Summary of Montaigne's book "Experiments"

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  • Various authors
  • Montaigne - Experiments

Monten's creation “Experiments” consists of 3 art books. In the first book, the author addresses the reader and explains the essence of man and talks about his benefits to all humanity. Montaigne considered man to be a fickle and vain creature. A person has such qualities as courage, strength of character, and humility. As an example, the author described the life of the Prince of Wales. During the capture, the prince did not pardon the children and women, but saved the city, admiring the courage of the 3 Frenchmen. The author describes himself as a merciful and compassionate being. A person loses his mind during suffering. Humanity considered poverty and death its fierce enemies. Meanwhile, only death saved a person from poverty. In addition, many people can retain their fortitude before death.

During the capture of Arras, Louis XI executed all residents who refused to welcome him. People can defend their beliefs and opinions at the cost of their lives. For example, many soldiers chose to die a hard death during the Turkish battles rather than undergo baptism. At the same time, only the human mind is afraid of death. The author believes that even women are willing to endure incredible pain for the sake of their beauty. Also, one negative quality of a person is greed. Greed comes with abundance. The author experienced the feeling of greed himself. Until the age of 20, he spent all the money he earned on fun. And then he began to greedily collect the funds he earned. After talking with one wise man, he got rid of greed and greed.

In the second book, the author talks about the imaginary nature of man. Man ascribes to himself great power and considers himself the center of the entire universe. According to the imagination, a person considers himself God, despite the fact that he lives in an unclean world and dust. The writer described man as a pitiful creature who wants to rule the whole world. And Montaigne considered himself the complete opposite. People have always increased their virtues. And the author accurately assessed his shortcomings and advantages.

In the third book, the writer writes that a person must fulfill his destiny. The main aspiration of every person is to acquire knowledge. In the absence of certain thoughts, a person relies on his experience. As an example, the author describes the laws of France. A large number of laws have increased the amount of arbitrariness in the country. In addition, simple French became unintelligible in official documents. Only nature sets wise precepts. In terms of the amount of knowledge, Montaigne did not consider himself to be a very smart and all-knowing person.

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