Summary of the novel by Oblomov in chapters and parts (Goncharov)

Part 1

Chapter 1

In this chapter we meet Ilya Oblomov. His usual way of life could not be called active. This was evidenced by the furnishings of the room where he lived: dust on the furniture, dried remains of food, yellowed newspapers. Oblomov was worried about letters from the village elder. They reported on various problems that required urgent solutions on the Oblomov family estate. Ilya Ilyich is served by his servant Zakhar. In the morning he comes to the owner and informs him of the need to move out of the apartment.

Chapter 2

Oblomov is visited by friends. First comes Volkov - a lover of social entertainment and ladies, he is always aware of the latest gossip and is not burdened with worries. Then the official Sudbinsky appears. His life and service are planned for years in advance. All conversations come down to discussing business. Another friend Penkin writes articles and stories. The last to arrive is a certain Alekseev. He invites Oblomov to Ekateringof, but he refuses. Ilya Ilyich informs him of the need to move and serious losses on the estate.

Chapter 3

Tarantyev appears in the house, a rude and active man. There was no particular sense from him, nor from Alekseev. But what attracted Oblomov to them was that they were always “at hand”, listened to his complaints and did not bother him with their presence. They also liked to visit Ilya Ilyich, because he allowed them to eat, drink and smoke cigars to their heart's content. Oblomov felt true friendly affection for only one person. It was Andrey Stolts.

Chapter 4

Oblomov had the habit of shielding himself from all visitors with a blanket, for fear of catching a cold. Tarantiev invites Oblomov to move to his godfather on the Vyborg side. Oblomov is against this idea. He is more concerned about the situation on the estate. Tarantiev does not want to solve his problem for nothing and claims that the headman is a fraudster. Friends are arguing about Stolz, a friend of Ilya Ilyich.

Chapter 5

The author paints pictures from Oblomov's past. Family relationships were of great importance to him. Numerous relatives loved him. It seemed to Ilya Ilyich that relations in the bureaucratic service would also develop warmly. But in reality everything turned out to be completely different. One day Oblomov sent an important letter by mistake to another province. Realizing that he could no longer serve, he resigned. Gradually, Ilya Ilyich began to lead a secluded lifestyle. Only Stolz's friendly participation could cheer him up in everyday life.

Chapter 6

Ilya Oblomov considered training a punishment for himself. He did not delve into any academic topic; he read books reluctantly, not seeing any practical significance in knowledge. Life and science, according to Oblomov, are completely unrelated to each other. The author mentions Oblomov’s father, who always managed the estate unpretentiously, was content with what he had, without trying to improve his well-being. Sometimes Oblomov became animated; at such moments he began to think, plan, and draw pictures of the future. But his passion quickly faded, and he returned to a melancholy, apathetic mood.

Chapter 7

The author characterizes Zakhar as a rude, lazy, clumsy person. He was careless in housekeeping. Zakhar often got angry with his owner and scolded him in the presence of strangers. He could lie to the master in his own favor. However, the servant loved Oblomov in his own way and was devoted to him.

Chapter 8

After Tarantiev left, Oblomov lay in bed again. He began to think about the state of affairs on his estate and dream about a wife and children. Then I decided to have breakfast and write a letter to the owner of the apartment. The content of what was written seemed inconsistent to him, and out of frustration he tore up the letter. Zakhar brings current bills to the owner. Oblomov is angry about having to pay bills. At this moment the doctor comes and states that Oblomov’s lifestyle is detrimental to his health. Ilya Ilyich quarrels with Zakhar. He falls asleep with conflicting feelings.

Chapter 9

Oblomov dreams of episodes from his childhood and teenage years. Little Ilya was protected from all troubles by his parents and nannies, while they cherished and catered to his many whims. Education was bad for him, mostly due to laziness. Andrei Stolts was his complete opposite: always busy with work, responsible in his studies. The lifestyle of Ilya Ilyich’s parents, like other inhabitants of Oblomovka, was unhurried, things were always put on the back burner, the need to do something first caused panic, gossip, and then complete apathy. Entertainment on the estate consisted of joint dinners, christenings, weddings and funerals of the estate's residents.

Chapter 10

While Oblomov was sleeping, Zakhar went into the yard to gossip with other servants about the owners. The neighbor's coachman began to scold Ilya Ilyich. Zakhara was filled with devotion and respect for the master, and he began to zealously defend him in front of Ilya Ilyich’s servants. A fight almost broke out between Zakhar and the coachman.

Chapter 11

Returning to the house, Zakhar saw that the master was still sleeping. The servant begins to wake him up kindly at first, but Oblomov is stubborn and continues to sleep. Zakhar begins to curse at the owner, who jumps up and immediately falls asleep again. The servant does not let up and wakes up Ilya Ilyich again. At this moment Andrei Stolts appears in the room.

