What does it mean to be a citizen of a state? What does it mean to be a citizen of Russia

A mandatory attribute of any state is its population. Without a huge array of people, a country simply has no legal status or weight in the international arena. However, the question arises about how people consider themselves to be the population of a particular state? Initially, scientists put forward the theory that each country is a separate ethnic community. But what then are such large multinational state titans as the USA or Russia?

It follows that ethnic theory is completely unsuitable for explaining a person’s belonging to a particular country. With the development of democracy and law in general, a concept was invented that fully characterizes a person as a part of a certain state. In this article we will examine in detail the term “citizenship” as a legal regime and the internal ideology of a person.

Citizenship as a legal status

Many people wonder what it means to be a citizen. The theory of constitutional law answers it in detail. A citizen is a person endowed with citizenship, and citizenship, in turn, is a stable, unbreakable bond based on law, which is expressed by the presence of mutual rights, duties and responsibilities. Thus, citizenship is a legal regime in which a person is a citizen of a certain state. In constitutional law, citizenship acts as an institution enshrined in the fundamental law of the country - the constitution.

Historical reference

At the beginning of the 19th century, there was no concept of citizenship in Tsarist Russia. The equivalent was citizenship. According to the law, subjects were divided into several categories:

  • natural;
  • foreigners;
  • Finnish residents.

The law associates significant differences in responsibilities and rights with membership in a particular group.

In addition, the legislation divided natural subjects into non-taxable and taxable people. People exempt from taxation could have freedom of movement and had unlimited passports. People of tax status were limited in such rights.

The concept of citizenship changed completely after the 1917 revolution. The Decree of November 11 of this year declared that all classes previously existing in the country were destroyed, and a single name was proclaimed for the population of the country - citizen of the Russian Federation.

The first Constitution of the Russian Federation approved a resolution on obtaining and changing the rights of citizenship of the Russian Federation and on the opportunities for foreigners in Russia.

The Constitution of 1977 regulated legal relations related to citizenship in the Soviet Union on a larger scale. An important principle of citizenship received constitutional expression: citizens of the Soviet Union abroad can enjoy the protection of their government.

The 1993 Constitution in certain points approved provisions that related to citizenship, or more precisely: single citizenship of the Russian Federation, the possibility of leaving the country, granting asylum, the possibility of obtaining dual citizenship, rights for foreigners and stateless people.

Types of citizenship

Previously, in some monarchical states, citizenship was in the form of the institution of citizenship. This legal regime is determined by the connection of a person with a special monarch, and not with the state. Such a legal model is characterized by a deep anti-democratic meaning, because the citizen is responsible to a special, and not a socio-political structure in the form of a state. Today, in many countries, citizenship has been replaced by citizenship, since the latter is a more thoughtful and functional institution.

Process of acquiring citizenship

So, we found out above that a person must have a legal connection with the state, which allows him to understand what it means to be a citizen. But the legal institution of citizenship does not arise just like that. There are certain ways to acquire it, namely:

  • Filiation. This is a method of obtaining citizenship based on a person's birth. There are several types of filiation: by right of blood, soil and inheritance.
  • The following method is applicable in cases where a person is, in fact, a citizen of another country, but wants to acquire citizenship of another state. This type is called naturalization. There are two types of such acquisition of citizenship: registration and grant.
  • International law also distinguishes two types of obtaining citizenship: transfer (the territory of one state comes under the control of another) and option (the choice of citizenship by a person when crossing the border).

Ways to terminate citizenship

In some cases, a person's citizenship may be terminated. The legislation of states around the world provides for the following possibilities for this:

  1. Renunciation of citizenship. This opportunity is exercised exclusively at the initiative of the citizen. In many states, the institution of refusal is a novelty, because many constitutions establish an “unbreakable” connection between their citizens and the country. In the Russian Federation, renunciation of citizenship is prohibited unless a person provides evidence of acquiring the citizenship of another state.
  2. There is a certain type of liability that involves depriving a person of citizenship. Many countries have abandoned this opportunity, but this sanction is effective against people who have committed anti-state crimes. Deprivation of citizenship must be distinguished from expatriation, in which a person is expelled from the territorial borders of the state.
  3. There are times when a person expresses a desire to enter into a legal relationship with another country in order to receive a new package of rights and obligations. To do this, a change of citizenship is made.

Opt-out options

In certain situations, citizenship may be terminated. The legislation of countries around the world provides the following possibilities for this procedure:

  1. Voluntary refusal. This opportunity is only available directly upon personal request. In most countries, the institution of refusal is considered only a novelty, since basically the constitution enshrines the “unbreakable” connection between the state and the population of the country. In the Russian Federation, renunciation of citizenship is prohibited in cases where a person does not have evidence of obtaining citizenship of another state.
  2. There is a certain type of responsibility that involves deprivation of citizenship. Most states have abandoned this option, but this type is considered effective for people who have committed crimes against the state. Deprivation must be distinguished from the concept of deportation, during which one is sent outside the country.
  3. There are also moments during which a person wishes to enter into legal relations with another state in order to obtain a new package of his duties and rights. This requires a change of citizenship.

