Essay on the topic What is love, grade 9 OGE 15.3

  • Essays
  • 9th grade OGE
  • What is love

Love is a feeling that simply cannot be expressed in words; it is a gift from God that every person can experience. It can turn one's head and push a person to dizzying actions and actions.

It is very interesting to watch couples in love, they look happy, their eyes shine with happiness and love. This special feeling simply inspires a person, revealing a lot of positive talents in him. Someone begins to sing, write poetry, play the guitar, and some simply draw warm and tender words on the asphalt, since lovers cannot hide their feelings, they need to shout to the whole world about them.

Love is a wonderful, magical feeling, but not for those who have experienced unhappy love. Their heart is simply broken into small pieces, which is very difficult and sometimes impossible to heal. It seems to them that there is no point in living any further, and everything around them has begun to look dreary and uninteresting, and no one at this moment can help or understand him. Only after a while the pain begins to subside, and only a deep mental wound remains, for life. It is possible that people who have suffered the loss of a loved one or separation will not be able to reciprocate this bright feeling for a long time, fearing new disappointments and mental pain.

Love is not just a beautiful word, but it is long and hard work on relationships. Having fallen in love with a person, people undertake to be together, in joy and sorrow, in wealth and poverty. But without mutual understanding, patience and respect, even the strongest bright feelings will not be able to exist for many years, without these important feelings, relationships will worsen every day, which will subsequently lead to a break in their relationship.

If there is no desire to work on relationships, then there is no point in starting them, because years later, looking at your life, in which there was nothing important and bright, your heart will ache with pain that the years were wasted. It is simply impossible to live without love.

Option 2

Love is a feeling of boundless trust and affection for a person. Love is often confused with falling in love. Should not be doing that. After all, love is a constant feeling that cannot disappear over time. She doesn't look at appearances or physical flaws. Even death is powerless against the feeling of love. Falling in love is a temporary infatuation that passes without even leaving a mark on the heart.

For a more accurate understanding of love, let us turn to L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” In it we can find a character named Marie Bolkonskaya. A girl with a wonderful inner world, very well read and intelligent, she, alas, has a bad appearance. And this, at first glance, really bothers her. Throughout the novel, Princess Marie suffers from her shortcomings. The grooms who come to woo her look only at her dowry, and are horrified by her. And it would seem that she cannot experience feelings of love because of her appearance. But in the end, there was someone who loved her for who she was. This will be an example of true love.

You can often hear that someone suffers from unrequited love. This is self-deception. True love can only arise when it is mutual. Unrequited feelings are falling in love, which knows how to disguise itself well and torment a person, suppress him, but as soon as the lover waits a little, the pain, torment, and feelings for the person disappear, without leaving even a trace on the soul. They fall in love many times, especially in their youth. And they love only one. When a teenager talks about love, he, first of all, means a partner who would understand him, with whom he could share his thoughts and experiences. And when such a partner does not live up to his expectations, the teenager begins to feel sad, thinking that he feels unrequited love.

To summarize, we can say that love is a feeling that occurs only once in a lifetime. She does not look at the physical shell, because she sees right through the spiritual shell. Love does not torment a person and does not make him suffer. She revives his soul, helps him move forward. Love inspires a person and helps him in his development on the path of life. Love does many wonderful things in our world. If everyone treats the people around them with love, our world will become bright, light and beautiful.

What is love briefly and clearly

Let's consider how many people briefly and clearly explain what they think love means.

  • Love is like falling into a big pool of warm chocolate. It's exciting, warm and sweet. This is probably the best emotional thing that can happen to a person. It’s a wonderful feeling when you are in “seventh heaven”, happy, calm and satisfied with your partner.
  • Nothing else has such an impact, where the smallest things become the trigger for a thousand lyrical images. It's like synesthesia for everything related to that person. For example, interpreted words in one's favor, the mention of a loved one's name causes a rush of blood to the head or "butterflies in the stomach."
  • This feeling, due to a strong passion for another person, can motivate you to become a better version of yourself. This is the meaning of love.
  • She is selfless and doesn't want anything in return because she doesn't need anything. When you love someone, you don't just seek to satisfy your own needs or desires. If you are looking for this in love, then you are simply using another person.
  • Love presupposes confidence in a person whom you can absolutely count on in any difficulties and under any circumstances. It certainly makes you feel good inside. The presence of such a person next to you gives you complete trust in him and a feeling of comfort. Your heart constantly whispers compliments to your loved one. Because love never brings pain and never makes you cry bitterly.
  • What is love? This means that the couple has become so inseparable, in good times and bad, as if they were one. They love each other's differences, appreciating them for what they are. Love is the feeling that something is missing after a breakup and the realization of how mutually good you are when you are together. This is complete acceptance of the one you love with all his weaknesses and strengths. When you allow someone to be who they are without any belief that they are not good enough.