Part 2

Chapter 1

Andrei Stolts was the son of a German clerk in the village of Verkhleve. His mother was a Russian noblewoman. The father accustomed his son to various jobs from an early age and raised him in rigor and discipline. Andrei, unlike Ilya Ilyich, could freely walk around the neighborhood, sometimes getting into trouble, but this only strengthened his character. Stolz had a thirst for knowledge; studying came easily to him. At the insistence of his father, he studied in Europe for 6 years, after which Andrei left his father’s house.

Chapter 2

Stolz was taught to live by reason from an early age. Everything in his life was rational, thoughtful and balanced. He was not a dreamer. German practicality helped him successfully conduct business and achieve his goals. Stolz and Oblomov were people with opposite characters, but this did not stop them from being friends. Andrey could calm Ilya Ilyich in moments of strong emotions

Chapter 3

Oblomov tells Stolz about the problems on the estate and the need to move from the apartment. Andrei Ivanovich is amazed at how lazy Ilya Ilyich has become during his absence. Zakhar complains that his owner gives money to Taranev. Stolz orders the servant not to let him on the threshold anymore. Stolz is making plans regarding Oblomov’s affairs. Despite Ilya Ilyich’s doubts and indecisiveness, friends are going to visit.

Chapter 4

Daily travel tires Oblomov. He believes that there is no point in the gossip of secular society, and there is no real life in the endless discussion of affairs. Oblomov paints idyllic pictures of his future life in Oblomovka with his wife. In response, Stolz calls the lifestyle depicted by his friend “Oblomovism.” Andrei Ivanovich declares that Oblomov cannot live as before, but everything can still be changed “now or never.” Friends agree on the need to go abroad and then to the village.

Chapter 5

The words “now or never” prompted Oblomov to think about changing his lifestyle. He began to prepare for a trip to France, the training camp was coming to an end, but at the last moment Oblomov abandoned the trip. The real reason for this was meeting Olga Ilyinskaya. Never before had Ilya Ilyich felt such passion for a lady. Falling in love radically changes his behavior. He becomes cheerful, cheerful, and feels a surge of strength. Departure abroad is constantly postponed. Ilya Ilyich ignores Stolz's letters. Oblomov settles in the dachas not far from the Ilyinskys’ house in order to see Olga more often. The girl plays music beautifully. Admired by her sensual nature and soulful performance, Oblomov exclaims that he feels love.

Chapter 6

The author describes Oblomov's dreams. He imagines an idealistic, collective image of a woman. Ilya Ilyich was wary of women who were too passionate by nature; he liked more reserved people, like Olga. She was thinking about how to wean Oblomov from laziness and force him to act, hoping that she could become a “lifeline” for Ilya Ilyich’s soul. After declaring his love, Oblomov arrived in upset feelings and avoided meeting with her. One day they finally managed to talk about what happened. The conversation ended with a kiss on the hand.

Chapter 7

Happy Oblomov looks after Olga for a long time. He returns to his room and, out of emotion, writes “Olga” on the dusty table. The author describes the relationship between Zakhar and Anisya. Oblomov's servant treated his wife rudely and secretly envied her worldly intelligence, although he could not admit it. With her appearance, the house became cleaner and more comfortable. At this time, a man comes from the Ilyinskys with an invitation to dinner. Oblomov goes to them, tormented by doubts about the girl’s feelings. A new meeting with Olga stirred up a storm of emotions in the soul of Ilya Ilyich.

Chapter 8

Oblomov spends the whole day with the Ilyinskys. Olga and Marya Mikhailovna lived in polite harmony with each other; there were no serious quarrels between them, just as there was no ardent love. Again Olga sang for the guests, but this time it seemed to Ilya Ilyich that there was no longer yesterday’s trepidation in her voice. Oblomov returned home in upset feelings.

The next day, Zakhar tells the owner that Olga will be waiting for him in the park. Oblomov rushed to the meeting place, finding the girl on the same bench where they had talked the day before. In the conversation, Olga made it clear to Ilya Ilyich that she also had feelings for him. He was happy!

Chapter 9

Happy days began for Olga and Oblomov: walks, trips accompanied by their aunt and the baron, and frequent meetings together. The young lady tried in every possible way to keep Ilya Ilyich busy with errands and worries, forced him to read books, walk a lot, and answer difficult questions. On the next walk, Ilyinskaya declares her love to Oblomov. Olga admits that leaving for a short time is sad for her, but it hurts for a long time. She convinces that she can love all her life, despite her young age. They realize the beauty of mutual feelings.

