Arrival to father and thirst for revenge
After the unpleasant news, Vladimir immediately goes to his father. One negative news is followed by another. Dubrovsky learns that his father, Andrei Gavrilovich, is in a quarrel with his former friend Kirill Troekurov. After all, Kirila Petrovich, taking advantage of the situation and position, ensured that Andrei Gavrilovich lost his estate. This becomes the reason for Dubrovsky’s hatred towards Troekurov.
The master bribed the officials, but Kistenevka herself was of little interest to him. He only wanted to show his neighbor his power, but he felt that he had gone too far and went to ask for forgiveness. But when he arrived, it was already too late: Dubrovsky Sr. was dying. Vladimir kicked out the uninvited guest, and Troekurov left his decision in force.
After the death of his father, Vladimir burns his estate. The peasants also follow him into the unknown - they do not want to serve another master. Dubrovsky gathers a team of peasants loyal to him and becomes a robber. They begin to rob rich landowners involved in Troekurov's scam and help the poor.
Here you can see how the character and life position of the main character changes. After the death of his father, Dubrovsky tries on the image of a fighter for truth and justice.
What prevented Vladimir from realizing his plan?
Suddenly, the main character realizes that he has fallen in love with the daughter of his sworn enemy Troekurov. I had known Marya since childhood, and now I was happy to meet her again. In addition, the girl reciprocated the feelings of the tutor, although class prejudices initially hindered her. Under the influence of tender feelings, Dubrovsky admits to Marya that he wanted to take revenge on her father. In response, the heroine persuades her lover to abandon his plan. And Dubrovsky, indeed, no longer wants to take revenge on Troekurov, so as not to hurt his beloved. Vladimir tells Marya who he really is.
In this episode, Dubrovsky appears to the reader in a different image. He turns into a young man in love, ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of his beloved’s happiness.
Essay plan on the topic Dubrovsky
Approximate plans for essays based on Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky”!!! Plans on pieces of paper with a finished essay CANNOT be rewritten! First topic Why did Vladimir Dubrovsky become a robber? I. Introduction: you need to briefly talk about the history of the creation of the novel II. Main part: (takes up more than half of the entire work, it should contain small quotes from the text of the novel, taken in quotation marks, and your own reasoning on the topic of the essay. Simply retold text is not considered an essay!!!) 1) Brief history of the hero: Vladimir is the son A.G. Dubrovsky, lost his mother early, was brought up in St. Petersburg, became an officer, led a free life - Ch. III. 2) The character of the hero. Ambition, extravagance, love and affection for the father - ch. III; nobility - ch. V, where Dubrovsky stands up for Shabashkin; courage, bravery, resourcefulness, determination, composure - history in the “bear room”. 3) A letter from home that disrupted an established life. Feelings of guilt and responsibility - Ch. III. 4) The illness and death of his father, vague information about the culprit of all the misfortunes - Troekurov (Vladimir, from his father’s reaction, understands that it is Troekurov who is to blame for their ruin, his father does not have time to explain anything to him). 5) Vladimir’s last night in his home and the decision to set it on fire (already a criminal act, from the point of view of the authorities). 6) The desire to take revenge on Troekurov and those who consider wealth and power above the law. Death of clerks (a crime for which Dubrovsky should have been held responsible) - Ch. VI. 7) Dubrovsky’s responsibility for the serfs who shared his fate. The appearance of a gang of “brave villains.” Dubrovsky opens up to Masha, explaining why he became a robber: “Yes, I am that unfortunate person whom your father deprived of a piece of bread, kicked out of his father’s house and sent to rob on the highways” -ch.
XII. 9) Dubrovsky - “noble robber”: rumors about Dubrovsky’s generosity - ch. VII, history of Globova – ch. IX. 10) The author's sympathies are on the side of Dubrovsky. III. Conclusion: you need to talk about your impression of the novel and show your own attitude towards the main character. The size of the final part should be equal to the introduction. The second topic is the love story of Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova I. Introduction: you need to briefly talk about the history of the creation of the novel and who its main characters are II. Main part: (takes up more than half of the entire work, it should contain small quotes from the text of the novel, taken in quotation marks, and your own reasoning on the topic of the essay. Simply retold text is not considered an essay!!!) 1) The story of the heroes and their families: friendship fathers, both lost their mothers early, were lonely and impressionable. Troekurov once predicted Masha for Vladimir Dubrovsky - ch. I, IX. 2) Vladimir refuses revenge on Troekurov, having fallen in love with Masha, when he enters their house for the sake of revenge - ch. XII. 3) Masha understands that she is not indifferent to Deforge: the story with the bear -ch. IX. 4) Dubrovsky’s explanation with Masha, his confession of deception - ch. XII. 5) Masha is afraid of Dubrovsky himself and her feelings for him: they are different both in origin and in position in society (Masha is an aristocrat, Vladimir is a ruined nobleman, a robber) - ch. XII. 6) Vereisky's matchmaking, threat of marriage. Masha’s agreement to accept Dubrovsky’s help - Ch. XIV-XV. 7) Masha's wedding. Masha shows firmness and loyalty to her word. She was ready to become the wife of a robber, but she cannot break her oath - ch. XVIII. Dubrovsky's despair.
