Essay In life there is always a place for heroic deeds (5th, 7th, 8th grade)

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  • There is always room for heroism in life

A feat is an act that is done for the good, without self-interest, but simply voluntarily. Such actions are mainly committed in emergency situations. People who have accomplished a feat are called heroes. They have been and will be necessary in society.

Recently, the world has become less merciful, kind and sympathetic. Society has become callous and rude. But despite all this, to this day there remain people who are ready to perform kind and brave deeds, called exploits. Every person can accomplish a feat, but it should not be selfish, planned or fictitious, and it should not be for glory.

There are various situations in which not all people can help themselves. It’s very good if people respond who can and want to help not only themselves, but also other people. After such situations, many people will learn about these people. But trolls also appear and make the situation worse. These trolls are jealous and don't like people who stand out in this way. A volunteer who provides assistance in an emergency situation receives not only psychological stress, but also condemnation from trolls.

Once a situation happened that a family was walking down the street, consisting of a mother, father and daughter. The parents argued a lot and completely forgot about the child. And the girl ran onto the roadway to get the ball, which she accidentally let go of. A caring man passed by. He called out to the girl. And thanks to him, a terrible situation did not happen that threatened the child’s life.

Mutual assistance in the world is slowly disappearing. But it was worth stopping at least for ten minutes and looking around. What if someone needs help? It is not necessary to perform great heroic deeds. You can do something small. For example, help a grandmother cross the road or a woman with a stroller. The more people with kind hearts in our world, the better the world becomes. And if the world is better, then society becomes kinder.

Option 2

“Feat” is a rather strong word that can be heard in films. Is there a place for heroism in the modern world?

A feat is a heroic act that a person performs in difficult life conditions. Modern life is so rhythmic and fast that it is difficult to find time for valiant deeds. Nowadays people are so busy that they only care about their own well-being. But sometimes you have to stop and think. Perhaps someone needs your help and your smallest act can change someone’s life. There is no need to be indifferent.

My dad told me this story. While still young, he and his mother walked along the streets of our city. It was late evening and there weren't many people on the street. There were no signs of trouble, when suddenly, the asphalt along the pedestrian road began to crack and fall underground, forming a hole. Everything happened right before our eyes. Near what was happening there was a woman, a young fragile girl with a stroller in her hands and a small child inside. The stroller quickly began to fall into the hole. The woman screamed loudly. The parents were nearby. Dad, without thinking twice, rushed to her aid. Freeing the baby from captivity turned out to be quite difficult. The stroller tilted, and the slightest careless movement could cause the baby to fall out. Dad climbed into the hole, not thinking that he himself might get hurt. He pulled the child out of the stroller. The father crawled out of the hole and gave the baby to the crying mother. About 2 minutes after this, a sharp stream of hot water rushed upward from the pit in a high column. If dad had hesitated, the baby, and he himself, might not have been alive.

My father did a heroic thing. But I wasn’t heroic enough to help my best friend as a child. Selfishness has overcome me. 8 years ago he asked for help with chemistry. He did not understand and was far behind. I didn't want to waste my time explaining. And he refused. It was more important for me to run and play football rather than sit and read books. Our friendship fell apart. It seemed that there was nothing heroic in this act, but for my friend it was important at that time. And I would be a hero to him. For some, a feat is helping in chemistry, for others in forgiving one's neighbor, for others in a social heroic act, for others in getting up early and caring for their children.

There is a hero in every person. Just don't forget about it. There is no need to put your selfishness first. After all, sometimes we ourselves need help.

Third essay

Feats can be accomplished not only in combat. In the ordinary life of a person, a large number of events occur, and among them there is always room for heroism . In this essay I want to tell you why even the most insignificant and small actions can be heroic for another person.

A person who receives even the smallest help will remember this event forever. To accomplish a feat, it is not necessary to become a rescuer or throw yourself into a fire to pull people out of a fire. A person does not even have to have great physical capabilities. You only need to have high moral qualities and remain kind.

Brave actions have always been associated with Russian people, their self-sacrifice, kindness, and courage. And today in our country there are people who can perform feats and heroic deeds in absolutely any situation. It is impossible to plan a feat or predict a situation when another person will need help. Usually they are done completely by accident, sometimes even thoughtlessly.

There are many situations when it is necessary to lend a helping hand to those in need. It is important not to miss such a moment. It is at this moment that a person becomes a real hero, even if he simply adds 50 rubles to his grandmother for her purchase. This small amount will help her, she will maintain her faith in goodness.

In order for people to continue to perform great deeds, parents must teach their children to do good from childhood. I consider this to be correct upbringing, since the younger generation always needs a good example. In this case, there will always be a place for heroism in the world.

Essay-reasoning The place of heroism in life

How often in the modern world do we hear the statement that the feat is not relevant now, that heroic deeds were performed only during the war years, when it was necessary to fight to save human lives. But isn’t it possible to perform feats here and now? Is it impossible to do good, humane deeds now, when there is already chaos and inhumanity around? Perhaps I agree with the words of the Russian writer and playwright Maxim Gorky: “In life there is always a place for heroic deeds.” This is true. But for our society the meaning of this word has been lost. A feat, in my opinion, is an act devoid of any egoistic principles, it is self-sacrifice for the sake of saving another person in need of help.

