9 essays on the topic: My favorite book (for grades 2-11)

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  • Grade 11

One of the ways for a person to understand the world around him is reading. Absorbing the experience, reasoning, thoughts, and aspirations of many authors allows the reader to experience situations that in reality he may not have to face.

As Pyotr Andreevich Pavlenko wrote: “A book is a collective experience. Anyone who has read two dozen great books has lived two dozen great lives.” In addition, reading books is not only an opportunity to expand the base of variations in one’s own reactions and actions, but also a teacher and guide that helps the thoughtful reader form moral principles and moral convictions. It often happens that a previously read work helps to make the necessary decision, make a choice, or “open a new door.” And the larger a person’s knowledge base, the more free he feels.

A literary work is a form of text with signs of skill in words and plot. And like any art, you can get pleasure and satisfaction from a story, poem, story or novel. In this definition, reading a literary work, in the usual sense of the word, is a moral recreation. After all, it is customary to do this in a relaxed atmosphere, creating an environment of calm and comfort around yourself.

Labor is a conscious activity aimed at satisfying needs. We can say that the conscious absorption, processing and interpretation of the text of a literary work is business and labor. As the Russian teacher K.D. correctly noted. Ushinsky, what is important to read and how to understand is the main thing. In other words, you can “swallow” a literary work without a trace, or you can work hard for yourself, learning the main messages and putting it into the treasury of your own experience.

For example, by reading the literary work of O. Balzac “Père Goriot,” you can not only relax, enjoying the wonderful descriptions of the life and customs of Parisian society of the 19th century, but also learn how to react correctly to stinginess, lies, money, friendship, family ties and affection. After all, these concepts are too personal for a person and not everyone will undertake to explain and explain them frankly and clearly.

And when reading M. A. Bulgakov’s story “The Heart of a Dog,” don’t you relax! You have a lot of fun at the mongrel’s ridiculous attempts to become a human, but to understand the meaning of what is happening, which the author is trying to convey, you need to work hard.

For me personally, absorbing an interesting book is akin to a difficult adventure. Having immersed yourself in reading, you will have enough rest, and, in addition, you will gain a new interesting idea or information, which, of course, will be difficult.

Essay 2

Reading... one small word, but how important it is. This is an integral process of human life.

Many people do not attach much importance to reading books, or even do not like to do it at all, believing that they are simply wasting time. However, this is not the case.

What are the advantages of this, as many consider, boring activity?

By reading, we discover a new world full of vivid impressions and colors. We look for answers to questions and learn from the heroes of the works how to act correctly in a given situation. We live their lives, analyze their actions, go through difficult obstacles with them, make difficult decisions, supporting or condemning our favorite heroes. We learn to love and hate, be happy and sad, support and care. We build our further action plan on their mistakes.

Reading trains the brain well. While reading, the brain begins to create images of what it read, fantasize, and remember the smallest details.

With every page we read, our vocabulary expands significantly. Reading helps broaden your horizons and become a more educated person; it helps in development. A person who reads will always be able to maintain an intellectual conversation, because he has already seen and read it somewhere, which means he knows what and how best to say it.

Reading gives us food for thought. We are inspired by characters from books, follow them, make different discoveries, or simply try something new. Reading helps you set goals and confidently move towards them. Perhaps, after reading a book about travel, a person will be overcome by an irresistible desire to visit another country, get to know its culture and religion, and plunge into it headlong. Or, after reading a book about a great athlete, doctor, volunteer, policeman, the reader will want to follow in their footsteps, succeed in a specific task, become just as brave, courageous, and successful.

A person who reads will never be bored, he will always find something to do and spend time usefully - reading his favorite book, which will give him a lot of positive emotions and force him to use his imagination.

I believe that reading is a must, starting from a young age. Reading expands the boundaries of our imagination and brings only good things, it shapes personality. Read as much as possible - and the world around you will be transformed! It’s not for nothing that they say: “A person who owns information owns the world!”

Other topics: ← The role of books in human life↑ Grade 11 Respect the thoughts and feelings of your brothers →


The problem of attitude towards reading


Reading is a source of knowledge.
With the help of reading, we can obtain information from the distant past, feel the inner state of a poet or writer who creates highly artistic works. Recently, the book has been greatly replaced by the latest technologies - more and more often you can see people with tablets and phones. But the feeling when you are completely immersed in what is written, inhaling the smell of paper, experiencing all their sorrows and joys with the characters is incomparable to anything.


D.S. Likhachev states the problem of attitudes towards reading, which is becoming less and less significant for modern people. We are talking specifically about reading works of fiction.

A comment

The author says that there is nothing more beautiful than leisurely reading of literary works. Literature captures the incredible experiences of people in various situations. It helps to understand people, understand the motivations of others, the human soul, it makes us wiser.

You can realize the full benefits of the process only through careful reading, which gives you the opportunity to take a closer look at the details. If you didn’t manage to read the book correctly, then you should re-read it several times.

In the life of every person there should be a work to which he will turn in times of difficulties and doubts, which he will quote while in noisy companies for general amusement or to defuse the atmosphere.

You should choose reading only according to your own taste, without relying on fashion, so as not to waste valuable time.

The author recalls his literature teacher, who taught his students the mystery of reading and gave them the joy of communicating with a book. This was a particularly valuable experience, since his training took place during the war, and the teacher was often forced to be absent from classes due to the construction of trenches or work in a factory. The works read in Leonid Vladimirovich’s lessons became the author’s favorites for the rest of his life.