The importance of the institution of citizenship in law

The development of democracy throughout the world has brought the institution of citizenship to the forefront. This indicates that the role of human rights and freedoms has increased significantly. Such changes have led to the fact that an ordinary person is able to influence the political life of the state through suffrage. It should be noted that being a citizen of a state means having a certain amount of rights and freedoms. In other words, this is a certain model of legal relations between the state and the individual. In each country, this model is organized differently, so citizens of several states will have completely different rights and obligations.

Components of the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation

Like any sovereign state, the Russian Federation has its own state symbols (attributes): flag, coat of arms, anthem and capital. Attributes of a citizen of the Russian Federation are documents with which a Russian can confirm his legal connection with the state.

This, according to Article 10 of the Law on Citizenship, is, first of all, a passport or other document that contains an indication of the citizenship of an individual. The internal passport is the main one (that is, it contains the full name of his name), so everyone who has reached the age of 14 and lives in the country at that time is required to receive it. Its absence, although formally does not deprive, but in practice sharply reduces the opportunity for the full implementation of guaranteed rights and freedoms.

By the way, one can establish one’s identity not only by a passport - an international passport, driver’s license or military ID can also be considered additional attributes of a citizen. Thus, a Russian is an individual who has Russian citizenship and has a document confirming such citizenship.

Regulatory acts regulating the institution of citizenship

There are a number of normative acts of an international and national nature that fully regulate the existing institution of citizenship in the Russian Federation, and can also provide a legal assessment and answer to the question of what it means to be a citizen of the state. The article below will present a few of them, since the entire list is too long.

  • Declaration of Human Rights.
  • Convention for the Protection of Human Rights.
  • Covenant on Political and Civil Rights.
  • European Convention on Nationality.
  • Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”.
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

It should be remembered that these normative documents present only the legal characteristics of the concept of “citizen”. At the same time, this term carries a completely different meaning, making it possible to understand what it means to be a real citizen.

Citizenship as a psychological state of a person

It was said above that the legal connection between a person and the state is carried out through the implementation of the institution of citizenship. In everyday life, people do not think at all about what it means to be a real citizen.

You must always remember not only your relationship with certain people, but also your connection with the state in which the person was born. For many centuries, philosophers have considered the concept of “citizen” in the context of a person’s psychological state. This is an internal awareness and acceptance of the fact of belonging to a great people who live in a certain territory. A person’s identification of himself as part of a whole is what it means to be a citizen. Of course, in many cultures the concept of “citizen” will differ significantly, taking into account territorial and ethnic characteristics, but in European countries and in particular Russia the term will be almost identical.

What is the difference between citizenship and nationality?

It is important to know that citizenship and nationality are not the same thing . Thus, a Ukrainian can be a citizen of the Russian Federation, and a Russian can be a citizen of Ukraine.

If citizenship is the legal relationship between a person and the state in whose territory he lives, then nationality is a person’s belonging to a certain ethnic group.

This or that nationality means that a given individual has in common with a certain human community according to the following common characteristics:

  1. a common language of communication,
  2. general culture,
  3. mentality (what is it?),
  4. traditions and customs.

It doesn't matter what race a person belongs to. For example, a dark-skinned child born in Russia from a Russian mother and father from Nigeria, living in our country and brought up in Russian traditions, can rightfully be considered Russian.

The right to choose a nationality remains with the child’s parents or with the child himself upon reaching adulthood. This is stated in Article 26 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

What does it mean to be a citizen of Russia?

In the process of its historical development, man became a part of society. None of us can live outside of society, with the exception of certain cases, such as, for example, asceticism. During the times of Ancient Greece, the most terrible punishment was expulsion from the community. This indicates that a person simply cannot live without his relatives. Today, many people in modern Russia are asking the question: “What does it mean to be a citizen of a country?” After all, the majority of the Russian population who own Russian Federation passports can be called citizens, but receiving this document does not yet make a person a real part of a great nation. A citizen is a person endowed with the quality of patriotism, a deep awareness of his indestructible connection with the great people of Russia.

Such people respect and love their land and try to influence the well-being of the state through their own efforts. When we ask ourselves what it means to be a citizen of Russia, we need to remember the words of a great man who is not associated with the Russian Federation, but hit the nail on the head with his statement: “Don’t ask about what your country has done for you. You have to think about what you can do, what you have done for your country.” These words belong to John Kennedy. The statement reveals in detail the meaning of what a good citizen means for his state.

Qualities of a Good Citizen

Recently, it has become very fashionable to award the title of worthy, honorary resident, citizen, person, etc. However, it is completely unclear by what criteria people decide what it means to be a worthy citizen. The advantages of any person before his state are manifested, first of all, in tolerance to all negative changes in political and social life. The feeling of love for your country is of no small importance.