We can talk endlessly about the real heroic exploits of our soldiers during the Great Patriotic War, where courage and self-sacrifice were integral companions of our fathers, grandfathers and brothers. They gave us, the future generation, a free life, a life in peace and harmony. Isn't this an act? But now, fortunately, we live in peacetime, where it is also vital to perform feats. Having seen a grandmother on the street who is forced to carry huge bags, we can help her and take on the entire load. Is this a feat? To some extent, yes, because we did not do a good deed for the sake of profit.

You don’t need to look for a reason for heroism, you don’t need to wait for this or that moment, you need to act when someone’s life really depends on your actions.

In my memory there were many heroic deeds performed, but one will remain in my memory for a long time. It was not done by me. I saw one day an ordinary passerby save people from a burning house. He carried children out of the brightly blazing fire, each time running into the almost destroyed house. In my opinion, this is a feat at the cost of your life. And he has a place to be.

One day, going out into the street, turn around: suddenly someone needs your help, maybe it is vitally important for someone that at that very moment you accomplish a feat. And let no one know about him, it doesn’t matter. It’s up to you to decide whether to accomplish a feat or not, the main thing is that in life you always remain humane to each other.

There is always a place for exploits in life: an essay on the Russian language:

Usually, when we talk about heroic deeds, everyone imagines heroic deeds - saving a child from a fire, fighting for the freedom of the Motherland, selfless work for the good of society. However, is it possible to say about someone that he accomplishes some kind of feat in everyday life?

“Ordinary” feats in nature and in life

In order to answer this question, teachers of Russian language and literature ask schoolchildren the essay “In life there is always a place for exploits.” This topic will be relevant for those students who are interested in issues of will, determination, perseverance and determination.

In fact, even under the most ordinary conditions a person can accomplish a real feat. In the natural world, any transition from one state to another is accompanied by physical effort.

For example, a chicken gradually develops muscles to crack the shell and emerge from the egg. No less difficult is the passage of animals and babies through the birth canal. Nature dictates strict rules. Anyone who fails to pass this kind of “exam” does not survive.

In an essay on the topic “In life there is always room for exploits” you can develop this idea.

Challenges: An Opportunity to Build Character

Man, unlike animals, not only has a physical body, but he is also endowed with spirit and soul. And therefore, it faces tests of all three types. This can also be mentioned in the essay “There is always a place for exploits in life.”

Usually, when they talk about exploits, they often remember the ancient Greek hero Hercules, who proved his divine nature through great achievements. In the same way, each of us throughout our lives “passes exams” in order to be called a person in the true sense of the word.

To do this, you need to go through life's trials with dignity, you need to step over your own fears, suppress unnecessary desires, and overcome the inertia of the physical body.

In the process of working on the essay “In life there is always a place for exploits,” a student can use the following thought as the main one: victory over oneself is also a feat.

Overcome yourself

Human spiritual development is impossible without pain and suffering. Nowadays it is a very common opinion that everyone has their own comfort zone, beyond which it is difficult to go. In the essay “There is always a place for exploits in life” one can describe specific examples of such a situation.

For example, a girl does not want to build relationships with young people, sitting all day long watching television series. She may have had a difficult past that is causing her to avoid relationships. Her life can develop according to two scenarios.

This girl can sit alone until old age, or she will make an effort on herself and begin to at least occasionally get out of her “shell”, communicate with other people, engage in self-development and, of course, date representatives of the opposite sex.

Developing communication skills will not be easy for her at first. But if she manages to overcome her fear and work through psychological complexes, a worthy reward awaits her in the form of a happy and prosperous life. This is one of the many examples that there is always room for exploits in life.

In the essay that will be written by the student, other examples may be given, for example, an incident from personal practice, from the life of acquaintances, relatives.

Mastery training: another small feat

In addition, when writing a paper, you can mention such an aspect of human life as skill.

In any type of human activity, perfection can be achieved only through effort and constant training.

Without this, a mediocre worker will never reach the level of a master or manager; the athlete will not reach heights in his field; a foreign language will never be fully learned.

In fact, in order to achieve results, a person needs to learn to overcome himself and his laziness. That is why it is said that even in everyday life there is always room for exploits.

An essay-reasoning on this topic can also become a small achievement for someone. Some schoolchildren find exact sciences easier, but they constantly experience difficulties with the Russian language.

Stepping out of your comfort zone, picking up a pen and forcing yourself to write this work – isn’t this a small feat of everyday life?


There is a place for heroic deeds in the life of every person. article (senior group)

There is a place for heroism in the life of every person.

This year our country celebrates the 75th anniversary of the end of the war against German fascism. This victory was not easy for our country. There have been many wars in the entire history of our country, but this war in its scale, destruction and human casualties had no equal in the entire history of our state. The more significant the victory!