Chapter 10

The next day, an inexplicable change occurs in Oblomov: he decides to abandon Olga, assuming that a girl like her cannot truly love him. Ilya Ilyich writes a long farewell letter with explanations.

Chapters 11-12

Stolz writes a letter to Oblomov about the need to resolve matters with the estate, but Oblomov is too passionate about his relationship with Olga. They spend a lot of time together, but their meetings continue to remain secret. Olga Sergeevna and Ilya Ilyich understand that it is necessary to tell those around them about their relationship.

Part 3

Chapter 1

Returning from a date, Oblomov was beaming with happiness, but the joyful mood was ruined by the appearance of Tarantiev. with questions about why Oblomov had never been to an apartment on the Vyborg side and demanded money from him for rent for six months in advance. Ilya Ilyich recalls that he signed the contract without looking. Zakhar, who entered, remembers that Tanranyev did not return the borrowed shirt. Ilya Ilyich announced that he did not intend to live with his godfather Tarantiev and sent the guest out.

Chapter 2

He thinks about his relationship with Olga, realizing that the romanticism of the first meetings is fading, “the poem will pass” and the solution to many everyday problems lies ahead. In this new life there will be no place for dreams... He went to the Vyborg side to talk with Agafya Pshenitsyna. While waiting for the hostess, Oblomov saw his unsorted things with Gorokhova. He told her that he no longer needed the apartment. Oblomov left her with thoughts of finding another place to live.

Chapter 3

At the end of August, residents left their dachas en masse, returning to city houses. Meetings between Oblomov and Olga became rare.

In the house on the Vyborg side, Oblomov was well received. The widow made delicious coffee every day, often baked pies, and the table was set cleanly. It turned out that the signed lease agreement provided for a large penalty for early termination. Other apartments were much more expensive. Oblomov was sorely short of funds. He goes to Olga for lunch.

Chapter 4

At the Ilyinskys, as before, the company gathers, Olga sings in front of the guests. One day Zakhar asked Oblomov about the wedding. Ilya Ilyich realized that his relationship with Olga was no longer a secret. He brushes off these conversations. From Anisya, Ilya Ilyich learns that the Ilyinskys themselves are in poverty. Oblomov realizes that his former happiness has faded and moved away.

Chapter 5

Olga herself makes an appointment with Oblomov in the garden. He is worried about how to tell her about the rumors circulating about their relationship. Olga comes to the meeting alone. They say that secret meetings can no longer be continued. Olga believes that everything needs to be told to her aunt and get her blessing. She asks Oblomov to come to them the next day, but Ilya Ilyich postpones the visit.

Chapter 6

Oblomov returns home and goes to bed. The next morning, he remembers the agreement to come to the Ilyinskys, but remains at home. A few more days pass. On the Vyborg side everything was as before: Pshenitsyn’s widow ran the household and treated Oblomov to delicacies. Ilya Ilyich does not leave the house. He writes Olga a letter in which he says that he is sick and has to stay at home. In her response letter, Ilyinskaya asks him to take care. The girl sends him new books. Oblomov often visits his landlady.

Chapter 7

The meeting between Olga and Oblomov was postponed due to the fact that there was ice on the Neva and bridges were not built. Olga was waiting for the meeting, and Ilya Ilyich was tormented by doubts about how he would be received at the Ilyinskys. He was burdened by thoughts about his future wedding and future life. Oblomov was waiting for news about the state of affairs in the village. Without waiting for Oblomov’s visit, Olga herself goes to the Vyborg side to visit him. They explained themselves. Again Ilya Ilyich felt happy, he wanted to act.

Chapter 8

The next day, Zakhar discovers Ilyinskaya’s glove in Oblomov’s room. Ilya Ilyich denies that he had a girl. A disappointing letter arrives from the village: things are bad at the estate and Oblomov will not be able to get the required amount, which means that his marriage to Ilyinskaya is at least postponed for a year.

Chapter 9

Ivan Matveevich advises Oblomov to go to the village himself and sort out matters. Ilya Ilyich admits that he doesn’t understand estate management at all. Pshenitsyna’s brother recommends Isai Fomich Zatertoy as manager.

Chapter 10

Tarantiev and Ivan Matveevich discuss Oblomov. Speaking of him as a blockhead who has no understanding of business or documents. Tarantiev boasted how Ilya Ilyich signed a contract to rent an apartment without looking. Friends are afraid that Oblomov might marry Ilyinskaya and decide to watch him closely.

