Essay on the topic “My grandfather” - 5 essay examples

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“Grandfather” - what a wonderful word! Everyone should have a grandfather in their life. After all, he has a wealth of life experience that can be useful in any everyday situation. It is grandfather who can teach us to overcome difficulties and not get discouraged over trifles.

My grandfather is 70 years old, his name is Nikolai Petrovich. He is still as cheerful and active as he was many years ago. In addition, he retained all his “human” qualities. This is, for example, the ability to give good advice or the ability to listen.

Thus, I am always sure that I have someone to rely on and someone to imitate.

My grandfather has blue eyes, a straight nose and prominent cheekbones. Many people say that he looks much younger than his age. His facial features remind me of the face of the famous American actor Rutger Hauer.

If I come to my grandfather, we never get bored. We always have classes. So, for example, I help in the construction of a bathhouse. Together we cut boards and make drawings. There is one more activity. This is fishing. It was with grandfather Kolya that I went fishing for the first time. It was a revelation for me! I am grateful to my grandfather for teaching me how to fish correctly and introducing me to this activity.

Our relatives say that we are “two boots in a pair” because we do everything together and together. I try to be like my grandfather. I am inspired by his hard work and optimism. I hope that I will become the same example for my grandchildren.

Just recently I gave my grandfather a real hunting set for his anniversary. This idea came to me by accident. I remembered how long ago Grandfather Kolya wanted to teach me how to hunt hares. The set contained everything: from rope to knife. I chose this gift for a long time, taking into account his tastes. The efforts were not in vain. My grandfather really liked this gift. He appreciated it and promised to take me on a real hunt soon.

I am happy that I have a grandfather. For me it's not just a word. Grandfather is the man who taught me the school of life. Without his advice, I would have made a bunch of mistakes, not all of which could be corrected in the future. I consider myself truly lucky. We need to appreciate the minutes spent with our loved ones and not forget about elderly relatives.

Grandfather is my best friend

My grandfather is one of the most important people in my life. His name is Vladimir, he is 65 years old. He is my paternal grandfather, that is, the father of my father and uncle. We have developed a good relationship. He is my only grandfather, so we spend a lot of time together, trying to meet every weekend. This person is significant to me not only as an older relative, but also as a mentor and friend.

Most of all I like to go fishing with my grandfather. He told me that he loved fishing from early childhood, and he loved it. It was he who taught me to fish and shared all the nuances of this activity. As a rule, our trips to the river go well, and we return home happy and with a rich catch. But there are other days when we fail to catch anything or we come with only a few fish. We always release small fish, taking home only the big ones. Grandfather says that you cannot take a small fish, as it must grow up.

Grandfather teaches me a lot as a mentor . He told me how to behave in public. My grandfather taught me how to repair a bicycle, explaining why all kinds of spare parts were needed. He likes to give me interesting tasks, watch how I cope with them, and praise me for completing them.

I really like the calmness that my grandfather exudes. I feel safest next to him. I have nothing to worry about. And even if I do something wrong, I’m not afraid of him.

Grandpa and I talk a lot . He often remembers his youth and fun times with his comrades. He loves to share his impressions, army stories and other interesting incidents.

Despite my grandfather's age, when I look at him, I see him as a young man. Of course, some age-related features cannot be ignored, for example, gray hair and wrinkles, or the fact that my grandfather cannot keep up with me. But for me it doesn’t matter, because he has a young soul. When we meet his acquaintances and friends, they all say that he is well preserved and looks young.

In the end, I want to say that my grandfather is a role model. He teaches me a lot. And most importantly, he is a reliable friend to whom I can come with any question. I will be happy if I can become the same person.

History of the Kashirin family

The Kashirin family lived in the small village of Forstadt, in the Orenburg province. The head of the family, Dmitry Ivanovich Kashirin, was the chieftain of the local Cossack regiment. He also taught general subjects in a small rural school. He was a strong and intelligent man who enjoyed great respect both from his subordinates and from his fellow countrymen. Considering this, it is not surprising that he was elected ataman of the village for 28 years in a row.

Together with his wife, he raised six children: four boys and two girls. The eldest child was Nikolai. It was he who took on most of his father’s responsibilities when he left on behalf of the king. It should be noted that all the sons of the ataman were initially supporters of the monarchy, but later, together with their father, they went over to the side of the Bolsheviks. But why did the Kashirin brothers do this? Perhaps the answer can be found in their biographies?

Grandfather's hobbies

Today we were asked to write an essay about our grandfather. My grandfather is not like in fairy tales. Instead of a thick gray beard, he has a neat dark beard with barely noticeable gray hair, and instead of a bald spot, he has thick blond hair, he combs it back. His skin is no longer as smooth as mine, which is not surprising, since he is seventy years old.

He lived all his life in the village. He goes to fetch water himself, refusing running water, he chops his own wood and tends to his garden. We, of course, try to help him. We come in the summer with my mother, help plant vegetables, weed them, and harvest. We cook food, bake something. Grandfather himself knows how to cook, but simple dishes, for example, fry potatoes, cook porridge or soup.

