What makes a person human, or how we got rid of the power of testosterone

What is Humanity - essay

We are all people, each of us is human. We know how to talk, think, create and walk upright, but is this the only reason why each of us can be called human? Of course not. There is such a concept as humanism, that is, love of humanity, and it is on this that the concept of “man” is built.

People who live for the good of the world, help their comrades and other people, have every right to be called people. Anyone who only harms can only be considered a human being with a stretch. In order to really become one, you need pure thoughts and honest actions. This model of behavior is established from childhood.

Adequate parents teach the child that he is responsible not only for himself, but also for other people - he must help them and take care of them if something happens. This is how humanity is established.

The same parents who offended the weak, behaved obscenely, and so on, the child is unlikely to be able to take a good example, and is also unlikely to grow up as a human being. However, there are exceptions.

Nowadays, society often judges a person by how he looks. Those who dress beautifully and fashionably are considered kind and honest, while those who wear “old-fashioned” or cheap clothes are considered to be avoided. Is it correct?

Of course not, because a person who puts on expensive and beautiful things can easily turn out to be a sadist, and vice versa, a modestly dressed person can be the kindest person. Appearance does not play any role in humanity.

Another criterion that a person can be called a human is his culture. If he talks to everyone equally politely, never interrupts and respects his interlocutors, this makes him human because it means that he thinks about the feelings of others.

If a person inserts obscenities through a word, addresses everyone with “hey, you,” and is frivolous in conversation, then he is likened to an animal, even though by definition he is a person.

So, what makes a person human? Of course, this is the ability to help other people and support them in difficult situations. Without this, a person loses his social significance, he becomes wild, a loner, and he cannot survive in the world.

Internal qualities such as kindness, understanding and politeness also play a role here. Having met a person who expresses his thoughts competently and kindly, I want to thank him for the fact that there are still real “people”, but, on the contrary, there is a desire to stay away from rude people.

Being human is not easy, but it is very important and pleasant. Both to everyone around him and to the man himself with a capital M!

Nurturing humanity

People are different - sometimes strict, withdrawn; sometimes cheerful and good-natured. But the main property that is inherent in a person with any character is humanity. In fact, every person has inner kindness, the ability to sympathize, show mercy, and perform moral actions. Sometimes, for some reason, people do not show these qualities. But they are quite possible to develop – both for a child and an adult.

Anyone who is cold and indifferent to others is likely to experience the pangs of loneliness. He cannot show humanity because at a certain stage of his life he did not develop compassion. We all know cases where some children show cruelty - for example, they torture animals. This is how cruelty and lack of mercy develop. We can say that a crime against humanity is not only actions that speak for themselves (theft, disrespect for elders, violation of moral standards). It is also a lack of good upbringing. After all, if it is not explained to a child or teenager why it is impossible to do bad things, if he does not learn to put himself in the place of another living being, then he is unlikely to have such a quality as humanity.

Essay What does it mean to be human

Who is this person? This is a living, highly organized creature that has developed the ability to actively move, feed, and reproduce. However, this is just the biological side of the issue. But if you look from the spiritual side, then a person, like all living beings, has a soul, heart, conscience.

But are people taking full advantage of it? Do they always act humanely towards others and themselves? Humanity means being able to help in a difficult situation, giving advice, not turning away from a friend abandoned by everyone, not betraying or abandoning people.

Sometimes they say that animals are more humane than people, because they will never abandon their relative in trouble and will stay with him until the last. However, this is not always the case. In addition to bad people in the world, there are also good ones, and there are quite a lot of them, don’t forget about it.

Humane people, in fact, exist at every step, but they do good deeds selflessly, without expecting rewards or praise for it, so not everyone pays attention to them. Many do not even notice the good deeds done for them, because these deeds are so tiny compared to the huge, restless world.

However, you definitely need to notice such actions and bring closer those people who act humanely towards you. Such people will always be able to understand the current situation and put themselves in the position of a person if something happens.

Of course, it is undoubtedly important to have friends with similar character traits around you. But no less important will be improving oneself, striving to become humane and kind.

Quite a lot of people will want to have such a friend; he will enjoy the respect and support of others, because if the situation requires it, he himself will be able to support. It doesn’t matter whether you are rich or poor, beautiful or not at all, a scientist or a plumber, the main thing in this life is to be human!

To be humane means to be able to support your friend, to know how to behave in any situation without offending or setting anyone up, to be able to protect a weaker person or animal, to show your moral qualities and high level of organization. Humane people are valued in society, they are respected and have many friends.

But besides humane people, there are also inhumane ones. This, of course, is sad, but such people need to strive for self-improvement, although not everyone sometimes notices the “log in their own eye.” Human people are kind, sympathetic, generous, and the more of them there are among us, the more developed our society will be.

