Larisa Dmitrievna Ogudalova - the image and characteristics of the heroine of A. N. Ostrovsky’s play “Dowry”

Origin, family and upbringing

The female name Larisa means “seagull” in Greek. The seagull is a free bird soaring over the sea. She either soars up or falls down like a stone. So is Larisa: her poetic soul soars above the world, and the events of life throw her down.

Her full name is Larisa Dmitrievna Ogudalova. She is still young and doesn’t know people enough. She lives very poorly with her mother in the city of Bryakhimov on the Volga, which is why she is considered to be without a dowry. Her father died, and her two older sisters are already married.

The mother makes every effort to marry her off successfully, for this she keeps her house constantly open, but this terribly depresses the girl. Her mother constantly imposes suitors on her, forces her to smile and be nice to each of them, but this seems unbearable to her: her sincere and honest character cannot withstand constant hypocrisy. She dreams of leaving her home as quickly as possible and even leaving the city. Therefore, she agrees to marry Karandyshev. She hopes to settle with him somewhere in the wilderness and live a quiet family life in order to come to terms with her fate and find inner peace for herself.

Larisa is beautiful and smart, plays musical instruments and sings well. She is always surrounded by many fans. Her artistic, sensitive nature is both a blessing and a sorrow for her, since such a girl needs moral support, strong support nearby, so that all her best qualities develop and sparkle with new facets. She believes in pure relationships and love. But she is surrounded by people of new times who have different priorities: profit. Beauty, love, maiden honor are bought and sold from them.

There are many men around her, but no one really loves her, each of them sees in her only a thing that they want to possess for a while, and then abandon or give to another. She understands this: “I see that I am a doll for you; If you play with me, you will break me and throw me away.”

Everyone sells it: her fiancé Karandyshev, her close friend Vozhevatov, her former lover Paratov, and even her own mother. No one is interested in her soul, her feelings.

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Love for Paratov

A year ago Larisa fell in love with Paratov, a brilliant gentleman and shipowner. But their relationship lasted only two months - Paratov suddenly left the city. Larisa still loves him and suffers. He seems to her to be a model of a man, although this is far from the case. This is a man without shame, honor and conscience. He is a businessman, these concepts are not needed for him, in his world everything can be bought, if only there was money. Larisa for him, as for others who surround her, is also a living commodity. She lives among these people, but does not fully understand the depth of their immorality, so she still hopes for Paratov’s love.

Larisa and Vozhevatov

Vozhevatov has known Larisa since childhood. He sends her gifts and shows her secret signs. Larisa considers him a friend, but is deceived in her feelings. Vasily is cold, practical and cunning. The young merchant behaves somewhat vulgarly:

“Sometimes I pour an extra glass of champagne on the sly from my mother, learn a song, and read novels that girls are not allowed to read.” Larisa trusts Vasily, her youthful affection is broken on the stone of callousness and immorality. Vozhevatov offers to play heads and tails and determine who will get Larisa after the night with Paratov.

Relations with Karandyshev

Karandyshev, like Larisa, is poor. He is a man, to some extent, not stupid and quite literate, he even wants to run for justice of the peace somewhere in a remote place. But the “powers of this world” do not accept him in the city, they mock him, so he is overwhelmed by the desire to take revenge on them all, to prove his importance. And for this he uses the chance to marry Larisa. Yes, she is poor, but she is popular with them, and this is a reason to put herself above others - after all, she chose him as her husband. In his own way, he loves Larisa, and she hopes that family life with him will revive her to a new life, in which she hopes to find peace and participation. And even when Paratov appears, she continues to persuade Karandyshev to go to the village, not to organize a “party” dinner, which as a result humiliated him even more in the eyes of others. But Karandyshev is deaf to her persuasion; he is overwhelmed by the desire to prove to his offenders that he is the same as them. And he even wants to triumph over them. Self-esteem and wounded pride suppressed even love in him. But Larisa realized this much later, when Karandyshev drank too much, and it was no longer he who amused himself with his offenders, but they with him. The groom becomes arrogant even towards his bride - he forbids her to sing. And only now Larisa understands that for him she is only a means to achieve her goal.

She sings a romance to the words of E. Baratynsky “Do not tempt me unnecessarily.” The words of this romance seem to be addressed to him:

I don’t believe in assurances, I don’t believe in love, And I can’t indulge again in dreams that have once changed!

But to a greater extent they are addressed to Paratov, who returns Larisa’s hope for happiness. Although the words of the romance say: “Do not tempt me unnecessarily / With the return of your tenderness,” she secretly hopes that her singing will revive in Paratov the old feelings, the old passionate love. In this hope, she leaves her groom and leaves with Paratov.