A significant role in the formation of a love of reading is played by parents, who, by their example, should show their child’s attitude towards the book, re-read interesting points together, and discuss.

For those who absolutely do not know what to read, the author recommends turning to the classics, which have stood the test of time and cannot be useless. To understand modern reality, it is worth reading contemporary authors.

Author's position

D.S. Likhachev calls on you to be attentive when reading, not to be wasted on the opinions of the crowd, and not to chase fashion. The main thing is that reading should evoke a pleasant feeling, so it is important to take a comfortable position, choose a time when no one will disturb you and you have nowhere to rush. Only then will you be able to gain true knowledge and emotions.

Your position

I share the author's point of view. Indeed, books require attention, reading requires leisure. When you read slowly, you get the opportunity to notice little things that you didn’t notice before, especially if you read out loud.

Argument No. 1

In the novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" the main character Tatyana is passionate about reading. She reads novels that her mother loved and is interested in sentimental works. She is no less interested in philosophical works. After meeting Eugene Onegin, Tatyana begins to be attracted to the more serious works of Rousseau and Byron.

Spending long winter evenings leisurely reading, a girl receives as many emotions and impressions as we probably don’t get after watching the most exciting film.

Argument No. 2

Another heroine of Russian literature is Sonya Marmeladova from the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment also puts reading at the center of his life. Her favorite book is the Bible. She turns to her in moments of doubt and emotional distress.

When she reads the legend of the resurrection of Lazarus for Raskolnikov, she delves into the reading so much that a trembling permeates her entire flesh. After reading it, Raskolnikov begins to think about a lot of things.


Reading cannot be replaced by anything. Neither watching films, nor listening to audio books, much less retelling a work can fully give an idea of ​​the contents of the book.

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About my attitude towards children's books and the library

“Most of human knowledge in all branches exists only on paper, in books - this paper memory of humanity. Therefore, only a collection of books, a library, is the only hope and indestructible memory of the human race.” (Schopenhauer)

Since 1995, our country has celebrated a holiday on May 27 - All-Russian Library Day. There are always and will be eternal values ​​in our lives: love, friendship, family, Motherland. Always, as long as we are alive, cultural values ​​and the national idea will be alive. All this and much more is preserved for us by libraries and their faithful servants - Librarians. And they don’t just save them, they put them in our hands, make a complete selection, help us find, learn and understand everything we need and are interested in at the moment.

Today there are different libraries: scientific, specialized, united in centralized systems, departmental. But the very first library in a person’s life is a children’s library. I want to talk about how my baby and I discovered this world of books in the Krasnoyarsk Regional Children's Library.

We have a lot of children's books in our house: the books of my childhood are kind, naive, and new ones are bright and colorful. How nice it is to sit side by side on the sofa and read funny poems. All things are put aside, the TV is turned off - there is only mother, baby and a book. Before bedtime I always read poetry to my son - Chukovsky, Mikhalkov, Barto. Good poems are like music, they calm the baby.

I myself love to read, and I try to instill this love in my son.

One day, a magazine came across an article by E. V. Bodrova, a candidate of psychological sciences, and the following lines were very full: “Literature helps expand the horizons of children’s knowledge about the world, helps the child learn patterns of behavior embodied in certain literary characters, and is one of the sources of the formation of initial information about beauty. When we read to children and then discuss what we read with them, we thereby teach them lessons in mental, moral, and aesthetic education. Sometimes a book can serve to consolidate the knowledge a child has already acquired, and sometimes it will make him think and lead to the discovery of something new for himself. The ability to discover this new thing, connect it with existing knowledge, and draw appropriate conclusions - all this is an indicator of the child’s development of logical, reasoning thinking. Both the development of imagination and the development of logical thinking occur when a child encounters new problematic situations.”

Nowadays there is a huge selection of books for children in stores. How to choose a good, interesting book? When purchasing, I relied on my memories; articles in magazines and on the website 7ua.ru helped. However, it was always painful to make a choice. I would buy all these colorful books! How to provide your baby with such an assortment? A solution was found - a children's library!

I brought my baby to this Book Palace at the age of 11 months. He was already walking independently among the shelves and looking at books. The subscription for children from 0 to 6 years old has just a sea of ​​books! They stand on shelves accessible to the child, and lie in trailers. Toy books, craft books, cardboard books, folding books, thick and thin, large and small. The library is well funded - there are the latest news, they give people to read at home, and are not hidden away at exhibitions.

The librarians are very kind and attentive, they will always tell you what to read about raising children, and will pay attention to new items. We set a rule for ourselves - be sure to visit the library once every two weeks, unless, of course, we are sick.

In addition to lending books, the library has a games room - a game library, there are books, board games, and magazines for parents. While I’m reading the latest issue of “The Stork” or “Nanny,” my baby is playing on the ship with other children.

The library provides free classes for readers from 2 to 14 years old. Classes with children are conducted by an experienced psychologist-teacher. Classes, of course, are built around reading. On the weekend, all interested parents and children are invited to attend the classes “Dad (Mom, Grandmother) Reads a Book to Me.” The parent reads a fairy tale, then the teacher gives tasks to the children based on the meaning of what they read. Classes to develop fine motor skills, memory, logic. Older children try to retell the fairy tale.

In the lobby of the library there is a constantly updated exhibition of paintings by readers and photos of children reading.

On the eve of the Libraries Day, I would like to say a huge thank you to all the librarians of the country. Your profession is the most in demand for educating the younger generation. We respect and appreciate your work.

Smirnova Svetlana,

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