Chapter 11

At the Ilyinskys, only Olga meets Oblomov; she reports that it will not be possible to explain to her aunt. From a letter from the village, the hero learns bad news and decides to appoint Isai Fomich Zatertoy as attorney. Oblomov is upset by the rumors spreading about his relationship with Olga. The girl loses consciousness from her emotions. Having come to her senses, Ilyinskaya goes to Oblomov for a farewell explanation. She is convinced that there is no hope for happiness for them. The reason for this is Oblomov’s indecisiveness and complete lack of action. She states that she has become exhausted, trying to “revive” him, that his dreams and plans will never become a reality. The hero admits that his life was ruined by Oblomovism.

Chapter 12

For a long time, Oblomov, not remembering himself, wanders around the city and only returns home at night. In the morning, Zakhar enters the master’s room with a tray, seeing that the master’s bed is empty, he drops the tray. It turned out that the exhausted Ilya Ilyich fell asleep right in the chair. Life for him had lost all meaning. Oblomov goes to bed and falls asleep. He starts to have a fever.

A brief retelling of the third part of Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”

To quickly get acquainted with Goncharov’s novel Oblomov, we offer readers a brief summary of the third part, which will introduce the characters of the work and the storyline.

Oblomov: part 3 summary by chapters

Chapter 1

After meeting with Olga, Ilya heads home. He is very happy, his eyes are shining and his blood is boiling. But as soon as he entered the room, the mood immediately changed. Tarantiev was waiting for him. He began to wonder why Oblomov did not live in the apartment he rented. He reminded him of the contract that he signed for a year and began to demand payment for the apartment half a month in advance. Oblomov had no money, he said that he would bring it in later and was in a hurry to send Tarantiev away, who kept asking Ilya about life. Oblomov himself began to refuse the apartment, since he no longer needed it. In the end, he manages to send the unwanted guest out.

Chapter 2

Ilya was in a bad mood, but as soon as he remembered the morning, a smile immediately appeared on his face. Oblomov begins to think and love no longer seems so beautiful to him, but turns into a sense of duty. He thinks that this may be the last time he experiences this joyful feeling, because further love will drag on in everyday life and the rainbow colors will disappear. Ilya sees his future life, where there is construction of a house, work, explanations with the men, harvest, bills, elections, meetings and the like. Sometimes, in passing, he will receive a kiss from Olga, and then work, bills, a clerk. Is this the kind of life he wanted, but Andrei likes this kind of life, while for Ilya a wedding is poetry. He imagines how he leads his beloved to the altar, how they are left alone when the guests leave.

Oblomov is in a hurry to visit Olga, he wants to tell everyone about the wedding. However, Olga does not yet agree to talk about their plans. First you need to go to the ward, then write to Stolz, go to Oblomovka and give orders for the construction of the house, and only then tell everyone about their decision. Oblomov was surprised how practical his Olga was. Where are the sighs of love, the light whispers. He wondered why everyone was in such a hurry to live. Olga reminded him of Andrei.

On the second day, Ilya went to the ward, but started talking to a friend whom he met and did not get into the ward, and then Saturday followed. He postpones his trip to Monday.

Ilya goes to the Vyborg side to visit the owner of the apartment. Her name was Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna. Oblomov declares that he will not live in the rented apartment and they can rent it out to another tenant. Since the woman did not deal with such issues, she advised to wait for her brother, but Ilya did not have time and he asked to convey everything to him in words. Ilya leaves. Darling remembers that he planned to look for another apartment for him and Olga, but forgot, and no longer wanted to return. He puts everything off until later.

Chapter 3

Summer was coming to an end. It rained more and more often, people began to return to the city, and the Ilyinskys also moved out. Now Oblomov was unable to be at the dacha. He decides to live in a rented apartment for now until he finds another place to live. True, now they very rarely see each other and their romance is losing its power. For several days in a row he visits Olga, but already on the fourth day it became indecent to appear there, because they had not yet announced their engagement. Now there were no long walks in the park, but only fleeting meetings, and even then they were often seen by acquaintances, which caused awkwardness. Ilya repeatedly talks about telling his aunt about the wedding, to which Olga constantly switches the topic, interested in his going to the ward. She says that until things are settled, they can’t talk about anything and they need to see each other less often.

The next day Zakhar brought delicious coffee. Oblomov was delighted with its taste, and later tried the pie from Agafya Matveevna. This woman interested him, and life here was somewhat similar to Oblomovka, which was very close in spirit to our hero.

On this day, Ilya met with Pshenitsyna’s brother. We managed to talk with him about the apartment for which Ilya, according to the contract, had to pay seven hundred rubles. He wanted to pay, but as it turned out, he only had three hundred rubles. He couldn’t remember where the rest had gone, but only yesterday they had sent him one thousand two hundred rubles from the estate.

