What does Russian mean in the modern world? Role and significance

What is the importance of the Russian language in the modern world?

If we briefly characterize the role of the Russian language in the modern world, it is one of the top ten languages ​​in terms of the number of speakers. Being one of 2,796 languages, according to UN estimates, it is officially recognized as the working language of such influential organizations as the UN, WHO, IAEA, UNESCO, etc.

Recognizing a language as a working language means giving it a certain status. For example, the UN has six officially recorded working languages: English, Arabic, French, Russian, Chinese, Spanish. They were selected based on the criteria of prevalence and global influence. This status confirms the role of the Russian language in the modern world. A representative of any country at UN meetings has the right to use or speak his own language, but his speech must be translated into all six official languages, as well as documentation on all decisions taken and discussed. The same applies to simultaneous translation.

There are holidays of official languages ​​in the world. June 6 is Russian Language Day. It's A.S.'s birthday. Pushkin.

Essay on the topic “Russian language in the modern world”, grade 10

The Russian language is one of the most complex and rich languages ​​in the world. Language is the main cultural value of every nation and its priceless wealth. Society tends to constantly influence language, just as it influences people. Recently, the number of people who speak and communicate in Russian has increased. In addition, the composition of words and phrases, as well as their properties, has changed. This phenomenon happened back in 1992-1993. These transformations quite strongly influenced the conventional framework for using the Russian language. Many words have ceased to be used in speech.

In fact, the language environment is very important for each of us. But you need to remember that it requires a lot of different knowledge, skills and abilities. Russian spoken language is the most widespread in our country. It has been found to be superior to all other languages. Even if you take them all together. This is explained by the fact that in the Russian Federation at the moment there are almost no places where Russian people do not live. In the main, even most, part of our country, the role of the Russian language is very important.

The Russian Federation cannot and will not be able to switch to any other language. But everyone should remember that learning a language is impossible without reading a huge amount of literature in that language. This is where science goes astray. After all, it is completely incomprehensible to her why some languages ​​are disappearing, while others are not even going to appear.

Unfortunately, now a very large number of young people and teenagers communicate on their pages on social networks illiterately. But this is not surprising. Not only young people, but everyone else began to watch more TV, sit in front of a computer monitor or on a tablet. And everyone forgets about reading literature. Even those who still read, do so on the Internet or using e-books. And the good old printed books and reference books have long gone out of fashion. But in electronic versions of books there are a lot of grammatical and lexical errors. Nowadays it is easier to watch a movie than to read a smart book. In addition, at the moment, many bad and harmful words have appeared in people’s vocabulary. It's not that good.

But not all people are like that, there are also good, smart people who love to read. Such people understand that reading and knowing their native language is very important in our lives.

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Is Russian a language of interethnic communication?

In a situation of interethnic communication, a guide language is needed, knowledge of which both parties have and, accordingly, can adequately present and perceive information. For many countries of the former USSR, the Russian became such a guide.

Let's say briefly: the Russian language in the modern world performs the function of an interethnic language, primarily for the peoples of the post-Soviet space. Despite the political bias and the desire to level out its significance in a number of newly formed states, there is an objective assessment of the importance of the Russian language as a means of communication between peoples, the transfer of scientific and cultural knowledge, and the development of commercial and industrial relations. Such a sober socio-linguistic policy is being pursued in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, etc. At the same time, the older generation speaks Russian well throughout the entire territory of the former USSR, which preserves the interethnic language as a means of communication for residents of the national state.


In our country, Russia, the Russian language occupies a significant place. With the help of it people communicate with each other. The Russian Federation is a large country, so the Russian language is spread over a vast territory.

It is the richest language in the world. This beautiful language has many synonyms and means of expression. The Russian language is called powerful because it is capable of surprising. This language is taught at school from the first grade, every time we learn new words and expand our vocabulary with their help.

The Russian language is unusually beautiful; almost all residents of the Russian Federation speak it, regardless of what nationality they belong to.

This great language is considered one of the most difficult to learn. It changes and is supplemented all the time. It is not easy for foreign citizens, since in the Russian language words are declined according to cases.

Ukrainian and Belarusian are considered relatives of the Russian language. Recently, the Russian language, unfortunately, has become increasingly saturated with bad words and phrases, for example, jargon and profanity, that is, obscenities. Some people completely mispronounce words from the Russian language, or put the emphasis incorrectly.

Many peoples speak Russian, among them Ukrainian, Kazakh, Belarusian, as well as Azerbaijani people. Many people on our planet want to learn our complex and great language, but it is not at all easy. Among all world languages, Russian ranks third.

Nowadays, you can observe, mainly among young people, how they simplify words or even shorten them. In youth slang, words or phrases that are familiar to us are shortened, because, probably, it is easier and more convenient for the younger generation. This is how many English words appeared in the lexicon, which replace Russian words.

In general, any language in the world is considered unique and interesting, but the Russian language is very interesting, complex and even specific and unusual. He is incredibly beautiful and rich, but he ceases to mean more and more every year. We must try to preserve it for our descendants. People should take care of their language.