Dubrovsky leaves the gang - Ch. XIX. 9) Honor and loyalty to one’s word are the main values for Vladimir and Masha. 10) The author's attitude towards the characters. III. Conclusion: you need to talk about your impression of the novel and show your own attitude to the story of the main characters. The size of the final part should be equal to the introduction. Third topic The image of Vladimir Dubrovsky I. Introduction: you need to briefly talk about the history of the creation of the novel and who is its main character and why II. Main part: (takes up more than half of the entire work, it should contain small quotes from the text of the novel, taken in quotation marks, and your own reasoning on the topic of the essay. Simply retold text is not considered an essay!!!) 1) Brief history of the hero 2) Character of the hero . Ambition, extravagance, love and affection for the father; nobility, courage, courage, resourcefulness, determination, composure 3) A letter from home that disrupted an established life. Feelings of guilt and responsibility 4) Why did Vladimir Dubrovsky, a noble nobleman, become a robber? The appearance of a gang of “brave villains.” 5) Dubrovsky’s responsibility for the serfs who shared his fate. 6) Dubrovsky - the “noble robber”: rumors about Dubrovsky’s generosity 7) Dubrovsky in the house of Troekurov - his enemy Dubrovsky’s feelings for Masha and the story of their love 9) How did the story of Dubrovsky, the noble robber, end?
10) Why are the author's sympathies on the side of Dubrovsky? III. Conclusion: you need to talk about your impression of the novel and show your own attitude towards the main character. The size of the final part should be equal to the introduction. The fourth topic: The image of Masha Troekurova I. Introduction: you need to briefly talk about who is the main character of Pushkin’s work and why II. Main part: (takes up more than half of the entire work, it should contain small quotes from the text of the novel, taken in quotation marks, and your own reasoning on the topic of the essay. Simply retold text is not considered an essay!!!) 1) Brief history of the heroine’s life 2) Character the heroine of the novel, her relationships with family members 3) The history of the relationship between Maria Krillovna and Vladimir Dubrovsky 4) What interferes with the happiness of lovers? 5) How does Masha try to fight for her happiness? 6) How did the love story between the noble robber Dubrovsky and Maria Troekurova end? 7) Why didn’t Masha run away with Vladimir? How does the author treat the main character? III. Conclusion: you need to talk about your impression of the novel and show your own attitude towards the main character. The size of the final part should be equal to the introduction. SAMPLE ESSAY (third topic) The image of Vladimir Dubrovsky in A. S. Pushkin’s story “Dubrovsky” In our first acquaintance with Vladimir Dubrovsky, a young nobleman, confident in himself and his future, appears before us, a guards cornet, who rarely thinks about where they come from money and how much of it his father has. Vladimir never faced the problem of lack of money, because, being the only son of his father, although not a wealthy nobleman, he “received more from home than he should have expected.” And, it’s a well-known fact that if money comes easily, then it’s very easy to part with it. So it was with Vladimir: “He allowed himself luxurious whims, played cards and went into debt, not caring about the future and envisioning sooner or later a rich bride, the dream of his poor youth.” In a word, the heir of Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, at our first acquaintance with him, seemed to us not at all outstanding; the young man was characterized by all those pranks and actions that, without hesitation, can be attributed to almost all young people of his age and class. Reading about the idle pastime of young Vladimir in the circle of his friends, you imagine, looking ahead, this young man in the near future as a kind of self-satisfied, deaf to other people's troubles, and sometimes even a cruel master - a similarity to Kirila Petrovich Troekurov. But very soon you begin to understand that these ideas were false, because Vladimir Dubrovsky is his father’s real son: just as honest, fair, and decent. The time spent in the cadet corps did not in the least affect the noble qualities innate and laid down by my father in childhood. Having learned about Andrei Gavrilovich’s illness, his son, without a moment’s hesitation, goes to his estate. He reproaches himself very much for the fact that, having not received a letter from his parent for a long time, he himself did not bother to inquire about his health. Homeland for young Dubrovsky is not just a word. Approaching his parents’ house, recognizing places familiar and familiar from childhood, “he looked around him with indescribable excitement.” Everything about him evoked awe and pain: “the birch trees that had just been planted near the fence during his time,” and now became “tall branchy trees,” and “the yard, once decorated with three regular flower beds.” Vladimir was touched and pitied by his kind nanny Egorovna, whom the young man hugged with undisguised love upon meeting. Only a few words were written about the meeting between Vladimir and Andrei Gavrilovich: “...Vladimir passionately embraced his father.” But these few words are enough to conclude: the filial heart has not cooled down during such a long separation, it is full of pity, love and compassion. Moreover, in these few words with which the author conveyed the meeting between father and son, in my opinion, the whole of Vladimir - direct, restrained, laconic - is an exact copy of his father. Having learned about the cause of Andrei Gavrilovich’s illness, about how Troekurov treated him, young Dubrovsky is going to take