Despite his age, he is cheerful, strong and cheerful . And what surprises and pleases is that he almost never gets sick. Maybe his blood pressure sometimes fluctuates, but for his age this is normal. Occasionally his knee hurts, so because of his lameness he takes a cane with him. He starts every day with exercise. When I'm lazy, they give me an example.

My grandfather is of average height, my dad is taller. At home he wears ordinary comfortable clothes, but when he comes to visit us or we go to town together, he dresses up in a suit, shirt and tie.

I remember how he taught me to ski . One day I will be good at it, then we can ride together. In the summer we go mushroom picking. Grandfather always knows where to find the best places, and at home he sorts out the mushrooms and cleans them.

Grandfather loves tea and the most common sweets like “Cancer Necks.” He often watches TV, sports and cop shows. He also likes to read, but I don't like his books, they are too serious. Besides, he writes something himself. Most likely, this is a diary, but maybe some kind of memoir.

I love my grandfather very much. Now I'm teaching him to use the smartphone that we gave him for his birthday. Studying is not easy for my grandfather, but I believe in him. While we are mastering the smartphone, he tells me various interesting stories, mainly about his former job.

I'm proud of my grandfather. I hope this is mutual between us.

The image and characteristics of Ded Kashirin (grandfather) in the story Gorky's Childhood essay

One of the minor characters in the autobiographical work is the grandfather of the main character Alyosha, Vasily Vasilyevich Kashirin.

The writer presents him in the form of a small, dry old man, dressed in dark long clothes, with a red-haired beard shimmering with gold, a nose in the shape of a bird's beak and green eyes.

Despite his worn, faded, wrinkled clothes, Vasily Vasilyevich looks better and neater than his sons, who wear fashionable jackets and silk scarves tied under their shirtfronts around their necks.

The distinctive characteristics of the grandfather are willfulness, stubbornness, severity and envy. In conversations, he treats his interlocutors arrogantly and mockingly, trying to irritate and anger those around him. Speaking thoughtfully, carefully, in a low voice. The household members living in his grandfather’s house feel a gloomy and heavy atmosphere, since Vasily Vasilyevich’s temper is cruel, furious and merciless.

Grandfather loves to praise himself, while speaking passionately using laudatory phrases.

The old man is indifferent to his loved ones, his wife, children, grandchildren, singling out only one son, Yakov. The grandfather does not shun the use of physical violence against his family, from fists to flogging, considering this to be good upbringing. For his grandchildren, whom their grandfather flogged on Saturdays, Kashirin seemed like a tyrant and a usurper. There were often quarrels and even fights in the house.

Sometimes the old man has moments of enlightenment and kindness; he communicates with his grandson, telling him his childhood memories, giving literacy and writing lessons in church literature. Having fallen ill, the grandfather, having a strong and domineering character, becomes a capricious child, unable to bear and endure pain.

Over the years, approaching eighty, the grandfather becomes terribly stingy, suspecting everyone around him of theft and unwillingness to save, because of this he is constantly angry, irritated and raging. And at one point the grandfather shares household expenses with the grandmother, not wanting to support her any longer. Akulina Ivanovna is forced to start earning food by embroidering and weaving patterns.

At the end of the story, having aged completely, the grandfather becomes a beggar and pitiful old man, forced by fate to beg for alms and starving all his household members.

Describing the image of his grandfather, the writer focuses on the complexity of human existence during the protagonist’s childhood.

Dear person

How great it is when you have a grandfather! This is a person who will always understand and help, even when your parents are not on your side.

I remember well the incident when I was doing my math homework. There was a problem about a fast train. It was necessary to calculate the distance between two points. I couldn’t do anything, either because of the snow falling outside the window, or because of the fun of the guys in the yard. My father didn’t care – it had to be done, period. Dad scolded me, but the distance from this was not calculated.

When my father left, my grandfather quietly came into my room. He put his hand on my shoulder, whispered the answer and smiled. After that, he stroked my head and quietly went to his room. I’m telling you: my grandfather is very good.

In the summer, he and I go to the dacha . There we have a cat that my grandfather adores. We can say that it is mutual between them. Grandfather feeds the Baron fish that we catch ourselves on the river, and the cat loves to sit on his lap and tell him something of his own. By the way, that doesn’t work for me.

It was my grandfather who taught me to fish. I remember my first pike, how we pulled it out together, and how I was worried that the catch would be lost. We also go mushroom picking. Grandfather knows how to surprise here too: he knows places where in just an hour you can collect baskets of all kinds of mushrooms.

My grandfather worked a lot when he was younger, so his joints often hurt. But he still accompanies me to school every morning, carrying my heavy backpack. And every time I have a break or a lesson, I find candy in my backpack pocket. Although my grandfather has a small pension, he always buys my favorite expensive candies.

I love my grandfather very much and really want him to always be there. And also so that nothing hurts him. Then he will be happy. And his happiness is my happiness.


