A story about the profession of parents. Essay on the topic “Professions of my parents”

In elementary school, during Russian language lessons, schoolchildren very often have to complete assignments (as homework or directly in class), which require them to describe the past summer, the place where the student lives, his parents, how the children see their future, and much more.

This type of work is called an essay. And for some children, and sometimes even for their fathers and mothers, it is given with great difficulty. After all, not every adult (to say nothing of children) has a creative nature and can easily compose, for example, an essay or even a whole story about the profession of their parents.

If you or your child are faced with just such a task at school, read this article. Thanks to the tips offered in it, you will write a wonderful essay with ease!

So, let's start writing an essay or story about the profession of parents!

Stage one - where to start?

In many ways, your task (writing an essay) is already greatly simplified because you have a topic. However, some students cannot immediately figure out where to start their story, and what is generally worth mentioning and what is not.

That is why it is wiser to draw up a plan for the future text at the first stage. Write it on a draft and first indicate there everything that comes to your mind regarding the topic at hand - “My parents’ profession.”

Then, when you think that all the important points have been noted, carefully read the resulting plan again. It is quite possible that some points will have to be crossed out, and some will have to be swapped. This is necessary to ensure that your text is logical, readable, and interesting.

Stage two - final plan

We hope you have already realized that writing a good essay about the profession of parents will require a lot of effort from you. However, if you approach it creatively and connect your imagination to the work, the text will appear as if by itself from under your hand.

When the first stage is completed and you have a piece of paper with the final plan in front of you, analyze it again. Now you need to divide the points into paragraphs.

You remember that an essay consists of an introductory part, a main part and a concluding part? Therefore, your text, and therefore your plan, must correspond to this structure.

Essay “Mother’s profession is a teacher”

Galina Kartasheva

Essay “Mother’s profession is a teacher”

«Mom's profession: teacher»

Coming home from work, my mother often tells me about the children and how her day went today. And so on day after day. Together with my mother, I rejoice at her successes. And recently I saw a competition and decided to write an essay about my mother’s profession . My mother's name is Galina Viktorovna, she was born in Sergach, Nizhny Novgorod region in 1975. There were 13 people in her family, she was the youngest. As a child, her older sisters and brothers paid a lot of attention to her. She dreamed of working in a kindergarten, as a teacher . Her older sister worked as a nurse in a kindergarten. She often had to work as a teacher . She talked a lot about the children and her work. It was her older sister who helped her choose a profession - something she does not regret. Everyone remembers that in grades 10 and 11 we went to practice once a week. So she and her friend went to practice in kindergarten. They were assigned to the early age group. There was a wonderful teacher, Faina Mikhailovna , who taught them a lot. She knew how to find an approach to each child and parent, gave wise advice, and observed how they treated their children. And after 2 years, it was she who recommended that she choose a profession as a teacher , which once again led her to think about choosing this profession .

Her profession is a kindergarten teacher . She has been working as a teacher for many years and knows that this is not just a profession - it is her calling , her destiny, her way of life. The profession of a teacher makes her forget personal problems, troubles, she feels forever young, energetic, in her soul sometimes it seems that she is also a child, because all this is so transmitted, you enter into the image of children that you forget your personal age. You are always in the world of childhood. Often I have to help my mother, do crafts, presentations, photographs, etc. If I were a girl, I would follow in my mother's .

The profession of a teacher is a special mission , a very necessary and significant profession . After all, parents trust her with the most precious thing they have - their children, and she, as a teacher, must daily justify their hopes and desires. Every day, going to work, she is glad that all her pupils come to kindergarten healthy, in a good mood, without tears, which means they are comfortable in kindergarten and my mother is next to them. After all, they call my mother Mom. When I was younger, I was jealous that other people’s children called her mom. But now I have matured and am proud that my mother is a teacher and that children love her. Working with children, she knows that all children are different: every child is unpredictable, surprising and even “funny”


Kindergarten for children is a new period in their lives. For each child, these are new faces, a new environment, a new team. It is difficult for children to make contact with strangers, they are capricious and cry. The teacher must find contact with each child, know child psychology and pedagogy, and make quick and immediate decisions. The teacher must know the principle of organizing children, the methods of teaching and developing children, and be able to organize the activities of children. To master a profession , a person must have the following traits and be: attentive, sensitive, responsive, responsible, tactful, sociable, polite, patient, love children, and be able to control himself in any situation. To raise a worthy generation , a child must be taught how to understand the world around him, instill love for his peers, and take care of nature, his native land, and his family. All these worthy qualities will help a person throughout his life.