Essay on the topic of Love

What is love? Probably every person asks himself this question sooner or later. But not everyone finds the answer.

I asked myself this question as soon as I turned five. Then I gave love this definition: “This is when mom and dad pay a lot of attention to you and buy sweets and toys.”

At eight years old I asked myself this question again. I have grown a little, which means my worldview has also changed. But even then, my definition of love was far from ideal: “It’s when a boy stands up for a girl and gives her a chocolate bar.”

And, probably, only at the age of 15 did I come to understand love. “This is when someone feels such a strong feeling towards you that they are ready to do anything.” Yes, this is exactly the definition. Moreover, it can refer to all types of love. After all, not only a man and a woman can love each other. This can be done by friends, sisters, brothers, mother and daughter, father and son. There are many types of love that we simply do not pay attention to. However, in each of them, someone makes sacrifices.

So, what is love? I've read that it's a feeling that makes your heart beat faster. This is when you feel hot and cold, like when you have a cold. When your breathing stops and you feel like your chest is being squeezed by an invisible force. Love is sparks all over your body. These are lightning on your fingertips, tenderness on your face and determination in your eyes. For the sake of love, people are ready to go to great lengths. Even for murder. Or self-sacrifice. At least that's what they always do in novels. Someone loves another so much that they are ready to suffer themselves, just so as not to hurt their loved one. When we love, we forget about ourselves. We completely surrender to the embrace of fate. Our thoughts are focused on one person. When we wake up in the morning, the first thing we think about is him. If he has problems, we run to help. And this is absolutely natural. After all, if you really love, the other person becomes more valuable than you.

By the way, about love. It's no secret that the greatest love is a mother's. But, unfortunately, we are all looking for another species. Love of a woman and a man. We all know what it is. It's holding your breath, a little fear, and a belly full of butterflies. People have been chasing this love for so long that sometimes they don’t notice it very close. But you just need to open your eyes a little and look around. Love everywhere. We just don’t notice it and trample it in people’s hearts.

What is love? All definitions of this beautiful feeling

  • Love is two legs under a blanket.
  • Love is when you make great sacrifices for the sake of your loved one.
  • Love is the sweetness of the lips, the tenderness of the hands, and the madness in the soul, which slowly turns into madness.
  • Love is self-sacrifice for its own sake.
  • Love is an indescribable feeling that can lift you to Olympus and give you the opportunity to feel wings behind your back.
  • Love is a bright, unselfish feeling, touching, fragile, tender and childishly naive... the best thing on earth...
  • Love is when you feel the feeling of love, the whole world turns pink in your eyes. No scientist has yet given a clear definition of love. Nobody knows what “love” is and how to derive its exact formula. Many are waiting for it, looking for it, finding it, losing it and looking for it again... But that’s why it’s a dream, to strive for it!
  • Love is when there is nothing superfluous, when everything is there and nothing else is needed.
  • Love is the most sublime feeling that strongly connects you with a person... when you realize that you have found him... and you don’t see anyone else around... when you can’t live without him for a second... you want this person to be around all your life.... and it becomes your life... love is the meaning of life for me... and you can talk about it endlessly.
  • Love is when you are next to someone and you feel happy.
  • Love is a high positive attitude; the center of a person’s attention is love. Love varies in depth, strength for something or someone. The feeling of love is often deeply intimate. Love can cause very strong illnesses, such as feverish love. It can also be platonic. Love is an emotional feeling that provides optimal opportunities.