The life story of grandfather Kashirin is entertaining and instructive at the same time. However, we will not start with her, but with how Alyosha Peshkov ended up in the squat one-story house of the Kashirins, painted with dirty ocher. His mother got married without the blessing of her parents. Then Alyosha was born. They lived amicably and cheerfully until their father died, and their mother almost lost her mind from grief. Then grandmother Akulina Ivanovna came to them to take the orphaned family to the family nest - Nizhny Novgorod. It is from this moment that the life story of grandfather Kashirin becomes interesting to both the readers and the main character.

Essay by a loving granddaughter

My grandfather's name is Ivan, he is seventy-three years old. We met in the maternity hospital, where he came to pick me up with my dad, and since then we have almost never parted.

It was my grandfather who taught me what I love most: reading. He has a huge library, which includes quite a few children's books, so I simply had no choice. At first, my grandfather read to me himself, then we started learning the alphabet, and very soon I read my first fairy tale myself. Now we are reading a children's encyclopedia, where there is a lot of valuable knowledge about the world around us.

Since childhood, my grandfather loved to walk with me. I remember how before, when I was little, I liked to pull his mustache. He had them then, like the real Budyonny. The resemblance to the commander was not limited to just the mustache. Grandfather has a strong physique and a straight gait. Grandfather Vanya plays sports, that’s why he looks so good and feels great. He taught me to play sports from an early age. Since he was five, he and I have been running in the park every morning. After these classes I always came to kindergarten, and now I go to school cheerful and cheerful.

Grandfather loves fishing and takes me with him. Of course, he taught me how to fish, he even bought me his own fishing rod. True, there is nothing to brag about now. And I prefer to look at the water and at my grandfather, chat with him and walk near the lake.

All this is a reason to be proud of your grandfather. But what I am most proud of is that he is a well-known teacher in the city. He raised several generations of students who have already grown up and have their own children. Grandfather's experience helped make these people worthy citizens.

Grandfather has many awards, certificates and letters of gratitude. Like his students, I also have a lot to learn from him, such as the love of knowledge, concentration and endurance. He already knows a lot, but never ceases to be interested in new facts.

Besides, what I love about Grandpa is his neatness. He always walks around shaved, neatly trimmed, in clean and ironed clothes, and he teaches me to look good. I love my grandfather and will tell my children about him.

Kashirin brothers: repression

In 1937, a certain citizen stated to the NKVD that, since 1931, there had been an underground counter-revolutionary organization of Cossacks in Orenburg. And according to his testimony, they have been planning a coup for a long time. This gang is headed by none other than the Kashirin brothers. Photos of the conspirators are immediately transferred to the local administration, and soon a real hunt for them begins.

Pyotr Dmitrievich was the first to be arrested, as they believed that he was the leader of the group. This happened on June 6, 1937. Two weeks later, Ivan Kashirin went to jail, and on August 19 of the same year, the “funnel” came and attacked Nikolai. As a result, the court found all the Kashirin brothers guilty of high treason and sentenced them to capital punishment - execution.

Essay on a real hero

I want to dedicate the essay “My Grandfather the Hero” to my grandfather Nikolai. The best memory associated with him is how before going to bed every evening he read me various fairy tales, often inventing them on his own or adding something of his own to works from books. It was very interesting and great. I loved falling asleep to his voice.

We played a lot together . While my parents were busy with work, he took me to sports fields and attractions. He could even play with me in the sandbox!

I remember how he worked, and I ran up and grabbed his tools. For some reason I liked drumming with them. He shook his finger at me, and I understood that I couldn’t do that. But even this he did well.

When I got older, my grandfather began to talk about the war and how he defended his Motherland. I listened carefully to his stories. Of course, it was very interesting, but at the same time sad, because many people died because of the war, my grandfather’s friends and others. Grandfather showed me his uniform.

There were a lot of awards there. He explained why each of them was received. My grandfather Kolya is very brave and kind, that’s why I love him.

Head of a large family

When Gorky wrote “Childhood,” the characterization of his grandfather played an important role in the realization of the plan and idea of ​​the work. Using his example, he showed how terribly and hopelessly remarkable Russian characters are crippled by the environment if they do not have sufficient internal strength to resist. When Vasily Vasilich started a family, became rich, opened a dye shop, he mercilessly exploited the workers and his own household. He does not want to separate his adult married sons so that he does not have to give them part of the property due. Kashirin deprived his daughter Varvara of her dowry because she got married without permission. Alyosha’s uncles fight mercilessly among themselves, but this does not stop his grandfather. And only after drinking a fair amount and getting drunk, he sadly admits to himself what a “nasty hell” he lives in. And the family eventually falls apart. Everyone's favorite Gypsy girl is dying. A terrible fire destroys the lion's share of property. The uncles move in, but they also drink and come to break the windows of their father’s new house. The grandfather goes bankrupt, becomes poor and his soul “dries out” even more. Pathetic, begging for alms, starving his grandmother and grandson, he appears before us at the end of the story. And with the heart-wrenching note of a wasted life, his sad “Eh, you-and-and...” resounds in our ears.


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