“Dowry” content by chapter in detail and briefly (2 options)

­­Detailed content for the chapters of “Dowry” - Ostrovsky

Act one: Karandyshev – Larisa’s fiancé

The big city of Bryakhimov, on the Volga. On one side of the entrance to the coffee shop there is a boulevard, on the other there are trees, in the depths there is a low cast-iron grate, behind which there is a view of the Volga. Scene One On the platform in front of the coffee shop, Gavrilo, the bartender, and Ivan, the servant, are having a dialogue.
They talk about life, about the unique behavior of the rich, in particular Mokiy Parmenych Knurov, an elderly man with a huge fortune, and Vasily Danilovich Vozhevatov, a young man, a representative of a wealthy trading company. Phenomenon two Vozhevatov and Knurov enter the coffee shop and talk with each other; Gavrilo and Ivan sometimes join the conversation. First, they talk about buying a steamship, then, getting ready to drink champagne and tea, they talk about these drinks and gradually move on to the topic concerning the marriage of Larisa Dmitrievna, the daughter of Kharita Ignatievna Ogudalova. Everyone present in the coffee shop believes that the groom, Yuliy Kapitonich Karandyshev, is absolutely not a match for the girl. And Karandyshev, according to Vozhevatov and Knurov, behaves strangely.

Appearance Three Among those present, Ogudalova Kharita Ignatievna and her daughter Larisa appear. The girl's mother agrees to have a cup of tea. Karandyshev invites Vasily Danilovich and Mokiy Parmenych to dinner, but the latter agrees only when he finds out that in fact the proposal comes from Ogudalova, and the dinner is arranged for Larisa.

Suddenly Ivan says that a ship called “Swallow” is approaching, but neither Knurov nor Vozhevatov want to go down to the pier. Ogudalova, approaching Knurov, informs him that, firstly, the wedding requires many expenses, and secondly, her Larisa’s birthday is tomorrow, and she doesn’t know what to give. Mokiy Parmenych understands the hint and promises to come. Finally, Kharita Ignatievna, Knurov and Vozhevatov leave the stage.

Scene Four Larisa admires the view of the Volga and suddenly turns to Karandyshev with a request to go to the village. However, jealousy arose in the groom, and he asked the question: what was she talking about with Vozhevatov, and even called him simply by his name - Vasya. Karandyshev is not interested in Larisa’s excuses that she has known Vasily Danilych since childhood, that nothing bad happened between them. But Yuliy Kapitonovich says that old habits need to be abandoned. And he reproaches the bride for her past, saying that they had a “gypsy camp” in their house. The girl objects that this did not happen of her own free will, it was what her mother needed. She is struggling to love her fiancé, and openly admits this to him, wanting support. Karandyshev suddenly realizes that he has offended his beloved girl and says in embarrassment: “...That’s what I said...” Larisa asks him to be careful in his words, because she is very impressionable and vulnerable. The girl is afraid to condemn even Sergei Sergeevich, although it is clear from everything that this man did wrong to her in the past, and she tries to stop the questions that Karandyshev asks about this. But the groom does not calm down. Then Larisa openly admits: Sergei Sergeevich is better than him. And he gives an example of a story about how he and a Caucasian officer once fired pistols - first the officer at a glass that Sergei Sergeevich was holding on his head. And he knocked him out, but turned pale. “I will shoot at the girl who is dearest to me - and I will not turn pale,” Paratov said. And he knocked out the coin placed in Larisa’s hand.

Karandyshev reluctantly agrees to recognize some of Sergei Sergeevich’s merits, because, besides everything, Larisa said that he helped the poor, but continues to be jealous of his fiancée. However, she honestly says that she does not love and will never love Yuli Kapitonich, and continues to have feelings only for Sergei Sergeevich. A cannon is fired in honor of Paratov. Nervous, Larisa is getting ready to go home.

Scene five Ivan and Gavrilo rejoice at the arrival of the master, Sergei Sergeevich. The gentlemen - Paratov with Robinson, his friend, Vozhevatov and Knurov - enter the coffee shop. Ivan is trying in every possible way to please Sergei Sergeevich.

Scene Six For his helpfulness, the servant receives a ruble from Paratov. Sergei Sergeevich reports that he sold the barges, then introduces Knurov and Vozhevatov to his friend, actor Arkady Schastlivtsev, whom he calls Robinson, and not without reason. It turns out that he was generously picked up on the island, where he found himself with his friend, a merchant’s son: they were thrown out for indecent behavior. Now the artist is completely subordinate to Paratov.