Love for children is the greatest reward for a teacher . Every day she discovers something new in her children, and she is glad that she has some merit in this. She rejoices with the children in their successes, empathizes with their failures, and finds joy in communicating with them. After all, it is her students who give her confidence in the future and in their abilities. Every day she sees their smiles, the good mood of not only children, but also parents, grandparents, and knows that I give a piece of myself, puts a part of my soul and heart into every child. If everyone loves their profession and values ​​it, then after many years we will see the result of our fruitful work and our lives will not be lived in vain.

Rough plan

The outline of an essay telling about what parents do might be as follows:

1. Introduction: my attitude towards parents and their profession.

2. Base:

  • who does mom work for?
  • is her profession important?
  • what does dad work for?
  • Is his profession important?

3. Ending:

  • conclusion;
  • Will I choose my parents’ profession in the future?

Stage three - comply with the required volume

Depending on what grade you or your child are in, the points in the plan may be expanded or a little more complicated. However, it is worth remembering what size or volume the text is supposed to be.

If this is a story about the parents’ profession, you can go wild in it and paint in colors all the moments that concern the child regarding the parent’s profession. But if the task limits you to a few sentences, so that the text does not turn out to be too crumpled, you should mention only the most important things in it and not go into detailed descriptions of unimportant details.

Essay on Russian language “My mother is a teacher”

My mother is a teacher.

There are many different professions in the world,

But there is one who

Perhaps everyone is needed more

Profession: teaching children.

Who is a teacher? A Teacher is a Person, a Mentor, a Helper, a Friend.

A teacher at school is a person who leads in the ocean of knowledge, a person with unbending willpower, smart, responsible, restrained, sensitive, strict and fair.

When the teacher comes home, and his profession does not leave him there: look at additional materials, check written work, come up with something new and interesting for tomorrow’s lesson, read additional literature, get acquainted with new products. But what about it? After all, it’s not enough to tell what’s in the textbook? Modern children know very, very much; it can be difficult to surprise them, and even more difficult to interest them.

But a teacher is an ordinary person who has a family, relatives and friends, has his own personal and family problems and joys. What remains for them? A family with a teacher is a special family. Everything here is special, everything is different.

There is only one teacher in my family – my mother, Valentina Nikolaevna Slepneva. Mom is a teacher of mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Since ancient times, people have been guided by the stars. I remember how in childhood, when I was very little, I loved to ask questions: What is this? What for? And why? And my mother always answered all these questions, and I wondered how she knew everything about everything.

The first lesson, latecomers are still running along the corridor, some are rummaging through their bags, taking out textbooks, we are still chatting. And the teacher stands at the blackboard and waits patiently until everyone is ready. Finally we got ready. I know that she will now smile a little and say, “Good morning.” The lesson has begun, everyone is listening, because it’s interesting to learn: “Why is the kettle making noise? Why is the lamp on?"

The teacher involuntarily rubs her hand - she hurt herself at home yesterday. You ask, how do I know this? Very simply, the person at the board is my mother. I understand her profession like no one else. And you won’t believe how happy I am when she meets her former students. It’s so nice when a person you taught many years ago doesn’t just pass by when you meet, but says hello and asks how Valentina Nikolaevna is doing. And then you realize that you didn’t waste your time and energy in vain to teach him something. At these moments I am just happy for her. Because I understand how nice it is!