Development of humanity

Humanity allows you to notice the good without focusing on the negative, and give hope for the future for yourself and your loved ones. Three basic feelings help develop humanism: love, kindness and an intelligent attitude. A caring reaction to a random person’s problem and participation in charity events are signs of spiritual kindness and spiritual balance.

Essay What makes a person a person

“People are not born, but become who they are,” said the French writer K.A. Helvetius. Indeed, there are many external and internal factors that shape personality, laying in it the concepts of morality and morality. But what exactly are the qualities that allow a person to become the highest element in the chain of evolution?

Responsibility, courage, fortitude, willingness to sacrifice for the sake of a higher goal, hard work, kindness and mercy, honesty are the main character traits that allow a person to grow and develop, setting an example for other people.

Suffice it to recall the hero of Pushkin’s work “ The Captain’s Daughter ”. Pyotr Grinev does something that no living creature other than a human would ever do: he, under threat of death, refuses to break his oath, remaining loyal to the royal court.

Animals value life most, but only humans have beliefs and ideals that are higher than themselves. In this way, we differ from all living things on earth. Why did Peter do this, why, like him, do many people sacrifice themselves?

Because they cultivate in themselves all the character qualities I listed above. They are responsible and courageous enough to take risks for the sake of what is dear to them, and something is dear to them because they are kind and merciful.

For the sake of this “dear” they work tirelessly, and perseverance helps them withstand trials. And honesty helps us all trust and help each other.

In order to become a real person, and not his illusory likeness, you need to see not only with your eyes, but also with your heart, because it is this that directs us to the feats that distinguish people from all other living beings. After all, it is the one who knows how to sympathize and worry that is no longer an ordinary individual, but becomes a real person.

Essay on the topic “Humanity”: arguments

Those schoolchildren who write an essay on this topic can use the following arguments in their work. Firstly, it can be pointed out that humanity always correlates with morality; secondly, as already mentioned, this quality always includes the ability to compassion. In addition, one who is humane treats others who are different from him with tolerance.

Signs of a real person

Today, there is a fairly widespread opinion regarding the connection between people and the animal world, a direct connection. Man is perceived as a social animal, Aristotle , and not only that, and to some extent it is difficult to argue with this.

The philosopher Nietzsche, in turn, said that a person is “that which must surpass,” meaning to surpass oneself, the ability to overcome oneself. Of course, we are probably not talking about any kind of overcoming of a sports type or something like that, but this also requires effort.

Only such an effort is a longer and more global effort, it includes the entire human life.

In my opinion, it is precisely this kind of effort that makes a person human, the ability to truly overcome oneself, circumstances, conditions.

People have to some extent learned to cope with their own instincts and are more or less making progress in understanding the psychological mechanisms that drive them, but even such gains allow them to have only relative freedom. It is true freedom that gives a person the opportunity to be a person, not just a social animal or part of a collective, a variant of the multitude.

In many ways, a person is a person to the extent of his own individuality and uniqueness, and here a remark needs to be made to indicate not a simple set of hobbies or inclinations, but something more.

It is often noticeable in people, we are talking about when we can say that we have a personality in front of us and when we see a not entirely formed person. Originality, clarity and thoughtfulness of life views, ideals and attitudes, the presence of internal support make a person human.

In addition, what makes a person a real person is compassion and the understanding that even if someone now looks not quite human, not a fully formed personality, one should not be arrogant about this.

Deep respect for the life of another person makes a person human, such understanding reveals a person who is able to value himself and therefore values ​​others. Acceptance and sensitivity to others makes a person human.

The property of a real person is tolerance

Respect also presupposes such a quality as tolerance. Humanity - what is it if not the ability to treat representatives of other religions and nationalities with tolerance? Anyone who has respect for other people in his heart will be capable of spirituality. Such a person lives by the principle: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The antonym of humanity - inhumanity - is a cruel attitude towards others, those who differ in some way. The inability to put oneself in the place of another person, even a weaker one, is a symptom of cruelty, deep-seated internal failure, and often poor upbringing. After all, a person who lives in harmony with himself does not feel the need to humiliate others. Those who need to assert themselves at the expense of others, those who internally realize that they are worthless, behave inhumanely.

The problem of humanity

Humanity in the modern world is deliberately confused with weakness. The race for values ​​for personal gain dictates strict rules of social behavior. Against such a background, kindness and generosity stand out in contrasting colors. What is humanity in specific examples - a teacher who works with a child after school without additional pay, a nurse who diligently looks after a seriously ill patient. It’s not difficult to show care to the best of your ability; the worst thing is not to get support when they can help you, but don’t want to.

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