Essay about a dog (my favorite animal) 5th grade

Hello, help me with an essay for 5th grade on the topic: “My favorite animal”

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Thinker (6130) 2 years ago

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Tatyana Poetova

Student (220) 2 years ago My favorite animal is a cat.
Her name is Masha. Despite the fact that she came to us as an adult, we all became very attached to her, and she has long become a member of our family. One day I met my friend, and he told me that they had a cat living in their entrance that had recently the owner died, and she was kicked out into the street. I felt sorry for the animal, because it was not her fault at all for what happened, and besides, it was winter outside. A domestic cat not accustomed to frost could freeze to death. I told this story to my mother and persuaded her to adopt the cat, promising that I would take care of her myself. Mom thought a little and agreed, she also loves animals, and she didn’t want the cat to die. I brought her home, and, surprisingly, she immediately lay down on the bed, as if she had always slept there. Since then, Masha has been living with us. She is not a purebred, a simple black and white, but for us she is the best cat. Masha is very affectionate, she always allows herself to be petted, and sometimes even persistently demands it. The cat always sleeps with me. I really like to listen to her purr before bed. She also loves to “walk” on the windowsill, lie down, bask in the sun and look at everyone from the height of the eighth floor. Masha never does any mischief, she is very well-mannered. But at the same time he jealously guards his territory. In the summer we went to the dacha for a month and took her with us. Masha fought fierce battles with the surrounding cats and as a result, not a single one of them entered our area. And one day she caught a mouse and brought it to us, as if as a gift. Please note
: I am sure that this cat will be with us forever, we will never abandon her or kick her out.
I don’t understand how you can even throw an animal out into the street? On the contrary, I always want to shelter them all, it’s a pity that this is impossible. Maybe when I become an adult, I will organize a shelter for abandoned animals. I think that we are responsible for those we have tamed. Sasha Dmitrev
Student (139) 1 year ago My favorite animal is a cat. Her name is Masha. Despite the fact that she came to us as an adult, we all became very attached to her, and she has long become a member of our family. One day I met my friend, and he told me that they had a cat living in their entrance that had recently the owner died, and she was kicked out into the street. I felt sorry for the animal, because it was not her fault at all for what happened, and besides, it was winter outside. A domestic cat not accustomed to frost could freeze to death. I told this story to my mother and persuaded her to adopt the cat, promising that I would take care of her myself. Mom thought a little and agreed, she also loves animals, and she didn’t want the cat to die. I brought her home, and, surprisingly, she immediately lay down on the bed, as if she had always slept there. Since then, Masha has been living with us. She is not a purebred, a simple black and white, but for us she is the best cat. Masha is very affectionate, she always allows herself to be petted, and sometimes even persistently demands it. The cat always sleeps with me. I really like to listen to her purr before bed. She also loves to “walk” on the windowsill, lie down, bask in the sun and look at everyone from the height of the eighth floor. Masha never does any mischief, she is very well-mannered. But at the same time he jealously guards his territory. In the summer we went to the dacha for a month and took her with us. Masha fought fierce battles with the surrounding cats and as a result, not a single one of them entered our area. And one day she caught a mouse and brought it to us, as if as a gift.


I am sure that this cat will be with us forever, we will never abandon her or kick her out. I don’t understand how you can even throw an animal out into the street? On the contrary, I always want to shelter them all, it’s a pity that this is impossible. Maybe when I become an adult, I will organize a shelter for abandoned animals. I think that we are responsible for those we have tamed.

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Irina Ignatenko

Student (114) 1 year ago My faithful friend is a dog My favorite animal is a dog. Honestly, I really love all animals. I like cats, hamsters, fish, birds, and even pet rats, but the dog is my favorite animal. As they say, a dog is man's best friend. And I completely agree with this. Dogs bring happiness and joy to people. They are always very cheerful, always want to frolic and play with something, be it a ball or a simple bone. They protect the human home from strangers and protect their territory. It seems to me that dogs are very loyal to people, their owners. You can recall the legendary story of the dog Hachiko, who was left waiting for his long-dead owner. Hachiko is the ideal of a faithful, devoted dog. Moreover, dogs are very smart and easy to tame. Looking even into the eyes of a stray dog, you get the feeling that he understands everything, sees everything. It’s as if the dog’s own soul shines through the eyes. And who has never felt a sense of guilt when you see a stray hungry dog ​​looking pitifully right at you?