My mother tries to keep up with the times, so she is constantly looking for new information when preparing for lessons, so as not to feel uncomfortable among the “advanced” youth. Sometimes resentment speaks in me. And not even because my mother devotes little time to me, but simply because I myself have no time to go to her class during breaks, talk, discuss anything. Sometimes there is a free minute, and I enter her class, and my mother is talking with the students. Guys come to her not about a lesson, but simply to consult and talk. I don't want to interrupt, so I just have to leave. At these moments, I think that we can talk at home, but very often it happens that there is no time left at home. Judge for yourself: I come home from school, have lunch, do my homework, try to do more housework, and the rest of the day I just wait for my mother to come home from work. I look at the time - the arrows show the beginning of seven. And still no mother. Suddenly the phone rings, I greedily grab the phone. And I hear a calm, familiar voice: “Sorry, there’s a lot to do, I’ll have to stay late.” At this moment I understand that it is not of her own free will that she stays late. Finally, mom, having finished all her chores, comes home. It's almost eight o'clock. We quickly cook food together and have dinner.

Even during her school years, my mother dreamed of becoming a teacher. She studied well and actively participated in the life of the school. And on September 1, 1997, after graduating from Kuibyshev Pedagogical College, she came to the village of Belovo, which had become her home, to school, to teach children. Mom works at school for 20 years. All these years she tried to find an approach to every student. I have never heard a mother ever raise her voice to her students.

My mother's whole life is regulated in accordance with the school schedule. She works at our school and we go to school together every morning. The bell rings and the lesson begins for both her and me. Those whose parents are not teachers will probably never understand what it means to be a teacher's son.

Yes, this is constant observation, control of every step and action on the part of the mother-teacher. For this, we, teachers' children, are often pitied by our classmates. But it is also help in difficult times, support in some endeavors, protection. For this, we, teachers' children, are sometimes disliked, considering it unfair that we are given privileges. Some classmates say: “I wouldn’t want my mother to work in the same school as me.” I can answer that this suits me quite well. You can always come and resolve any issue without delaying until the evening. This has its advantages. I try to study well. And not because I don’t want to be punished, but only because I don’t want to let my mother down in front of her colleagues and students.

Since the first grade, my mother has been helping me conscientiously and creatively do my homework, and we rejoice together when we get good grades.

She is our kindest! Mom is always ready to help us and everyone who turns to her for help in everything, despite the fact that she has absolutely no free time.

I am proud that my mother is a teacher and I try to be worthy of her.

Stage four - strict compliance with the topic

There is such a concept - the main idea of ​​​​the text. It means a problem or topic that worries the author, one to which he wants to attract public attention.

In this task it sounds like “My parents’ profession.” This means that throughout the entire narrative, the student writing the work must strictly adhere to the set course and not mix all the diversity of his thoughts into one disordered text.

In addition, the topic cannot be replaced by another, related in meaning. For example, describe the profession of your grandmother or grandfather. After all, this contradicts the task. And the teacher has the right not to count such work, even if it is competent, logical and written in a very interesting way.

Communication with technology

While some people like to work with plants and animals, others prefer to work with machines and equipment. There are many specialties in this field. But most often they are intended for men:

  • light industry;
  • natural Sciences;
  • medical services and healthcare;
  • engineering field;
  • Technical equipment;
  • construction and industry;
  • transport.

Only in light industry do predominantly women work. They receive positions as seamstresses, knitters, weavers, and spinners. Although potters, glassblowers and shoemakers are mostly guys. Both genders can be employed in the field of natural sciences - physicists, laboratory assistants, astronomers. This also applies to medicine. Both men and women can become good doctors or pharmacists.

Representatives of the stronger sex are usually employed in engineering or maintenance of technical equipment. They can work in factories and factories, build residential and industrial buildings, structures and structures, and carry out repairs.

A technician can become a good tractor driver or mechanic, electrician or computer operator. He will also be suitable for working with transport - a driver, mechanic, machinist or car repair foreman.

Stage five - working on mistakes

When an essay or story about your parents’ profession is finished, it’s best to rest for a few minutes. For example, drink sweet tea, which has a beneficial effect on an overtired head, or simply warm up by doing light exercises.

Now, with fresh energy, you should begin editing the work. Depending on the age of the student, he can do it himself or with the help of his parents.