I believe that a person definitely needs to replenish his vocabulary with Russian words, and for this you need to read a lot, then you will become much more literate and your speech will become more expressive and straighter, perhaps “bad” words will disappear from your vocabulary.

Which languages ​​are international languages ​​and why?

International languages ​​are intermediaries that serve as a means of communication between multilingual peoples. The conditions for including a language in the world club are two groups of factors:

  1. Linguistic - development of functional subsystems, terminological apparatus, richness of vocabulary and grammar.
  2. Extra-linguistic - political, economic and cultural conditions.

The importance of the Russian language in the modern world as an international language is manifested not only in its recognition as official by the UN, but also in the presence of programs for studying it in higher educational institutions of various countries as a “foreign” language.

International languages ​​satisfy the following conditions:

  • Large number of carriers;
  • Among those who do not consider the language their native language, many speak it;
  • Used as a means of communication on different continents;
  • Studied as a foreign language in the education system;
  • It is an official member of international structures.

The role of the Russian language in modern society as an international one is expressed in its status, recognized by the UN and other structures, as well as in the ever-increasing number of students studying it in other countries - the USA, Sweden, Finland, Korea, China, Spain, etc.

Essay 2

Every person has been familiar with Anna Akhmatova’s poem “Courage” since school, written by the poetess during the Great Patriotic War. In it, she called on our people to rise up against the fascist invaders in order to preserve the “great Russian speech” and the “great Russian word.” It is not surprising, because no nation can exist without its own language. It is impossible to imagine a Russian person who would not love the Russian language and would not speak it. That is why the role of the Russian language has always been extremely great at any time, including in the modern world.

At the moment, the Russian language is one of the most common languages ​​in the world. It is spoken not only in Russia, but also in many other places on our vast planet. There is no country where you cannot meet at least one native Russian speaker. That is why Russian is the working language of the United Nations and UNESCO. This means that many important documents are written in Russian, which cannot but emphasize its importance in the modern world.

Many residents of other countries learn Russian in order to read the original works of great Russian writers: A.S. Pushkina, F.M. Dostoevsky, A.P. Chekhova, L.N. Tolstoy, N.V. Gogol, I.A. Bunin and many others. This is not surprising, because it is difficult to imagine another language in which there would be so many synonyms, epithets, and beautiful figures of speech.

In addition, the Russian language is constantly changing, new words and scientific terms appear in it. Some words, on the contrary, begin to be used less frequently or are replaced by others. New spelling and accent options are appearing.

Unfortunately, some people argue that the Russian language is gradually losing its relevance. This is due to the collapse of the Soviet Union, and to the emergence of a huge number of borrowed words and colloquialisms, and to the widespread use of obscene language among young people, and to the reluctance of many people to learn the rules of their native language, and to the fact that the popularity of books is becoming less popular every year, inferior to short notes on the World Wide Web.

To summarize, we can conclude that the Russian language is incredibly beautiful and rich, but its importance is becoming less and less every year. We are faced with the task of preserving it in its original form for our descendants. Every Russian person needs to treat the language more carefully, devote more time and effort to studying it, read more books by great Russian writers, so that our native language always remains as great and powerful.

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Essay about Russian language

A person cannot exist without knowledge of the language that is intended for him to communicate. Not a single profession or specialization is complete without the use of language. With its help, a person expresses his thoughts, feelings, emotions.

Over time, humanity became very interested in the need for language and created a special science called linguistics or simply linguistics. It is necessary for all people whose specialties are related to teaching or journalism and any others where language is simply necessary. In such professions, our native language is considered a necessary tool.

There are about two thousand languages ​​on our Earth. Our language is Russian. Its “relatives” are considered to be Ukrainian and Belarusian languages.

Historically, the Russian language is considered to be the language of interethnic communication in Russia. It is studied not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other countries: in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. But it should be noted that in modern times the Russian language has begun to lose its position.

Some people these days believe that the Russian language is at the stage of degradation. The younger generation is illiterate and practically does not read and does not develop their speech. Unfortunately, this is rather a true statement. After all, now the Russian language has increasingly begun to be replaced by the most convenient foreign words. It is also believed that in our time only a small part of the population can pronounce words and write correctly. But if you look at the origin of the slang of today's youth, you will notice that basically all the words that they use in their speech came about by shortening or modifying the correct words.

Technological progress moves at great speed and develops quickly, therefore, in due time, the language cannot keep up with it. There are more and more foreign words in speech.

But also, recently, our language has become saturated with jargon, profanity, and vernacular. Many people nowadays express themselves incorrectly, use the “wrong” words in their vocabulary, or put the wrong emphasis when pronouncing them. The younger generation is increasingly using youth slang in their vocabulary.

But, despite all this, the Russian language is very valuable not only for the Russian people, but also for all humanity as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to treat it with care, since its further existence depends on a person’s attitude towards his language.

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