Chapter 4

When meeting with Olga, Ilya told her about the conversation with Pshenitsyna’s brother. The hero begins to look for an apartment, but the prices are sky-high, and then he also has to pay a penalty. This terrifies Oblomov. To get some relief from bad thoughts, he goes to his beloved, who invites him to the theater and various entertainments. But all this does not make Ilya happy, because he only has three hundred rubles in his pocket. Olga says that as soon as Ilya settles all matters, he will rightfully take his place in the Ilyins’ box, and then she smiled and this smile made Oblomov forget about money.

Oblomov goes home and thinks that it’s not so bad on the Vyborg side. You can live here too, although it’s far from the center, but here the house is in real order. Matveevna turned out to be a wonderful housewife, who took charge of Oblomov’s house into her own hands. Now both breakfasts and dinners are ready, everything is in order, everything is ironed and washed. Once Ilya asked Pshenitsyna why she was not married, to which the woman replied that no one needed her with children. So days and weeks passed, and Oblomov remained in the rented apartment and was in no hurry to change anything.

Once Zakhar asked the master about finding an apartment and asked when his wedding with Ilyina was. Oblomov was horrified, because they did not inform anyone about the decision to get married, and conversations were already taking place between the servants. Ilya orders that rumors not be spread. Anisya calms Oblomov. She says that everything made up cannot be true. Ilya begins to understand that his feelings for Olga have faded and he doesn’t know what to do now.

Chapter 5

Our hero is not clear how to behave with a girl, and she makes an appointment in the garden. When Ilya arrived, he saw a shining Olga, who was alone. He understands that this meeting looks bad and can compromise the girl. However, Olga finally decides to tell her aunt everything. But now the man is in no hurry to do this. He claims that we need to wait for a letter from Oblomovka. However, Olga does not want to hear anything and tells Ilya to come to them tomorrow, where they will tell their aunt about the upcoming wedding.

Part 4

Chapter 1

Ilya Ilyich was ill for about a year. As soon as Oblomov began to recover, the hostess also became cheerful, tried in every possible way to please him, and surrounded him with care and attention. Without suspecting it, she fell in love with Oblomov. Ilya Ilyich also gradually fell in love with her. Their feeling was simple and natural, as was their well-established life in the apartment on the Vyborg side. Zaterty told Oblomov that he had settled the affairs of the estate.

Chapter 2

The chapter describes the celebration on Midsummer's Day. Unexpectedly, Stolz appears in Agafya Pshenitsyna’s house. Andrei Ivanovich told Ilya Ilyich that Olga was now in Switzerland, and then she would go to the village. Stolz makes it clear that he knows the love story of Olga and Oblomov. They are both still suffering. Andrei persuades Ilya Ilyich to go with him, but he refuses.

Chapter 3

Over a bottle of rum, Ivan Matveevich and Tarantyev discuss their affairs. They are afraid that Stolz will unravel Zatertoy’s deception and find out the real state of affairs on Oblomov’s estate. They decide to blackmail Oblomov with the fact that he often meets with Agafya alone.

Chapter 4

Some time ago in Paris, Stolz meets Olga. He read the change in her eyes. Andrei Ivanovich always avoided passions and strong emotions, but in his relationship with Olga he felt something more than friendship. Over time, Andrei realizes that he has fallen in love with Olga Sergeevna. Olga was full of doubts: she could not understand how one could fall in love again after disappointment. Now she was ashamed of her past, in which she was with Oblomov. Gradually, young people open up to each other. Stolz decides to propose to Ilyinskaya.

Chapter 5

A year and a half has passed since the name day. Ilya Ilyich became completely flabby, Agafya Matveevna also looked ugly. Their financial affairs are going very badly. But Oblomov doesn’t seem to notice this. Pshenitsyna did everything to make Oblomov feel good and comfortable. She even had to pawn pearls and furs to get some money. The days in the house passed in the endless worries of Agafya Matveevna. Suddenly, Stolz appears in the house on the Vyborg side.

Chapter 6

Stolz, as if, by the way, told Oblomov about his marriage to Olga. Ilya Ilyich was very worried, but still was happy for them. Then the friends' conversation continued about business. Stolz understands that his friend did not follow the affairs of the estate at all, completely trusting the manager. Because of this, his debts constantly grew, and the income from the estate decreased. Andrei guesses that Oblomov was shamelessly deceived by Agafya Matveevna’s brother.

Chapter 7

Pshenitsyna signs a document stating that Ilya Ilyich does not owe her money. Stolz goes with this paper to Ivan Matveyevich and accuses him of fraud. In the service, Pshenitsyna’s brother is forced to resign in the light of the facts that have come to light. An angry Tarantiev tries to blackmail Oblomov again. Infuriated, Ilya Ilyich slaps Tarantiev in the face and expels him.