It seems to me that every person understands that dogs are one of the best animals. They are smart and bring joy to our lives. They guard our home, protect their owner and create comfort in the house. But the most important thing is that dogs are our faithful and devoted little brothers.

Sveta Kulikova

Student (109) 1 year agoMy favorite animal is a cat. Her name is Masha. Despite the fact that she came to us as an adult, we all became very attached to her, and she has long become a member of our family. One day I met my friend, and he told me that they had a cat living in their entrance that had recently the owner died, and she was kicked out into the street. I felt sorry for the animal, because it was not her fault at all for what happened, and besides, it was winter outside. A domestic cat not accustomed to frost could freeze to death. I told this story to my mother and persuaded her to adopt the cat, promising that I would take care of her myself. Mom thought a little and agreed, she also loves animals, and she didn’t want the cat to die. I brought her home, and, surprisingly, she immediately lay down on the bed, as if she had always slept there. Since then, Masha has been living with us. She is not a purebred, a simple black and white, but for us she is the best cat. Masha is very affectionate, she always allows herself to be petted, and sometimes even persistently demands it. The cat always sleeps with me. I really like to listen to her purr before bed. She also loves to “walk” on the windowsill, lie down, bask in the sun and look at everyone from the height of the eighth floor. Masha never does any mischief, she is very well-mannered. But at the same time he jealously guards his territory. In the summer we went to the dacha for a month and took her with us. Masha fought fierce battles with the surrounding cats and as a result, not a single one of them entered our area. And one day she caught a mouse and brought it to us, as if as a gift.


I am sure that this cat will be with us forever, we will never abandon her or kick her out. I don’t understand how you can even throw an animal out into the street? On the contrary, I always want to shelter them all, it’s a pity that this is impossible. Maybe when I become an adult, I will organize a shelter for abandoned animals. I think that we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Hero dogs and heart-warming stories of their devotion

My dog ​​Barney is a Labrador. It is light brown in color. Having a Labrador as a pet serves a dual purpose for us. We not only get a great friend who is always ready to play with you and have fun, but also a faithful guard for our home. I know that Barney will never allow a stranger to come into the house. Barney makes life brighter and safer.

Many people get pets and forget about them. We are not among those. Every member of my family cares deeply about Barney and always makes time for him, coming up with fun ways to have fun together.

We also know that Barney is a very beautiful dog who deserves the best. Over the past 5 years he has participated in three exhibitions. We have prepared a presentation of our favorite for them. We are proud of Barney: he won all the competitions. At the time of the first exhibition, Barney was only 10 months old. He was a very active puppy and therefore managed to win the obstacle race ahead of all competitors. During the second competition, he was 2 years old and won the bird hunt. The third time he participated in the race again and took a podium place. At that time, Barney was 4 years old.

“My favorite animal” - an essay about a pet:

Almost every child has a pet or dreams of one. Therefore, homework such as writing an essay “My Favorite Animal” will not cause difficulties for schoolchildren. The most important thing is to approach the question responsibly and write an essay from the bottom of your heart, fully conveying your thoughts.

What should an essay be like for a school student?

Every student, no matter what grade he is in, must understand how to do his homework correctly. An essay about your favorite animal should be:

  • Written according to a pre-planned plan.
  • Be of the correct structure.
  • Completely convey the idea that should be conveyed in the essay.
  • Have an introduction, main body and conclusion.

Of course, each of the school students once received homework such as writing an essay. Therefore, they understand in general terms how this task should be completed.

Essay plan

Moms and dads can make it easier for their son or daughter to complete a task such as writing the essay “My Favorite Animal.” They can do this by suggesting to the child the correctness and order of transmission of thoughts in a creative task. A standard essay plan is usually like this:

  1. Introduction. This part talks about why it is so important to love animals and for what qualities the writer loves certain representatives of the animal world.
  2. The main part of the essay should include information about what animal the person writing the assignment has at home. Here you can also talk about what kind of animal you would like to get if you don’t have one yet.
  3. Conclusions. In the last part of the essay, it is written about why it is so important to treat pets with love, about how important people are to animals.

This is a rough outline of the essay. Of course, depending on the age and creative abilities of the child, parents can offer their son or daughter a more detailed plan.

