Essay-reasoning (According to the text by A. Adamovich) “...So what is the meaning of human existence?”

  1. Essays
  2. Human
  3. The purpose and meaning of human life

A person is born, grows, matures, grows old and dies. Every stage of life has its own purpose.

The child wants to become an adult. This happens naturally. And along the way there are small goals, as small as the baby. First sit down, then get up, walk, talk. Has reached!

And immediately new goals appear - to study, to establish themselves in society, to grow up. At first the goal is only knowledge and assessment. Then status in your community. And, from the results obtained, everyone determines their future path in life.

The man has grown, and his goals have grown. And here everyone decides for himself what goal entails him. What will become a priority: career, family, money, fame. And now everyone has achieved their goal. And now you’ve reached the top, if you succeed, you think, what’s next? Have your career, money, fame made you happy? Rarely. Only from the outside it seems that those who are at the top are happy. But history proves that this is not so.

Or maybe the goal in a person’s life should be happiness? Who thinks about this in their youth? When you are attracted to everything at once. This understanding comes later, if it comes at all. “Happiness is when you are understood,” it was said in some movie. But you need to understand, first of all, yourself. You will understand yourself, you will see your purpose in life. Even if it is only a dream, then with a strong desire, if you make it a goal, you can make your dream come true. You just need to go towards it step by step, step by step. Enjoying the process, enjoying your achievements. Difficult, but interesting. Maybe that's why creative people are happier?

The purpose of life is creativity? Good idea. You can create in any business. Not just in art or literature. If you look at it more broadly, an element of creativity is present in any endeavor.

The main thing is that a person has a personal goal in life. It can't be the same for everyone. And having reached this goal, you cannot stop. We must look for new heights. Only in movement and development does life acquire meaning.

This means that the goal in a person’s life is the path to the meaning of life. A meaningful life makes a person happy, and then you want to create and give joy to others. People like these are like sunshine and everyone is drawn to them. When you are around them, you begin to believe in yourself and find new goals.

Option 2

Every person comes into this world for something. But for what specific purpose he should go through life, he must determine and choose for himself. It just so happens in society that you need to strive for something, achieve it and move on, building new plans and goals.

At the same time, in our society there are often people who live one day at a time, without thinking at all about tomorrow. That is, they exist according to the principle: the day has passed and okay. But this is boring and not interesting at all. Life is not endless and is given to us to create and use different opportunities. There's a lot to do!

And the goal set by a person can help in this. Of course, everyone will have their own and different in volume. Many people, without calculating their strengths, set themselves an obviously unattainable goal. Then they get very upset because of the failure, fall into some kind of depression and eventually give up on future aspirations. This happens very often.

It’s good if a person sets a good goal that can bring good, happiness, and joy. But it can also happen that a person seeks to do something bad. Simply because he cannot achieve a good goal due to his laziness and envy of other people's successes. Then people who are close to such a person may suffer. I would like to believe that there are very few of them.

To achieve some global goal in life, you need to divide it into stages - small subgoals that will be much easier to achieve, proceeding from the simplest to the most complex. This way, most likely, you will be able to arrive at that most important and cherished one.

If a person, in his quest for a goal, could sort everything into stages and stages and would not want to get everything without difficulty at once, then our society would consist of successful people. After all, when a person achieves his goal in life, he acquires moral satisfaction and the joy of this overwhelms him. And he certainly wouldn’t want to do anything bad in this state. The world will become a better and kinder place!

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Essay on the topic Purpose and meaning in human life

People are born and grow. While they are growing, they learn to walk, talk, read, write, and make friends and acquaintances. Then they grow up, they have a job, a family... As they grow old, they have grandchildren, and at the end of their lives, each of us will die. And, undoubtedly, most people on the planet have thought at least once about why we live, what is the purpose and meaning of our lives?

Some, without thinking twice, will say that family is the meaning of their life. After all, there is nothing more beautiful than coming home and seeing your loved ones alive and healthy, feeling the affectionate touches of your wife or husband, and seeing your children grow up.

For others, the meaning of life is work. Such people are ready to disappear there day and night, forgetting about their family and friends.

Still others will say that we need to live for ourselves, since we only live once, so why should we think about what others will tell us? This category of people spends their lives traveling: they visit different parts of the world, get acquainted with different cultures, and meet new people.

And there are people who do not see the meaning in life. They are not happy with their family, work, or entertainment.

Each of us is looking for meaning in life, and, probably, the goal of our entire life is precisely to find this very meaning. And having found the meaning of life, we find absolute happiness.

Essay on the topic The meaning of my life

Probably the most controversial and difficult question is the meaning of human existence. The most difficult thing about this is the need to solve this topic for yourself. And every person.

People may be interested in various areas and spheres, but, one way or another, they will always have to decide for themselves what the meaning of personal existence is. Of course, there is always the possibility of leaving this question unanswered, and many do this quite happily, arriving, so to speak, at the end without burdening themselves with any reasoning. Others take the opportunity to join some religious or philosophical tradition, where the whole meaning will be provided, and sometimes even in a beautiful package.

However, in each of these options there is practically no personal action, no personal effort. Everywhere here a person uses meaning received from somewhere outside, and not independently.

