Causes of conflicts between people essay

  • Essays
  • 11th grade Unified State Examination
  • Causes of conflicts between people

The problem of conflicts is relevant at all times. From ancient people to modern times. There have always been different views, understandings and opinions. Everyone proved and defended their rightness. Several parties are involved in the conflict, and each has its own plans, which the opposing side is preventing from achieving.

Conflict is a clash, misunderstanding, different opinions. Each person has his own value system, his own principles and views. Each participant has their own plans, ambitions and desires. People interact on different terms.

In a work environment, some employees stand up for the company’s success, its growth and advancement. Others act only in their own interests and have their own ambitions. They will create difficulties for the company, use their position, spoil the work of their colleagues to achieve their own goals. Real workaholics will constantly fight with such people and put them in their place. There will always be showdowns, disputes and disagreements between them. Some will dream of surviving others.

The number one cause of conflict. Selfishness. A person who thinks only about his own well-being constantly creates conflicts. An egoist always thinks that everyone owes him. However, he owes nothing to anyone. This category of people greatly irritates the people around them. Choleric and impulsive people will always express their disagreement. Egoists will begin to defend themselves and blame in return.

Cause of conflict number two. Reluctance to hear the other person. Strong relationships are built on mutual understanding. Mutual understanding is achieved through communication. People must learn to listen to their interlocutors, understand their motives and reasons. Don't make serious decisions in the heat of anger.

Cause of conflict number three. Rumors and controversial issues. Many people make the mistake of taking rumors at face value. Confident that they were given truthful information, they rush to accuse their friend of something he did not do. Any information must be verified.

Cause of conflict number four. Different values. Children grow up and are brought up in different conditions. Parents invest different values ​​in their children. For some, life principles are based on morality and morality. Others have no principles at all. Or they are unhealthy.

Cause of conflict number five. Insult. A certain category of people allows themselves to hurt the feelings of another person. Such people think that they have the right to judge others, to ridicule, ridicule and mock. As a rule, there are always those who will put such insolent people in their place.

Cause of conflict number six. Unfulfilled expectations. Every person, when starting a relationship, expects a return. He invests his time, effort, money. If the other side only takes advantage of this, conflicts occur.


A person without communication will not be able to exist and will most likely “perish” over time, like a plucked flower without a drop of water. However, in addition to pleasant feelings, it sometimes brings unpleasant memories, because quite often in the process of conversion certain conflicts arise between people.

Conflicts in themselves are an ambiguous word. On the one hand, from the Latin conflictus is a struggle, blow, collision, and on the other hand, it is defending one’s rights with the help of weighty arguments. Of course, if you and your interlocutor have common interests and views on a particular situation, then there is a 99.9% chance that there will be no conflict. But if the participants obviously feel dislike or hostility towards each other, then some kind of interpersonal conflict develops. If we recall the literary conflict between Bazarov and Kirsanov in the novel “Fathers and Sons,” then it shows a struggle of interests.

So what are the main causes of conflict?

The most common causes of conflicts are the following various barriers: someone else's desires, a semantic barrier in communication, an emotional and moral barrier.

The barrier of someone else's desire is simple; it is based on the opposition of desires and dreams. For example: if you and a friend decide to go on vacation and are faced with the fact that your friend wants to go by train, and you want to go by car.

Speaking of a semantic barrier, the same phrase or word can have different semantics (meaning) for interlocutors. For example: two fans are sitting at a football match. One supported the team with all his heart through songs and shouts, while the other was very worried about the loss of his favorite team.

The emotional barrier lies in the different manifestation of the spectrum of feelings, which in the future will cause negative consequences and misunderstanding.

In winter, when there is a blizzard and snowdrifts, some boys play in the snow and accidentally hit a man in the eye with a snowball. He frantically begins to scream and threaten the boys.

The most common conflicts arise due to moral barriers. This occurs when there are different ideas about the rules or norms of behavior. Thus, a woman from high society who knows everything about secular norms and ethics will feel uncomfortable when next to a person who behaves rudely with waiters and has never held a fork and knife correctly in her life.

And finally, remember that the main thing is not to be the match that starts the fire, but to be the one who puts out this fire after the match.

What is conflict and how to get out of it?

What are the causes of the conflict

? I think there are a lot of them. If we talk about internal conflict, then it is individual: attitude to study, to one’s responsibilities, change of place of work (study), comments from the boss, demands of the teacher, friction in the family, struggle for power, jealousy and many other reasons. The causes of external, intergroup conflict are discrepancies in points of view, competition, different goals in achieving results and rejection of these goals by others.

In my school practice, I also often observe conflict situations, since at this age students experience rapid development of all organs and systems of the body, and to this is added intense mental work and stress on the nervous system, which, in turn, causes increased sensitivity, vulnerability, extreme maximalism in the actions and assessments of other people.

On the one hand, misunderstandings arise with teachers, on the other hand, there is resentment and rejection of the opinions and demands of parents. And the result is a decrease in academic performance, behavioral breakdowns, frequent quarrels with friends, and the search for a new communication environment, which is not always favorable.

