15.3

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What is the strength of the spirit?

How does strength of spirit manifest itself?

1. Strength of spirit is one of the main qualities that makes a person strong not only physically, but also morally. I believe that it consists of self-confidence, determination, perseverance, perseverance, inflexibility and faith in the best.

The text by L. Ovchinnikova tells what extraordinary strength of spirit the children who survived the terrible siege of Leningrad have. Many children lost their childhood. Some buried loved ones, others had to face death more than once. But no one lost heart! To support and instill confidence in their own abilities, the guys performed in front of the city’s defenders. This demonstrated the strength of spirit of Leningrad schoolchildren.

One summer, my friends and I went into the forest to pick berries. They themselves did not notice how they had wandered far into the thicket. Soon it got dark. We were very scared, we thought that we would not get back, in general, everyone was in a panic, some were crying and swearing. Only one boy, a little older than us, began to calm everyone down, behaved boldly, gave his warm clothes to those who were cold, took on the heavy things of the others and walked forward, paving the way for us, and we barely trailed behind him. Finally, we got home normally. This is the strength of spirit.

Thus, a person’s fortitude manifests itself in an extreme situation, forcing him to find a way out of a difficult situation, look into the future with optimism, and overcome life’s adversities.

2. Strength of spirit is one of the main qualities of a person, active determination to achieve a goal, overcoming any obstacles. I believe that it consists of the formation of will, perseverance, and perseverance.

Thus, the text by the writer S.P. Alekseev talks about people who survived the siege of Leningrad. In order not to die of hunger, the people prepared food from everything that was left. Despite the fact that sometimes the food tasted disgusting, everyone ate it to preserve life. Even small children were never capricious. They, having experienced the blockade, understood that it was not easy for everyone. Leningraders stood until the last, dying of hunger and cold, but still did not believe in the possibility that the Germans would capture the city. This showed the strength of spirit of the blockade survivors.

B. Vasilyev’s story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” tells about young women who took on an unequal battle with saboteurs. Each of them wanted a happy life, but the defense of the Motherland came first. By sacrificing themselves and showing strength of spirit, the heroines proved that it is important to fight to the end and be faithful to their Fatherland.

Thus, fortitude is the greatest quality of a person, which teaches, no matter what, to resist adversity and move forward towards the intended goal.

3. Strength of spirit is one of the main qualities of a person, which consists of self-confidence, perseverance, perseverance and faith in the best. It forces people to find a way out of difficult situations and overcome adversity.

In the text by Yu.Ya. Yakovlev tells about grandfather Peshekhodov. His sons defended our country with courage and bravery during the Great Patriotic War. It seemed to my father that Semyon and Vasily stood until their last breath where particularly heated battles took place. This is Stalingrad, and the Kursk Bulge, and Berlin. His brave sons succeeded everywhere, but they could not return home... At the end of the text, we understand that the old man Pedestrians considered all the soldiers of the Soviet army to be his children. It is no coincidence that he said: “My sons sleep in all the soldiers’ graves. All over our native land."

The legendary pilot Alexei Meresyev, the hero of “The Tale of a Real Man” by B. Polevoy, also possessed extraordinary fortitude. During the Great Patriotic War, his plane was shot down, and the pilot, who had been crawling for several days to join his own people, suffered frostbite on his legs, which were later amputated. But Meresyev did not lose heart and, overcoming the pain, first learned to walk, then to dance, and then to fly! Thanks to his extraordinary fortitude, the pilot was able to return to the skies and continue to defend our Fatherland.

In conclusion, I want to say that fortitude has more than once helped a person to overcome all difficulties and adversity. It was thanks to her, in my opinion, that our people were able to defend their independence.

4. Strength of spirit is one of the most important qualities of human character, formed through perseverance in overcoming difficulties. I believe that thanks to the strength of spirit, a person achieves his goals and fights adversity.

A man with a strong spirit is the hero of the text by L.E. Ulitskaya. A young soldier who lost an arm in the war becomes a teacher. Sacrificing his interests, he begins to teach philology to the village children. Despite all the pain he has suffered, not wanting to feel like an invalid, the hero does not give up and works on himself for the sake of the children’s future. This is where the strength of spirit of the village teacher manifests itself.

The story “Taras Bulba” by N.V. Gogol tells how the main character is captured by enemies, where he demonstrates the true willpower of a Cossack. Even near death did not break Taras’s spirit. Ignoring the growing fire approaching his feet, the chieftain thinks only about how to save his comrades. At the last moment, he shouts to warn the Cossacks about the danger, thereby saving their lives.

Thus, fortitude is extremely important for a person. It helps to withstand life's adversities, develops perseverance, loyalty and self-confidence.

5. Fortitude is a person’s active determination to achieve a goal, overcoming any obstacles. This is his high spiritual and mental fortitude. I believe that fortitude consists of the formation of will, stamina, and perseverance.

Ch.T. Aitmatov in the text talks about a boy and his father who died during the war years. While watching the film, Avalbök was proud of the Soviet soldiers, he knew that those people on the screen were strong in spirit, because they fought for their Motherland, for the future of the country, for the future of the people. This is where their fortitude was demonstrated.

The main character of M.A. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man,” Andrei Sokolov, has real resilience. The hero, while in captivity, shows strength of spirit in front of the German officer Müller, because he does not even allow the thought that he, a Soviet soldier, will chicken out and drink “to the victory of German weapons.”

Thus, fortitude is the unbending will, courage and courage of a person. The heroes of the Great Patriotic War were strong in spirit, they spared neither strength, nor health, nor life for the sake of Victory.

The Divine in Man

Much has been said about what fortitude is. This quality is often compared to willpower, or it is said that these two qualities go hand in hand. Human will is the ability to make decisions and strictly follow them. Fortitude is directly related to will, but it is more of an ideological concept.

The Slavic Magi of antiquity have a prayer. One of the quotes in it is about the strength of the spirit: “My body is a sheath for the blade of my spirit.” In many religious, as well as esoteric treatises, one and the same idea can be traced: the spirit is endowed with the nature of fire, or ether - that is, that place of the universe where the gods live. Regardless of concepts, this part of a person is considered to be given to him from above.

Some psychologists believe that alcoholics and drug addicts do not know what fortitude is. This is why the most expensive treatments are powerless against these addictions. From this follows the well-known principle that addiction cannot be cured - it only passes from one form to another. Therefore, a person can change as a person only by strengthening his spirit. Willpower is just one of the tools on the path to personal change.

V. P. Astafiev: an example of spiritual power

Also, an example of the strength of a person’s spirit can be found in the text of journalist G.K. Sapronov, who is also a member of the Association of Book Publishers of Russia. The author reveals this topic using the example of the biography of Viktor Petrovich Astafiev. He was able to go through many hardships in life - orphanhood, homelessness, the war years, as well as post-war poverty and devastation. However, he managed to cope with all the troubles and remain himself. At the same time, Astafiev worked tirelessly. Every day he sat down at his desk and completed the stories he created in order to feed his family. Despite all the hardships, he did not give up and continued to work for himself and his family. The author is confident that only a strong-willed person is able to endure all the trials of life, overcome obstacles along the way and at the same time preserve his best personal qualities. One cannot but agree with this position.

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