Chapter 8

Several years pass. Stolz and Olga now live in Crimea. Over time, their views on life became very much in common; they liked the bottom and the same things. They both loved to think and learn something new, and read books together. And this was their special path to happiness, so different from the suffering love of Ilyinskaya and Oblomov. The spouses understood each other without words. The woman was sometimes still sad, these were echoes of the past. Olga Sergeevna asks her husband not to leave his friend.

Chapter 9

Life on the Vyborg side flows quietly. There is complete prosperity in Pshenitsyna’s house, the pantry is stocked with food. Oblomov spends all his days on the couch, not participating in his wife’s everyday chores. One day Ilya Ilyich had a stroke; a doctor arrived and strongly recommended that the patient change his lifestyle. Oblomov became a passive observer of life; moments of oblivion happened to him. Stolz, who arrived, is outraged by Oblomov’s lifestyle. He wants to take him away, but Ilya Ilyich does not agree. Here he not only has “Oblomovism”, but also his wife Agafya and a small son.

Chapter 10

About five more years passed. On the Vyborg side, everything is different now. Pshenitsyna’s house is run by her brother and his wife. Agafya is still busy around the house. What happened? Three years ago Oblomov died quietly in his sleep. Stolz and Olga took in little Andryusha to raise them. At first, Agafya often went to Ilya Ilyich’s grave and cried. Andrei and Olga called her to move to the village, but she was too attached to her house on the Vyborg side.

Chapter 11

Stolz meets the aged Zakhar. He looks like a beggar. It turned out that after the master’s death, he and his wife left Pshenitsyna’s house. Many times Zakhar started working in other houses, but never got along with the owners. It was especially difficult for him after the death of his wife. Stolz calls him to the village. Andrei Ivanovich’s companion was a writer, he asks him about his friend Oblomov.

The novel “Oblomov” reveals the theme of love to a greater extent. It can be different: passionate, painful, friendly, quiet, reasonable, with sympathy from relatives, but at the same time it is always a real and bright feeling carried by the heroes through the years.

You can use this text for a reader's diary

Summary of “Oblomov” ⭐

Part 1

Chapter 1

Still from the film “A few days in the life of I.I. Oblomov." 1979

The novel begins with a description of the main character - nobleman Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He is thirty years old, his character is soft and trusting, he spends most of his time in dreams and idleness. A couple of years ago, he received a letter in which the headman of his family estate, Oblomovka, said that he needed to come there and start organizing the farm, but Ilya Ilyich never got around to going to Oblomovka. The owner of the apartment in which he lives needs his housing, the main character needs to move out.

Chapter 2

During the day, guests come to Oblomov - Volkov, Sudbinsky and Penkin. They offer him to go somewhere, but he refuses. Then Alekseev comes in and invites Oblomov to Ekateringof, but he’s too lazy. The main character appreciates Alekseev for his ability to listen and stay in the room for a long time waiting for his attention. Ilya Ilyich tells the guest that he was upset by the headman’s letter, informing him that this year his estate is suffering a two-thousand-dollar loss.

Chapters 3-4

After Alekseev, Oblomov’s apartment is visited by Tarantyev, who, on the contrary, was a noisy person and could bring Ilya Ilyich out of his static state. A man is hiding from a guest under a blanket, because he came from the street, and it’s cold there. Oblomov discusses the headman’s letter with him. Tarantiev believes that the headman is a fraudster, advises him to be replaced and asks for money for his help. Tarantiev also invites Ilya Ilyich to move into his godfather’s apartment.

Still from the film “A few days in the life of I.I. Oblomov." 1979

Chapters 5-7

Next in the novel follows a description of the life of the main character. Oblomov has been living in St. Petersburg for twelve years and holds the rank of collegiate secretary. The estate came into his possession after the death of his parents. Ilya Ilyich’s service lasted just over two years; one day he made a mistake with the address for sending an important paper, after which he no longer appeared at his workplace, fearing discontent from his superiors. After some time, he resigned, became lazy and almost stopped communicating with friends. Oblomov’s closest friend was Andrei Stolts - his childhood friend, a practical person who is constantly engaged in self-development, sets different goals for himself and achieves them. Ilya Ilyich never had a passion for study, only poetry aroused his interest. Long trips also did not appeal to the protagonist; he traveled only to Moscow and Oblomovka. In his dreams, Ilya Ilyich comes up with interesting moments in his life and imagines himself as a great man, but all this does not go beyond the limits of his dreams. Zakhar, Oblomov’s servant, is a rather clumsy and lazy person, he is very devoted to the master, who has been next to him since early childhood.

Chapters 8-9

When the guests left, Ilya Ilyich began to dream of life on the estate. These thoughts made him happy, he decided to have breakfast and write a letter to the headman. However, the letter turned out awkward, and Oblomov tore it up. After this, Zakhar invites him to leave the house for a while so as not to interfere with the servants carrying things for the move, but Ilya Ilyich does not want to change the apartment. They quarrel, and the master goes to bed, asking Zakhar to wake him up in the evening.