After all, it was on its territory that everyone received life, knowledge, and the opportunity for self-development. Of course, not all of us have tolerance, patriotism, or deep love for our homeland. This leads to the question of what does it mean to be a citizen? Today, trends have changed in many ways, so a person of society, a worthy citizen, is not required to possess absolutely all of the listed qualities; it is enough that he shows at least the slightest attempt to influence the life of his state. Also of fundamental importance is resistance to all the troubles and adversities that may arise in the process of historical development of any country.

Considering all the points mentioned above, we can answer the question: “What does it mean to be a citizen of a country?” A person worthy of being called a citizen can count on mutual assistance from the state in any matters of life.

Essay “I am a citizen, and this is…”

Essay for the competition “I am a citizen, which means.....”

You may not be a poet

And you have to be a citizen...

What is a citizen?

A worthy son of the Fatherland


I am a citizen, which means that I am part of a huge, multinational country called the Russian Federation.

Countries with the richest cultural heritage and historical past. A country that has given the world incredible and unique discoveries in all areas of science and technology.

I am proud to live in a country like Russia, which gave the world the classics of world literature A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky and many others. A country that did not submit to those who wanted to conquer it and subjugate it; the country that liberated the world from fascism and opened the way to space for humanity. A country that is famous for its heroes, such as: Alexander Nevsky, Kuzma Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky, Peter the Great, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Georgy Zhukov and others.

I am a citizen of this country, which means I have rights and responsibilities. I am obliged to love my Motherland, respect other citizens and preserve my rights. As a decent citizen, you are obliged to know the laws and history of your country. Fulfill your duties, defend the Fatherland, work for the good of the Motherland.

Our region is rich in wonderful forests and endless fields that surround us everywhere. The air in our corners is clean and transparent. The beauty of waterfalls, mountain ranges, blue lakes pleases, delights and remains for a long time in the memory of those who once visited this paradise called Kabardino-Balkaria. One of the most beautiful and picturesque places on earth. My small Motherland, which inspired many poets and artists to create masterpieces of literature and art. I understand that this beauty must not only be loved, but also preserved for everyone, for the future generation.

This is the responsibility of each of us.

Article 58 of our Constitution speaks of the duty of every citizen to protect nature and the environment, and to take care of natural resources.

All citizens of our country are equal before the law, regardless of gender, social and property status, education and language spoken. Every sane person understands that you cannot exercise your rights if you do not fulfill certain duties. Rights and responsibilities are inextricably linked. People often grumble that the streets are dirty and it is impossible to find a clean place to relax in the forest.

But there are simply people (including young people) who, while defending their rights, avoid fulfilling their human and civic responsibilities. It is not difficult, for example, to follow the rules of environmental behavior so that the world around us becomes cleaner.

A worthy citizen of his homeland is an energetic, honest person who cares about where he lives, how he lives, and what surrounds him. As in the fairy tale “The Little Prince”: “Get up in the morning, clean up your planet.”

I am a citizen, which means I am a patriot, because I love my family, my village, my Motherland, the basis for which has always been and will continue to be unshakable moral values. A true citizen must defend the honor of his state. Patriots - citizens of Russia - were, and are, and will be at all times.

I want those who are just going to kindergarten or who were just born to know about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War who live next to us. I really want the connection between generations not to be interrupted, so that the little one who comes to school after me will be proud that she lives in a great country that saved the world from a nightmare that threatened all life on earth!

We can talk a lot about what a citizen of modern Russia should be. Yes, he must be free, because only a free person can create. Yes, he must be law-abiding, because a different state of affairs threatens the death of the state. Yes, he must have an active life position, because “water will not flow under a lying stone.” Let him not be indifferent to the misfortune of others and always feel personal responsibility for the evil committed before his eyes, like Viktor Popkov, a famous human rights activist. In the last years of his life, working for a humanitarian organization providing assistance to refugees and internally displaced persons in various hot spots of Russia, he saved many captured Russian soldiers. In June 2001, he was mortally wounded in Chechnya. How many mothers throughout Russia bless his name and keep a bright memory of him! For me he is a true patriot!

Love for the Motherland is a feeling that makes a person purer, more sublime, and will prevail over practicality and cynicism. Otherwise, will we, Russians, survive, and will we preserve everything that has been given to our generation by a country with a great destiny?

I am a citizen, which means that I am a caring person who knows, loves and appreciates the cultural heritage of my ancestors.

This is very close, dear, which lives in me every hour and every day.

I am proud of my country and my citizenship, and I hope that someday Russia will be proud of me. I believe in it.

We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call it homeland because we were born in it, they speak our native language and everything in it is native to us, and mother because it fed us with its bread, gave us water to drink, taught us the language, like a mother, protects us. and protects us...

A person has one natural mother, and he has one Motherland.

Like any citizen of my country, I should know its symbols: flag, coat of arms, anthem.

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