revenge. Bearing grievances is not in his rules. But the offense did not blind Vladimir: by organizing robberies on the roads, he persecutes only those people who are guilty, in his opinion, those who have lost their human qualities because of money. Dubrovsky also has a sense of camaraderie. Having caught a clerk on the road with money for a guards officer, he did not take the money, but returned it back. Then, when meeting with the mother of this officer, he will say: “Know that Dubrovsky himself was a guards officer, he will not want to offend his comrade.” The nobility and kindness of Dubrovsky is also evidenced by the fact that all the residents of his father’s former estate immediately went over to his side and were ready to lay down their heads for him. But Vladimir did not agree to accept such a sacrifice. Realizing the doom of his and their situation, Dubrovsky at the end of the story tells the peasants to disperse and reconcile. This is the best thing he could do for them. Dubrovsky is strong, brave, fearless. There is hardly anyone who will deny the presence of these qualities in a young man. But how timid and reserved he seems to us on the pages dedicated to his meetings with his beloved girl, Masha Troekurova. Love for Dubrovsky is a pure, sublime feeling; deception and love for him are incompatible. That’s why Vladimir confesses to Masha who he really is, leaving the girl the right to choose. If you put all of the above about Dubrovsky together, you get a very attractive image. This is exactly how A.S. Pushkin wanted to show his hero: honest, noble, brave, kind and gentle. As for me personally, having become acquainted with the life and work of the poet, I see Pushkin himself exactly like that.
A difficult situation and the wedding of Maria Troekurova
Kirila Petrovich Troekurov plans to give his daughter in marriage to the rich but old Prince Vereisky. Marya asks her father to reverse his decision, but her pleas are in vain. The father declares that he knows what is best, and her job is to obey. She hopes for Dubrovsky’s help, but wants to run away only as a last resort. She is looking forward to Vladimir saving her and they will be together. However, fate turned out to be unkind to the lovers. Kirila Petrovich found a cache with their messages, located in a hollow oak tree, and suddenly moved the wedding date so that Vladimir would not make it on time. Dubrovsky was late, Maria was engaged to someone else. She refuses to run away with Vladimir, since she was married to someone else, and she is a believing girl. Vladimir humbly accepts her choice. Due to a raid by the authorities, he is forced to disband his gang and go into hiding.
This is where the story about the life of Vladimir Dubrovsky ends. Alexander Pushkin left the ending of the work open. After all, it is unknown how the fate of the main character developed in the future. The author did not have time to complete the novel. There are suggestions that Vladimir was supposed to become a revolutionary.
Thus, Pushkin masterfully described the character of the main character, namely his change. The image of Vladimir Dubrovsky is very changeable. At first, he is a self-confident young man who did not deny himself anything. Then he turns into a robber who wants to restore justice and help the poor. And in the finale of the work, Dubrovsky becomes a romantic, ready to do anything to find happiness.
Author: Victoria Komarova
Option 2
The young man takes the path of robbery, since his honored father’s entire estate was seized. And as a result of the experience, my father died. Our hero, the robber, was left without material and moral support. There is no one to give advice and help. He quits his studies. And he graduated to become an officer! A rebellious hatred is ripening in his soul. And he organizes a group of people who carry out robberies of rich people.
You can call Dubrovsky a victim of circumstances. Their neighbor Troyekurov deprived them of their home and land. Leaving him penniless, he pushes an unprotected officer to commit a crime. Our hero, of noble origin, unfortunately falls in love with Maria, the daughter of an enemy. Dressed as a French teacher, he tries to persuade the girl to run away with him.
He develops from the age of eight separately from his father. And he will think about what is happening when he loses everything in an instant. First the estate, the inheritance, then the father. Hatred for the offender drives the actions of a young, ardent youth. Returning to the village, he gathers people of peasant origin.
Once in Troekurov’s house, he forgets about revenge. The main thing for him is that his beloved girl Maria is here. But Troekurov gives his daughter to the elderly prince. After his beloved girl refuses, our hero leaves his gang and goes abroad. Nobody heard from him after that.
It’s hard to realize that with the help of litigation you can deprive a person of all his property and collect it to the bone. How to find a solution to the problem? What can be done?
Despite the persuasion, Maria Traekurova does not want to betray her old husband and run away with Dubrovsky.
The cruel morals of high society, the bad, greedy actions of Troekurov prevent young people from starting a family. His daughter's tears don't bother him. I don’t feel sorry for my long-time neighbor and friend. It doesn’t matter if a friend’s illness leads to death.
Dubrovsky is a nobleman who differs from representatives of his class in his desire to help the poor, believing that the rich have too much money. He wants to marry Masha not for money, but for love. And she reciprocates. Pushkin shows the tragedy of the love of young heroines who do not have the right to choose their husband and decide their fate. Not finding a place in Russian society. Our hero leaves the country and it is not known what happened to him.