But one of the reasons that occurs most often is the inability, unwillingness or inability of each participant in the conflict to overcome the inner Self

, the desire to defend one’s position in any way, to prove one’s rightness, to achieve what one wants.

Of course, in general, conflict is not a tragedy, but a natural process that arises within the human community, be it a class team, a family, an educational institution, or an organization where you work. Often this helps to identify a rational grain in resolving a situation if the conflict does not go beyond the reasonable in the methods of clarifying the truth. Such disagreements even serve as an incentive for personal growth, team unification, and strengthening relationships.

That is, with such a conflict of a business nature, different, opposing points of view collide, which ultimately contributes to the emergence of the most optimal opinion and decision that unites everyone. This is provided that the manager behaves wisely and is able to maintain business contacts by taking coordinating actions in a timely manner.

But relationships are far from cloudless. Opinions, assessments, relationships, goals did not coincide, the results were not satisfactory, the methods of achievement were not liked - and “from a spark a flame was ignited”: quarrels, accusations, insults, squabbles began.

And as a result - a bad, depressed mood, depression, irritability, discomfort. You insulted a friend, were rude to a classmate, offended your parents, humiliated a colleague, and off we go. And according to researchers, a person involved in a conflict has a 70% reduction in mental activity. That's how serious it is.

How to get out

from a particular situation associated with acute psychological experiences that cause a flash, explosion, noisy emotional release and loud showdowns?

Everything, of course, depends on the depth of the conflict and its scale. In one case, a simple apology

, in another, more
large-scale solutions
. However, the question of choosing ways out of the conflict is not idle, because at school, at home, at work, and in public places, people most often for some reason follow the lead of emotions and choose an explosion, quarrels, and in a wide variety of situations.

There are many ways out of the conflict, and one of them is an agreement based on mutual concessions, called a compromise

. Compromise does not mean retreat; on the contrary, it is the ability to find a way out of the current situation without serious losses. In a number of cases, when it comes specifically to relationships between people, it is a compromise that is necessary to get out of the conflict. And you don’t need to think that a compromise humiliates you or hurts your pride. On the contrary, strong people who are confident that they are right make a compromise, and the inability to compromise is most likely an indicator of lack of self-confidence

There is an even better way out of the situation - cooperation

. It gives more satisfaction than compromise. Since in cooperation the interests and goals of all parties are taken into account and satisfied. Respect for the partner’s personality and equality with him are maintained.

However, in addition to goodwill towards the world, it is very important to be able to correctly and adequately evaluate oneself


If you

love to criticize others, but do not tolerate criticism directed at you, even if it is fair, it pushes people away from you, and then frequent conflicts are inevitable. In this case, it makes sense to think about your character.

If you

artificially avoid disputes and critical situations, even to the detriment of the truth, this will also not attract people to you, since you will be assessed as a person without your own opinion, and this will not add sympathy to you. You may unwittingly be drawn into conflict. And being without support in a team is not easy.

If you

you enter into a business conflict when there is no other way to defend the truth, and at the same time you do not stoop to humiliation, but correctly prove that you are right, this will not prevent people from respecting you as an honest and principled person.

If you

If you don’t worry alone, you will tell an intelligent and loyal person about the unpleasant situation, and in return you will receive his sympathy and participation, this will help you get out of the conflict faster.

If you

If you don’t be capricious or stubborn, but give in a little in any dispute, you will only benefit from this.

If you

you will not make excessive demands on others, you will not try to change them, you will be able to reduce the possibility of a conflict situation to NO, and you will always be able to resolve issues through discussion, coming to the agreement of the parties.

It is very important to be able to listen carefully to your interlocutor, sympathize, empathize, feel the emotional state of another person, put yourself in his place and understand the motives of his actions and behavior in general.

A person who objectively assesses the situation and is able to understand the conflict, explain the position of the parties, and find a compromise to avoid quarrels and misunderstandings is usually respected by other people and enjoys authority and support.

Tags: psychology of communication, relationships, conflict, psychology, communication

Conflict resolution

There are several effective ways to resolve a conflict situation. They can be divided into two categories: structural and interpersonal.

Clarification of job requirements.

One of the best management practices for preventing dysfunctional conflict is to explain what results are expected from each employee and department. It should specify parameters such as the level of results to be achieved, who provides and who receives various information, a system of authority and responsibility, and clearly defined policies, procedures and rules. Moreover, the manager does not understand these issues for himself, but in such a way that his subordinates have a good understanding of what is expected of them and the situation.

Mechanisms of coordination and integration. Another method of resolving a conflict situation is the use of a coordination mechanism. One of the most common mechanisms is the control circuit. As Weber and the School of Administration have long noted, the establishment of a hierarchy of authority streamlines the interaction of people, decision making, and the flow of information within an organization. If two or more subordinates have a disagreement on a specific issue, then the conflict can be avoided by contacting the General Director and inviting him to make a decision. The principle of the one-man rule makes it easier to use hierarchy to manage a conflict situation because the subordinate knows very well whose decisions he must follow.