Essay “My Favorite Animal” for elementary grades

Schoolchildren of the first, second or third grade may well receive a creative assignment home, in which they will need to convey thoughts about what role our little brothers play in human life. The essay “My Favorite Animal” for elementary grades could be as follows:

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Essay on the topic: “My favorite pet”

I always dreamed that we would have some kind of animal in our house. I especially liked the kittens, such soft fluffy lumps. I asked almost every day to give me such a furry friend. Finally my dream came true. I couldn’t even believe my eyes when my mother came home from work and was holding a little kitten in her hands.

He was unusual, but purebred, he sat like a sphinx - he was a Cornish Rex. The kitten stroked itself very attractively. The muzzle was similar to a bat, or more precisely, to a fairy-tale elf. The fur is velvety, with small waves, and the color is black and white.

The kitten was only four weeks old and could fit in the palm of your hand. We named him Barsik. I'm glad that now I have a favorite pet. It turned out to be not very easy to care for him.

It was necessary to take care of purchasing special food, buy litter for the tray, and constantly change the contents in it.

A year has passed, and our Barsik has become an adult cat. Gradually his fur completely disappeared. The cat is always looking for warmer places. In winter, he sleeps and spends time near heating radiators. When it is turned off, he climbs into bed under a warm blanket.

In the morning he wakes up first, comes to my bed and starts rubbing against my hand and purring happily. Waiting to be fed. If you don’t get up in time, he starts making noise: rustling bags, dropping small objects on the floor, drawing attention to himself.

Therefore, you have to not be lazy, look into the refrigerator and feed your beloved pet.


Everyone at home loves him because he has a cheerful character. He is very playful, somewhat reminiscent of a dog. Barsik loves to run around the room, climb onto the mezzanine, and meow loudly from above. Our cat is very sensitive to our family members. If something hurts, as soon as you lie down on the bed, Barsik immediately comes up and begins to calm you down and purr.

My cat's favorite pastime is to warm up on a sunny day on the windowsill. Usually he tries to stretch to its full length. He is also very curious, watching what is happening outside the window. He is especially not indifferent to the birds that fly to the cornice. Watches other street cats with interest.

It’s simply impossible not to love a cat like our Barsik. He always meets you in the corridor. He cannot stand loneliness, so when you come home he is always nearby. At the first opportunity, he tries to sit on his lap and sleep. We try to take good care of our most beloved pet.


Option 4

It’s not for nothing that a dog is said to be man’s best friend. Her devotion knows no bounds. This is the creature for whom you are all life. She is ready to give her life for you. Coming home, I see joyful eyes that are filled with sincere love and devotion. She worries with me when I’m in a bad mood and rejoices when I’m positive.

She very subtly senses any fluctuation in my mood.

I can't help but be pleased by the fact that dogs only recognize one owner throughout their lives. This once again shows their devotion to man.

Any pet is a full-fledged member of the family, but only a dog will be completely happy about this, because its distant ancestors have a herd lifestyle and a strict hierarchy.

Any dog ​​needs training, and I can safely be proud that I take part in it, enjoying the results of my work when it follows my commands. At such moments, I feel an incredible connection between my four-legged friend and me.

A short story about the dog Barsik

In one village, a dog lived in the courtyard of an ordinary house. And the dog's name was Barsik. According to the old Russian tradition, man's friend sat on a chain day and night. In front of him stood a bowl of water, blackened by age, and a plate of porridge boiled in chicken bone broth. Next to the dog kennel there was a pen with pockmarked, shabby chickens.

Either because the chain was too short, or because of the close proximity of brainless chickens, or simply because of the vicissitudes and injustices of a dog’s life, Barsik was always very angry. A hundred times a day (no less) he would burst into such wild barking that neighbors from the surrounding houses cautiously locked their flimsy doors, and pedestrians passing along the street tried to get away as quickly as possible.

Guest (like a bone)

One day, a very intelligent relative came from the capital city to visit the residents of the house in whose courtyard Barsik lived. This man saw rural life only on TV, and read a lot about it in books. Having seen the conditions in which the dog was kept, he immediately began to lecture the owners. He appealed to their humanity and swore by the Society for the Protection of Nature.

In the end, humanism won. The badger was moved away from the chickens, a new kennel was built for him, and he was fed decent canned dog food.

But some time passed, and the owners noticed that the dog was sad. He no longer barked furiously into the void, did not twitch back and forth on his chain, and generally did not show signs of a normal healthy creature. He just lay all day on the ground, putting his front paws under his head and looking at the world with sadness.

Since the city relative had already left, the owners decided to return the dog to its original place. Maybe it will help. And indeed a miracle happened. Barsik went wild, barked and began to resemble himself.

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