Still from the film “A few days in the life of I.I. Oblomov." 1979

In a dream, Oblomov sees himself as a child, with his mother and an old nanny telling him fairy tales. The everyday life of Ilya Ilyich’s relatives consisted of successive rituals and feasts - funerals, weddings, births. The rest of the time everyone carried on insignificant, almost meaningless conversations, yawned and dozed off. Troubles and worries were alien to those who lived in Oblomovka.

Chapters 10-11

At this time, Zakhar in the courtyard complains to the servants about his master, however, when they began to agree with him, he begins to praise both Oblomov and himself. Then he intends to wake up Ilya Ilyich, but he refuses to get up and scolds him. Stolz, who came to Oblomov, is watching them.

Part 2

Chapters 1-2

Stolz, unlike Ilya, was an active, active child in childhood, he loved to study and work. Stolz does not like to dream; he achieves his goals with amazing practicality. However, he appreciates his opposite friend in everything.

Chapters 3-4

Oblomov shares the contents of the headman’s letter with Stolz, who proposes to open a school in Oblomovka, but the owner of the estate does not agree with him. Ilya Ilyich also complains about the need to move. Andrey does not see anything catastrophic in this and is amazed at his friend’s laziness. Stolz forbids Zakhar to let Tarantiev into the apartment, who has a habit of borrowing Oblomov’s things and money and not returning them. After this, also at Andrey’s insistence, friends travel to various societies. Ilya Ilyich is dissatisfied: he is tired of crowds of people, noise and the need to walk for a long time in boots. He accidentally tells a friend that his ideal life is Oblomovka. When Stolz asks why he doesn’t move there, the protagonist has many excuses. Andrei considers life on a friend’s estate not real life, but “Oblomovism,” and says that it is necessary to work, first visit abroad, and then go to the estate.

Chapters 5-9

Conversations with a friend had an effect on Oblomov, he decided to take action and collected everything he needed for his trip to France. But he failed to leave: one evening Stolz introduced him to Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya, and the main character fell in love with the girl. He even bought the dacha opposite her aunt’s house. Ilya Ilyich really enjoyed listening to Olga’s singing. During one song he lost himself and cried out that he felt love. After that, he became embarrassed and ran out of the room. Then Oblomov told the girl that it was a passion for music, and she replied that she had forgiven him. Meanwhile, Zakhar married Anisya, an active woman, thanks to whom the established order in Oblomov’s house began to change.

Sketch for the cartoon "Oblomov"

Ilya Ilyich is invited to dinner with Aunt Olga, and he begins to fear that the girl is only flirting with him. He spends the whole day with her aunt, who was an authority for her niece. Olga comes in the evening, she behaves with restraint. Oblomov asks her to sing, but does not hear in his head the feeling that was there before. At home, he is tormented by doubts about the girl’s behavior, at which time she, through Zakhar, makes an appointment with Oblomov. In the park, he talks with Olga about the futility of his existence, and then about their feelings. The girl gives him her hand, and happy Ilya Ilyich joyfully thinks throughout the walk: “This is all mine!” After this, Oblomov becomes more active and constantly thinks about Olga, whose life was also filled with special meaning thanks to his love. One day the main character asks a girl why she doesn’t tell him about her love, she replies that she loves him in a special way, when it’s a pity to leave for a short time, but it hurts for a long time.

Chapters 10-12

The next day, Oblomov reflects on Olga’s attitude towards him; he does not like the passivity of her love. Ilya Ilyich writes a letter in which he says that their feelings are not true, that he is not the person that Olga needs, and the words of love spoken to her are not true. He gives the letter to the girl through the maid and watches Olga reading the letter in the park. Seeing her tears, Ilya Ilyich catches up with the girl. She reproaches him for selfishness, that he does not love her and is incapable of real feeling. He asks for forgiveness, says that he made a mistake by writing the letter. Soon Olga forgives him, saying that she saw love and tenderness in the letter.

Part 3

Chapters 1-3

Spending all his days with his beloved, Oblomov does not think at all about solving the problems of his estate. Stolz reminds him of them in his letters, but the main character has no time for that. He doesn't like the fact that he and Olga see each other in secret, and they think that they should soon announce their relationship. However, the girl believes that before that it is necessary to settle the situation in Oblomovka and build a house there. Oblomov goes to the apartment of Tarantyev’s godfather, where he sees things piled up in a heap and meets

Still from the film “A few days in the life of I.I. Oblomov." 1979

the owner - Agafya Matveevna. Her brother says that she needs to pay 800 rubles for the time when things were in the room. Ilya Ilyich only has 300 rubles, and he does not understand where the rest of the money was spent. Soon he moves into this apartment. Agafya Matveevna makes sure that he lives well. Oblomov finally sends a letter to the headman. His dates with Olga continue.