When dealing with conflict situations, integration tools such as hierarchy of command, the use of services that link functions, cross-functional groups, task forces and interdepartmental meetings are very useful.

Research has shown that organizations that maintained the required level of integration were more effective than organizations that did not. For example, a company in which there was a conflict between interdependent departments - sales and production - could solve the problem by creating an intermediate service that would coordinate the volume of orders and sales. The service provided the link between sales and production and addressed issues such as sales requirements, capacity utilization, pricing and schedule agreements.

Comprehensive goals for the entire Organization. Defining integrated corporate goals is another structural method for addressing a structural situation. Effectively achieving these goals requires the joint efforts of two or more employees, teams, or departments. The idea behind these overarching goals will bring all stakeholders together to achieve a common goal. For example, if three shifts in a production department conflict with each other, then goals should be set for their department, not for each shift individually.

Likewise, setting clearly defined goals for the entire organization will encourage department heads to make decisions that will benefit the entire organization, not just its own functional area. Establishing the highest principles (values) of the organization reveals the content of complex goals. The organization tries to reduce the chances of conflict by setting comprehensive business goals to achieve greater alignment and performance among all employees. Structure of the compensation system. Pay can be used as a method of conflict management, influencing people's behavior in ways that avoid dysfunctional consequences. People who contribute to integrated business goals, support other parts of the organization, and try to solve a problem in a holistic way should be rewarded with praise, rewards, recognition, or promotion. It is equally important that the reward system does not reward unconstructive behavior by individuals or groups of individuals.

For example, if sales managers are compensated only on the basis of increasing the number of products sold, this may conflict with the expected level of profit. Managers of these departments can increase sales by offering more discounts unnecessarily, thereby reducing the company's average profit. Or, if a conflict arises between the sales department and the company's credit department when the sales department is trying to increase sales, then the sales department may not comply with the limits set by the credit department. This leads to a decrease in the availability of loans and, as a result, to a decrease in confidence in the credit department. In such a situation, the Credit Department may aggravate the conflict by not approving the extraordinary transaction and withholding commissions from the Sales Department.

Systematically coordinated use of rewards and incentives for those who contribute to the achievement of company goals and helps people understand how to deal with conflict situations to meet the aspirations of management.

The following types of causes of conflicts are distinguished:

1. The presence of opposite value orientations. Each individual and social group has a certain set of value orientations regarding the most significant aspects of their life. They are all different and usually opposite. At the moment of striving to satisfy needs, in the presence of blocked goals that several individuals or groups are trying to achieve, opposing value orientations come into contact and can cause conflicts. The most acute conflicts arise where there are differences in culture, perception of the situation, status or prestige. Conflicts caused by opposing value orientations can occur in economic, political, socio-psychological and other spheres.

Option 2

(380 words) Hostility destroys not only relationships between people, but also the people themselves. In the heat of quarrels, we lose time, energy and nerves, pushing all really important matters into the background. Therefore, every person should avoid conflicts and make peace at the first opportunity. This is proven by numerous examples from the literature.

So, A.S. Pushkin in his novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” described the conflict between two friends. Eugene wanted to have fun with his friend and take revenge on him for bringing him to an evening that did not meet Onegin’s expectations. As a weapon of revenge, he chose flirting with Olga, Vladimir’s fiancée. The provincial coquette was flattered by the attention of the capital's dandy and devoted the whole evening to him. Lensky was furious, he was jealous of Olga and longed for a duel. Evgeniy accepted the challenge. Although he admitted his guilt, things never came to an apology, because Onegin was afraid of damaging his reputation in the eyes of the world. Asking for forgiveness could be interpreted as cowardice. As a result, a quarrel led the friends to the barrier, and Lensky was killed on the eve of the wedding. The devastating consequences of their enmity are proof that it is best to avoid conflicts, because they are dangerous and unpredictable, and their impact on life is destructive.

An equally instructive example is A.S. Pushkin was portrayed in the novel “Dubrovsky”. Two old friends lived side by side and often communicated, even thought about marrying their children, but one accidental disagreement destroyed their relationship and led to dire consequences. Andrei Gavrilovich, while visiting a friend, noticed that his hunting dogs lived better than serfs. Troekurov's dogger responded by saying that “it would be nice for another master to exchange his estate for a dog kennel.” Dubrovsky was offended and left the estate. He sent Troekurov a letter demanding that Paramoshka be punished for his insolence. Kirila Petrovich was infuriated by the tone of the message and refused. The neighbor caught his men on his territory and ordered them to be flogged for stealing timber. Troekurov decided to punish his comrade and bribed officials in order to illegally appropriate Dubrovsky’s possessions. Andrei Gavrilovich, having lost his home, became very ill from frustration and died prematurely, and his friend never had time to make peace with him and ask for forgiveness. The conflict between two friends, which began with a trifle, led to tragic consequences, which confirms the need to avoid quarrels and disputes.

Thus, conflicts must be eliminated from your life, otherwise they will destroy it. Disputes and squabbles prevent a person from building harmonious and long-term relationships and give rise to clashes that are dangerous to health. It is better to preserve a bad peace than to waste oneself on good quarrels.

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