Text analysis:

  1. First, you should read the essay (many people perceive information better and grasp its quality when they speak the text out loud) and answer the question: does it correspond to the plan drawn up in advance?
  2. Next, trace the structure of the essay. How logical is it? Are the introduction, main part and conclusion clearly visible? Are all the proposals relevant to the topic? Does each one stand in its place?
  3. Then look at the text again. Are there sentences in it that are next to each other, the words in which are repeated? Replace them with synonyms or pronouns.
  4. At the final stage, it is worth reading the entire work carefully and checking it against the rules of grammar. It might be worth using a dictionary.

Sample essay text

If you still haven’t figured out what you can write in your work, here is an example text on a given topic.

I'm proud of my parents! After all, both mom and dad do responsible and useful work. People trust them, and that says a lot.

My mother started her career as a simple salesperson in a store. But now she occupies a very serious position. She is the owner of an entire pet supply store! Her profession is very important, because mom takes care of not one, but many pets. She strictly ensures that the goods on the shelves of her store are of high quality and meet all safety requirements.

My dad also works for the benefit of society. He himself designs and then sells excellent furniture for the home or office. For dad, the quality and naturalness of the materials used to implement different ideas is also important. Therefore, he treats each of his “works” with special trepidation. Dad’s profession is important, because good furniture is not only a sign of taste, but also ensures the safety of all family members.

My parents do work that brings joy to people. And at the same time they enjoy it themselves. Isn't this happiness? When I grow up, I would also like to do something worthy and interesting. Maybe I'll follow in my mother's footsteps and try myself as a salesperson in a pet supply store. Because I love animals very much.

Essay on the topic: Professions of my family

Kind of work:Composition
Date added:25.02.2020
  • This type of work is not a scientific work, it is not a finished final qualifying work!
  • This type of work is a finished result of processing, structuring and formatting collected information intended for use as a source of material for independent preparation of educational work.

If you have a hard time understanding this topic, write to me on WhatsApp, we’ll look into your topic, agree on a deadline, and I’ll help you!
If you want to learn how to write any essays yourself, then on the page “what is an essay and how to write it” I wrote in detail.

Look at similar essay topics, they might be useful to you:

Essay text:

My parents are the most wonderful people in the world. I love them more than anyone in the world. They gave me life and raised me, for which I am very grateful. My mother works as a pastry chef, and my father is a bus driver.

My mother's name is Anastasia Konstantinovna. She accidentally became a pastry chef and a lawyer by profession. At first, my mother worked as a lawyer in a law firm, but then she got tired of it. Work meant constant dedication, and she hardly had any days off. Mother quit her job and became a housewife. I forgot to say that my mother is a very good cook, and her pies are very tasty! One of these cakes was a step into a new profession.

Once, on my grandmother's anniversary, we had many guests. My mother set a gorgeous table and baked a great cake. A man, a former colleague of my grandmother, was delighted with my mother’s cake and offered her a job in his pastry shop. Mom agreed. Normal work hours, a decent salary, planned days off and even the opportunity to do what she loved - it would be a sin to refuse this. This is how my mother turned out.

Now my father's name is Alexander Grigorievich and he works as a bus driver. As my father says, he has had the “wheel in his hand” all his life. He worked on a bus for 5 years, before that he was a KAMAZ driver, transporting cargo around the country. Dad likes his job, transporting people from one city to another. Dad is a real professional driver. He is good at fixing cars and can fix anything. All his friends and acquaintances ask him for help. Dad never says no to anyone, he is even thinking about opening his own garage. Dad's bus is always in good technical condition and almost never breaks down.

I like to visit him at work, on the bus. We drive around the city together, it’s very interesting, and dad also teaches me how to fix cars. I often help him in the garage. Dad said that being a car mechanic would be very useful for me in the future. I don't mind him teaching me about cars, it's fun. My father is also teaching me to drive, which I'm still not very good at, but I'm trying. I think by the time I'm 18 I'll learn and pass my driver's license. I want to be a racer, but that's another story.

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