Chapters 4-7

One day Zakhar asks the master when they will get married. It turns out that all the servants are gossiping about Ilya Ilyich’s relationship. He replies that it is too much trouble. Olga makes an appointment with Oblomov and meets him, wearing a veil. The man doesn’t like the fact that she has to deceive her relatives. The girl says that she can tell everything to her aunt the next day. But Ilya Ilyich first wants to get an answer from the headman, so the next day he does not come to Olga, saying he is sick. He stays in the apartment for a whole week. The girl comes to check on him and immediately sees that he deceived her. Olga invites him to go to Smolny with her and her aunt. Oblomov is happy about the upcoming meeting.

Chapters 8-12

Soon he receives a letter. The neighbor writes that Oblomovka does not bring any profit at all, and to correct matters it is necessary for Ilya Ilyich to come to the estate himself. Oblomov is upset, because because of this he will have to postpone the wedding. Agafya Matveevna’s brother, who wants to get rich at the expense of his tenant, offers Ilya Ilyich a deal: his acquaintance Zaterty will go to the estate instead of him. Oblomov tells Olga that now he does not need to go to the estate, but the marriage still needs to be postponed for a year. The girl, who was hoping to get married soon, faints. Having come to her senses, she reproaches Ilya Ilyich for being indecisive, and believes that in a year nothing will change. The lovers separate. Oblomov wanders around the city until late. Arriving home, he sits motionless for a long time, and in the morning he begins to have a fever.

Part 4

Chapters 1-3

A year passes. Ilya Ilyich lives in the same place and, unnoticed by himself, experiences warm feelings for Agafya Matveevna, who surrounded him with care. Zaterty sent Oblomov the money he received from the sale of bread, and the master is pleased that he did not have to go to the estate. Midsummer is coming

Still from the film “A few days in the life of I.I. Oblomov." 1979

Stolz, who reports that Olga, who left with her aunt for Paris, cannot forget Oblomov. Andrey tries to take his friend with him, but he refuses, promising to come later. Agafya’s brother, together with Tarantiev, who was at the same time with him, are worried that Stolz might find out their secret: they appropriated the quitrent collected from Oblomov’s estate.

Chapter 4

The novel further describes the events that took place a year ago in Paris. There Stolz met Olga, and the change in her character surprised the man. He began to see her often and recommend interesting books to her. Soon Andrei realized that he had fallen in love with a girl; Olga also felt sympathy for him. At Stolz’s request to talk about her unhappy love, the girl admitted that she had a relationship with Oblomov. Andrey invited her to marry, and Olga agreed.

Chapters 5-8

A year and a half after Midsummer, Ilya Ilyich’s life became even worse: he was lazy all day long, completely uninterested in anything. His money is handled by Agafya Matveevna’s brother, after whose marriage the profits from the estate completely stopped flowing. Worried about her tenant, Agafya pawns her pearls. Soon Oblomov is visited again by Stolz, who says that he married Olga. His friend congratulates him. Andrei invites Ilya Ilyich to go with him, but he asks for a delay of a month. Before leaving, Stolz tells his friend that his feelings for the hostess are very noticeable. After this, Andrei does not come to St. Petersburg for several months. One day he talks to Olga about Oblomov. She wants to see Ilya Ilyich when she is in the city.

Chapter 9

Stolz took over the affairs of Oblomovka, and the estate began to generate a lot of income. The main character got money, and he bought Agafya Matveevna a lot of outfits. However, Ilya Ilyich continues to lie on the sofa for days, watching the hostess do something in the house. One day Oblomov has a stroke. The doctor talks about the need for lifestyle changes, but he does not follow them

Illustration for the novel “Oblomov”

recommendations and continues to lie and be lazy. Stolz arrives again and invites his friend to visit. After the refusal, he says that Olga is waiting in the carriage, then Oblomov reports that he is married to Agafya Matveevna and they have a son, Andrei, who was named after Stolz, and he has no desire to leave the apartment. Andrei leaves and tells Olga that “Oblomovism” reigns in his friend’s home.

Chapters 10-11

Five years pass. Oblomov died of a stroke three years ago. Stolz took his son into custody. Agafya misses the boy, but does not want to go to Andrei’s estate. One day, while walking, Stolz sees Zakhar begging for alms. He calls the servant to come to him, but the man does not want to leave his master’s grave. An acquaintance of Stolts asks him who Oblomov is and why he disappeared, to which Andrei says, “The reason... what a reason! Oblomovism!

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