Victory in the last war is not only a historical date and a reminder of the price our people paid for peace and social progress. Victory Day also serves as a warning about the inadmissibility of a new world war, which could become the last for humanity.

The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 lasted 1418 days and nights. This tragedy passed through every family and heart of every citizen of the USSR. During the Great Patriotic War, more than 27 million people died. This tragedy affected absolutely everyone in our country. Many people died from hunger, bombing, artillery shelling, and harsh living and working conditions. During these difficult years, soldiers and ordinary residents performed heroic deeds, saving other people's lives and bringing the Great Victory closer.

At a time when enemies captured the homeland, they began to establish their own rules, dictate how to live, kill, rob, burn homes, take captives to a foreign land, everyone, as one, stood up to defend their country. During the battles, the child heroes of the Great Patriotic War did not spare their own lives and walked with the same courage and bravery as adult men. Their fate was not limited to exploits on the battlefield - they worked in the rear, promoted communism in the occupied territories, helped supply troops and much more. There is an opinion that the victory over the Germans is the merit of grown men and women, but this is not entirely true. The child heroes of the Great Patriotic War made no less contribution to the victory over the regime of the Third Reich and their names should not be forgotten either. The young pioneer heroes of the Great Patriotic War also acted bravely, because they understood that not only their own lives were at stake, but also the fate of the entire state. We must remember the names of these heroes and pass on the history of their heroic deeds to our children so that they remember and honor the memory of these young heroes.

“We used to often play war, but now much less often - we’re tired of the war, it would sooner end so that we could live well again...” - From a boy’s letter to a front-line soldier.

After the war, many young heroes were set as examples as symbols of courage and loyalty to the Motherland. Let's remember the names and exploits of some of them.

Lenya Golikov


He grew up as an ordinary village boy. When the German invaders occupied his native village of Lukino, in the Leningrad region, Lenya collected several rifles from the battlefields and obtained two bags of grenades from the Nazis to give them to the partisans. And he himself remained in the partisan detachment. He fought along with adults. On August 15, 1942, a young partisan blew up a German passenger car in which there was an important Nazi general. The briefcase contained military documents. They were urgently sent to Moscow. After some time, a radiogram arrived from Moscow, saying that everyone who captured such important documents should be presented with the highest award. In Moscow, of course, they did not know that they were captured by one Lenya Golikov, who was only fourteen years old. This is how the pioneer Lenya Golikov became a hero of the Soviet Union.
Marat Kazei

(1929 –1944 )

Despite his young age, Marat Kazei became an outstanding fighter in the partisan detachment named after. 25th anniversary of October. The boy fled to the partisans in 1942, after the Germans executed his mother for treating wounded soldiers. Marat turned out to be a talented intelligence officer: getting hold of German documents or breaking through the encirclement unnoticed, participating in sabotage - all this was within the capabilities of the young hero. But unfortunately, the young partisan did not live to see the Victory. In the spring of 1944, having gone to a meeting with a contact, Marat and his comrade in arms were surrounded by a German punitive detachment. They fought until the last bullet. The little soldier did not want to fall into the hands of the Nazis alive: he had the last grenade left, which he spent on himself...
Zina Portnova (1926-1944) Zina was born and went to school in Leningrad. However, the war found her on the territory of Belarus, where she came on vacation.

In 1942, 16-year-old Zina joined the underground organization “Young Avengers”. She distributed anti-fascist leaflets in the occupied territories. Then, undercover, she got a job in a canteen for German officers, where she committed several acts of sabotage and was only miraculously not captured by the enemy. Many experienced military men were surprised at her courage.

In 1943, Zina Portnova joined the partisans and continued to engage in sabotage behind enemy lines. Due to the efforts of defectors who surrendered Zina to the Nazis, she was captured. She was interrogated and tortured in the dungeons. But Zina remained silent, not betraying her own. During one of these interrogations, she grabbed a pistol from the table and shot three Nazis. After that she was shot in prison.

You can talk about a lot: about various battles during the war, about the blockades of Leningrad, about the partisan movement, about concentration camps, about how victory was forged in the rear. Children became adults early, replaced adults in factories and fields, and fought in the active army and partisan detachments. Children fought, performed feats and were awarded orders and medals, awarded the title of “Hero of the Soviet Union”, many were awarded posthumously:

The Order of Lenin was awarded to Tolya Shumov, Vitya Korobkov, Volodya Kaznacheev;

Order of the Red Banner - Volodya Dubinin, Yuliy Kantemirov, Andrey Makarikhin, Kostya Kravchuk;

Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree - Valery Volkov, Sasha Kovalev;

Order of the Red Star - Volodya Samorukha, Shura Efremov, Vanya Andrianov, Vitya Kovalenko, Lenya Ankinovich.

Hundreds of pioneers were awarded the medal “Partisan of the Great Patriotic War,” over 15,000 were awarded the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad,” and over 20,000 were awarded the medal “For the Defense of Moscow.” Four pioneer heroes were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union: Lenya Golikov, Marat Kazei, Valya Kotik, Zina Portnova.

The words “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten” are close and understandable to everyone.

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