  • Love is like the wind, you can’t see it, but you feel it...
  • Love is always patient and kind, it is never jealous. Love is not boastful and vain, rude and selfish. She is not offended and does not offend.
  • True love is like life, given once and for all!
  • Love is an element that is comparable only to death. If you love you are ready to do anything and only death can stop...
  • Love is communication, joyful for both, but incomprehensible to everyone.
  • Love is the purest, most pleasant feeling on earth, and at the same time a complex and sometimes very incomprehensible feeling.
  • Just one word “love” can turn the whole world upside down.
  • Love is the very thread that connects two souls.
  • Love is the selfless desire to make someone happy! My definition reflects the deep essence of this feeling and helps to distinguish it from all other feelings, and most importantly from passion! Passion is a strong feeling that dominates a person’s other impulses, subordinating all his thoughts, feelings and desires to focus on the subject of passion. Passion is characterized by stability, intensity, and purposefulness.
  • Love is what makes a person live.
  • Love is a sacrifice for the sake of the beloved.
  • Love turns you upside down and changes you both inside and out.
  • Love is something that cannot be expressed in a single word. So know, if there are such signs, you have found the most expensive gold in your life. Be careful not to lose it!!!
  • Love creates problems that need to be solved together.
  • Love is when you give yourself and rejoice when they take you.
  • Love is the meaning for which we came here; love is above all emotions, it is an element that can do a lot. Love can only be compared with another force. With death.
  • Love is when a husband gets up at 4 o'clock in the morning to calm a crying child and tries not to wake up his beloved.
  • Love is fidelity, devotion, tenderness and crazy sex.
  • Love is the real and only correct state of a person.
  • Love is a state of mind when you cannot live without your loved one, he is necessary like air, like life, and the moment of separation from him seems like an eternity...
  • Love is when two people in love do not look at each other, but look in the same direction.
  • Love destroys the most sacred things in a person: “PRIDE” and “PRIDE”.
  • Love is a game in which you always cheat.
  • Love is the totality of perfection...
  • Love is a feeling that frees you from all the heaviness and pain of life...
  • Love is when you don't care about prejudices and other people's opinions. You and he (or she) and that's it.
  • Love is an attitude free from any coercion, full of care, warmth and dedication, it is a relationship in which people love absolutely and unconditionally, they devote themselves entirely to the well-being of the other, his comfort and development, they give each other the opportunity to avoid pain, loneliness and longing, provide each other with the opportunity for self-dissolution.
  • Happiness is when you are loved as you are, no more, no less!

Essay 4

People have been interested in this question at all times. Each person understands this feeling in their own way.

Textbooks on psychology, philosophy and pedagogy divide the concept of love into varieties: love for parents, for the homeland, for God, for animals, romantic love, and so on.

The great minds of ancient and modern times considered love to be the basis of life, the cornerstone of all living things. This sacred feeling fills everything that happens around with meaning.

Romantic love can be considered the most mysterious and incomprehensible. Crazy acts that could change the course of history were committed driven by this feeling. Remember, for example, the ancient Greek story about the beautiful Helen and Paris, their love was the cause of the Trojan War.

Our ancestors tried not only to explain love, but also to “humanize” it, like many other surrounding phenomena. The ancient Greeks had the goddess of love as Aphrodite, in Ancient Rome as Venus, and in Ancient Egypt as Hathor.

True love can fill a person with energy, which is certainly good. True love does not receive, but gives, it is selfless.

One of the varieties of love can be revealed in the concept of “narcissism”. Narcissism is self-love. In such love one can trace the beginnings of selfishness and egocentrism. But, meanwhile, narcissism is not a bad feeling; a person needs it, to one degree or another. Self-love reveals such aspects of personality as charisma and attractiveness to others.

Love is a feeling that is both destructive and creative at the same time. There is no person in the world to whom this state of mind is unfamiliar. And explaining what love is is like unraveling the phenomenon of the emergence of life on Earth. Love simply exists, and only this can be accepted as a fact. But since the human mind is inquisitive and multifaceted, we will never stop looking for answers to questions that are incomprehensible to us.

They have written and will write about love at all times. This topic is surprisingly vast and gives unlimited flights of imagination. This fundamental feeling is revealed in different manifestations in every work of any author, without exception. My favorites: “The Thorn Birds”, “Gone with the Wind”, “Eugene Onegin”.

Essay About Love

Love is devotion to a loved one, real and sincere feelings. People who truly love and appreciate each other will overcome all obstacles together, they will support each other, no matter what difficulties and circumstances. Love is what will give you faith and confidence in your own abilities in any situation. There are many works in fiction where love is shown.

One of these works is L. N. Tolstoy’s story “Anna Karenina”. The wealthy landowner Konstantin Levin loved Katerina Shcherbatskaya and decided to propose to her, but was refused. After a year of separation and endless worries and thoughts, Konstantin decides one evening to try his luck a second time. So, he learned that Kitty had loved him all this time, but could not understand herself and her feelings. After the wedding, the newlyweds moved to Levin’s estate, where Katerina could not feel comfortable: she lacked the attention and care of her husband. The first three months of marriage were a real test for the family, consisting of quarrels and misunderstandings. But true and true love helped them find a way out of the situation. The desire to solve problems keeps the family together and makes it happy. They discuss their differences, concluding that the quarrel was minor.

