Examples of life values ​​from literature - essay

  • Essays
  • 11th grade Unified State Examination
  • Examples of life values ​​from literature

Life values ​​are what a person believes in, his moral principles. Each person has completely different life values. But it is absolutely certain that every person is ready to devote his life to these very values. For some, life values ​​are material objects, but more often they are morals.

Not only we, real people, but also literary heroes have values ​​in life. Again, everyone is completely different. Literary heroes are very similar to us; they have the same desires and values ​​as we do. And their life values ​​are not always for their own good. And sometimes it happens that these very values ​​are aimed at harming others.

One of the brightest manifestations of the hero’s life values ​​was the heroine of the work by A.I. Solzhenitsyn “Matryonin’s Dvor” - Matryona. This elderly woman dedicated her entire life to helping other people. She was kind to everyone. Matryona gave a roof over the head of a poor rural teacher without demanding anything in return. She always selflessly helped all her neighbors. One day, relatives from a neighboring village came to visit her. Matryona allowed them to take away part of her house. Moreover, she helped with the removal of logs. While helping her family, Matryona died - she was hit by a train. This selfless woman gave her life for her goal. In my opinion, Matryona can be an example for many people.

Another example could be Chichikov, the hero of the poem “Dead Souls” by N.V. Gogol. The hero's life value was material - he wanted to get rich in any way. Chichikov trained a mouse and sold it, making it so that his comrades had to buy food from him. He pleased those who were higher in position than himself. Once Chichikov even almost got married in order to get a good rank. The hero pulled off various scams to make money. And his last idea seemed brilliant to him. Chichikov decided to buy dead souls from landowners cheaply in order to later receive big money for them. Although his plan was discovered, Chichikov already had papers on the purchase of souls in his hands and disappeared in an unknown direction. Although dead male peasants are called dead souls, the main dead soul in this work is Chichikov, for whom money turned out to be more important than any morality.

Life values ​​are the driving force of every person. A person performs all his actions for the sake of his goal and life values.

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