Therefore, initially, in my opinion, the meaning of my existence lies precisely in the definition of this very meaning. One should not treat this matter with disdain, because if the meaning is clear, then it is clear where to go, why to live and why to die. If the meaning is not entirely precisely defined, then both the path of life and its completion are, in fact, spent practically in vain.

Of course, such a topic is difficult to describe, indeed, sometimes even difficult to express in words. After all, sometimes there are moments when, it would seem, the whole meaning is so clear and simple, it is clear both your own inner space and the outer world are in absolute clarity under your gaze. Always after this, contradictions arise, cloudiness and understanding slips away like sand or water through open palms.

Probably, each person really has some kind of separate meaning, and it is precisely such seconds of understanding that confirm this fact. After all, the feeling of understanding is common to everyone, but everyone understands something differently.

Even if this meaning does not exist, it seems to me that one should fill one’s existence with something valuable and worthy, just as an artist paints something on an empty canvas.

6 7 8 9 10th grade. Philosophy

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Essay 4

A goal in life is everything we strive for throughout our lives. Each person has his own specific goal, for example: when a small person he set himself the goal that he will study well at school and no matter what he must achieve this, after school everyone strives to become someone: someone a doctor who a police teacher and so on. Travel somewhere. But there is a dream - this is when a person simply dreams, thinks, but realizes that this simply cannot happen. And there is a definite goal towards which a person should always strive. A goal is a certain kind of beacon, without which you can’t go anywhere in life. And achieve nothing.

I believe that the goal in life should be what a person wants himself, what will help him become better and develop himself. A goal achieved is the final result of a goal. For example: we study at school to get a certificate, we enter technical schools and institutes to get a job we like. And all this time, many good moments happen to a person, because everywhere a person finds comrades. But there are also bad situations.

Based on this, we can conclude that the path to the goal is as important as the goal itself. There are different goals, small, big, selfish, noble, but they all accompany us through life. When a person does not strive for anything, then he stops developing. Any new goal is to learn something new, master some skills, and develop your abilities. But there is also a very important point so that our goals do not harm those around us.

Personally, for example, I always set a goal for myself. I set a goal to finish school as an excellent student, I graduated, I set a goal to train as a laboratory assistant and work in my profession, and that’s how it is. Now I have a goal to go on vacation to the Black Sea and I will try to fulfill it. People who live without a goal live in dreams and illusions, and this is very bad. Even if you set a goal for yourself and it doesn’t work out, you need to not give up, but try again and again. All people must fight. Do not sit back and do nothing, but strive for something higher and better. Feel your heart and do as it tells you. Don’t listen to other people’s opinions who say nothing will work out for you. All people have great potential, it's just that each person is inclined to his own. You need to be yourself and strive for your goal.

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Essay-reasoning (According to the text by A. Adamovich) “...So what is the meaning of human existence?”

What is the meaning of human existence? This is the question that worries A. Adamovich in this text. Each person has a unique ability that distinguishes us from animals - the ability to think, to be aware of ourselves and the world around us. Since childhood, a person strives to discover something new, get some information, and most importantly, he looks into the future. But, unfortunately, not everyone looks at the future with certain goals and not everyone looks at it at all.

Therefore, to the “eternal” questions, a person often adds simple and ordinary questions, which sometimes he cannot even answer.

In this text, the author reflects on the meaning of human life, saying that on the path of every person there are questions to which there is no definite answer, about which critics are still arguing. The author himself claims that “the meaning of life is in life itself.” You don't have to look for answers to all questions. It is important to live now, in the present day, and do everything to develop yourself and the world around you. The most important thing is that Fr. That is, it is difficult to talk about the meaning of a person’s life if he does not strive to further realize himself.

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Without aspiration, a person simply will not find himself and his place in this world.

The author’s position is absolutely clear and understandable to me: our world is diverse and interesting, and human life is very short. Everyone should strive to develop, improve spiritually and move forward.

I completely agree with the author's opinion. I think that every person should have their own goals, because they are what guide us towards improvement. Let us recall Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. The life of the main character Ilya Oblomov is filled with emptiness and meaninglessness, because he spends whole days only on his favorite sofa. Oblomov dreams of changing himself, changing his life, and makes big plans for the future. But all these are just the dreams of the main character, which cannot be realized in any way, because Oblomov is so far removed from reality. Thus, you can dream throughout your life, when, like another person, you persistently achieve your goals.

So, the meaning of human existence lies in man himself. It is a person who can prove that he lived his life not meaninglessly and not in vain if he was able to achieve something in this world and was able to find his place in this world.

Useful material on the topic:

  1. So what is the meaning of human existence? (According to A. Adamovich)
  2. Based on the text by A.M. Adamovich “So what is the meaning of human existence? ..” (The problem of the meaning of human existence) (Unified State Examination in Russian)
  3. Based on the text by A.M. Adamovich “So what is the meaning of human existence? ..” (The problem of the meaning of human existence)
  4. according to the text by Adamovich (So what is the meaning of human existence? Isn’t the answer contained in the question?)
  5. The problem of understanding the meaning of life (What is the meaning of human existence?) according to the collection of Senin 2021, 15th version according to the text by G.Kh. Andersen (Once upon a time there was a proud teapot<…>)
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