In addition, the manifestation of love is found in the work of L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”. Marya and Nikolai Rostov met during the war. Bolkonskaya was hiding in an estate in Bogucharovo when the French approached it. At this time, Nikolai Rostov arrives there and helps Marya leave the estate. After this meeting, both of their lives change completely. Marya's main dream has come true: she has a family, a person whom she sincerely loves and is ready to sacrifice herself for him. This marriage also had a beneficial effect on Nikolai: he joined a quiet family life. Thus, love helped young people solve the problems and hardships existing in their lives, it fulfilled their dreams.

To summarize, we can conclude that true love helps people overcome difficulties. By enduring hardships together, feelings are tested and love grows stronger and stronger, and people are more and more willing to make sacrifices for each other.

About Love (essay No. 3)

What is love anyway? What do we know about her?

Some will say that this is the most wonderful feeling, while others will say that this is all nonsense and it was impossible to come up with anything more stupid.

Love is the most mysterious emotional manifestation in people. It is so ingrained among us that it is difficult to imagine life without this feeling.

And it is this feeling that pushes many to stupid, reckless actions. It was as if a sticky fog had seeped into our minds and distorted our thoughts and perceptions. We begin to follow emotions, without listening to the arguments of common reason. Lovers are ready to do rash things, and a mother will always do anything for the sake of her beloved child.

You can turn to examples from literature to prove crazy things done for the sake of love. The same Mayakovsky, in whose place hardly anyone would have decided to live with his beloved and her husband. This seems stupid.

In the work of Alexander Kuprin “Garnet Bracelet” there is also a worthy example. How unrequitedly and madly Zheltkov loved the prince’s wife. And how did it all end? The man kept his warmest feelings for the woman for a long time, and once sent her a birthday gift - a garnet bracelet. The faithful wife, of course, told everything to her husband, and he, in turn, urgently asked the unrequited lover to take the gift and stop writing letters. The price of love for Zheltkov was his own life. Reckless actions destroy, and this example clearly shows us this.

In Leo Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina, the main character gives up everything and leaves home in order to be with her beloved. The woman understands that there is no turning back and she will no longer be able to see her son, but she still follows her feelings. How did it end in Anna's case? She couldn’t decide what was more important to her: passion or her own child. Another death in the name of love.

I guess reason and love are always fighting each other. But it is worth noting that the voice of reason is not always right. Many great deeds were accomplished because of such a strong feeling as love.

So is love reasonable? Is there a place for reason when a person is in love?

Rather, “love” and “reason” do not go well together. In times of blind or even crazy love, we rarely think about the consequences and are ready to do anything for our loved one to make him happy. When a person loves, then love destroys all common sense.


From time immemorial, such a strong and deep feeling as love has been sung by creative people. A huge number of songs are dedicated to love, poems are written, films are made, paintings are painted... They have talked about it and will continue to talk about it. This topic is vast and gives unlimited scope for imagination, evoking a whole range of emotions, sensations and impulses. But what is love?

Sometimes love is confused with falling in love. However, love is a constant feeling that cannot evaporate over time. Falling in love, in turn, is a temporary attraction that passes over time without leaving a deep mark on the soul. You can fall in love several times, but love only once and for all. It is worth considering that in love you must be able not only to accept this very love, but also to give it away.

Love is not just a beautiful word, but something more... It is a great and deep feeling that implies long and painstaking work on relationships. Without such important components as mutual understanding, respect and trust, it is impossible to maintain a relationship for many years. Love does not torment a person and does not make him suffer, but on the contrary, it revives and inspires his soul. She is able to fill people with energy, kindness and faith. Love is a feeling of unconditional trust and affection for a person, which helps him move exclusively forward. Without trust, she goes far and for a long time, so you shouldn’t lie to each other. Only by truly loving do we become kinder, more patient, wiser and nobler.

But do not forget that love can be not only for another person. There is also love for the Motherland, home, interesting books, pets, nature and much more. Perhaps this love is not in the high sense of the word, which becomes the subject of eternal discussion of great minds, but it is also priceless. Therefore, it is very important to show love to all living things in this world, because it helps not to give up and move on. Love is around us throughout our lives, it can be found at every step and in every word, even if it is not so easy to notice.

To summarize, we can safely conclude that true love is possible only once in a lifetime. Without this feeling it is impossible to live a happy and fulfilling life. This is a high, pure and beautiful feeling that absorbs and elevates a person. Without it it is impossible to live a happy and fulfilling life.

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