Scene seven Robinson is dissatisfied with the fact that Vozhevatov addresses him as “you,” but upon learning that he is rich, he humbles himself and says: “This is my taste.” And then he offers friendship to Vasily Danilych.

Sergei Sergeevich invites friends to dinner, but both Vozhevatov and Knurov are forced to refuse because they were invited to the house of Larisa, who is getting married. Upon learning this news, Paratov loses heart, but pretends that he is sincerely happy for his former lover. As for the dinner, those talking are sure that Sergei Sergeevich will also be invited to it.

Act two: the attitude of others towards the girl’s marriage

Scene One
The action takes place in Ogudalova’s house. Larisa's mother is in a well-furnished room with furniture and a piano with a guitar on it. She holds a box in her hands and calls her daughter to show her a gift from Vasya. Larisa is changing clothes, so she says: “I’ll see later.” Suddenly Knurov comes into the room.

Appearance two Ogudalova is very happy about Knurov’s unexpected visit, she doesn’t know where to put him. They begin to talk, and the main topic of conversation is Larisa’s marriage. Mokiy Parmenych is convinced that Larisa’s mother is fundamentally wrong in passing off her daughter as a poor man. Larisa, according to Knurov, is created for brilliance, and Karandyshev is not able to provide a decent existence. In this case, he advises leaning on the strong shoulder of a rich man.

Then Moky Parmenych asks Ogudalova a question about the box she is holding in her hands.

“I wanted to give my daughter a gift,” Larisa’s mother answers. Knurov advises to provide the girl, first of all, with a good wardrobe and promises to pay for all purchases. After that he leaves.

Appearance Three Larisa appears, who does not seem to share her mother’s delight about Vasily’s gift. Ogudalova offers to thank both Vozhevatov and Knurov, although Larisa has no idea what Moky Parmenych wants to do for her. Larisa’s main desire, which she tells her mother about, is to escape from the city to the village before summer passes, to walk through the forest, picking berries and mushrooms... “Does he even need to go to the village?” - Ogudalova objects, knowing Karandyshev’s character.

Scene Four Ilya the Gypsy enters. Larisa asks him to tune his guitar. Ilya regrets that in their gypsy choir there are many basses, but only one tenor, Anton, but he is now ill. Suddenly they announce that the master has arrived, and the delighted gypsy hastily leaves.

Scene five, six Larisa is tired of being humiliated, and she tells her mother about it. When Karandyshev comes in, Ogudalova tells him that Larisa really wants to leave the city. However, the groom has absolutely no idea where she is in a hurry and why. Yuliy Kapitonovich assures that they will definitely live in the village, but only after they become husband and wife.

Yuliy Kapitonovich condemns the morals of the townspeople. It is not clear to him that all people are rejoicing at the arrival of the master - Sergei Sergeevich. Frightened Larisa, having learned that this is none other than Paratov, and now he is approaching their house, again begins to persuade Yuliy Kapitonovich to leave for the village. She wants to disappear, hide from her ex-fiancé.

Scene seven Paratov enters the house and hands Ogudalova his pen. They hug and kiss. Kharita Ignatievna pretends that she is incredibly happy about Sergei Sergeevich’s visit. The master says that he intends to marry profitably, but he never wants to tell who his chosen one is. Then he wants to see Larisa Dmitrievna. Ogudalova calls her daughter.

Scene Eight Larisa and Sergei Sergeevich are left alone. A dialogue takes place between them, in which Larisa reproaches Paratov that she used to wait for him, but was already tired. Sergei Sergeevich, in turn, also makes claims to the girl, saying that she has lost a lot in his eyes. The main character objects that she is not getting married of her own free will. Paratov realizes that Larisa still loves him, but that’s how the circumstances turned out. In addition, the girl claims that Karandyshev has sincere feelings for her.

Scene nine Ogudalova introduces Karandyshev and Paratov. Both seem to speak politely to each other, but their speech reveals poorly hidden jealousy. The atmosphere is gradually heating up. Ogudalova is trying to reconcile the masters, each of whom dislikes the other. Following the rules of etiquette, Karandyshev, on the advice of Kharita Ignatievna, invites Paratov to dinner. He says in a cold tone that he agrees.

Scene Ten Vozhevatov unexpectedly enters the room and asks Larisa and Ogudalova for permission to let Robinson in. Vasily commands Arkady strongly, and this is immediately noticeable. Karandyshev invites his friend Vasily for lunch.

Scene Eleven Vozhevatov asks Paratov if he liked Larisa’s fiancé and receives a negative answer: “Who can like him?” Sergei Sergeevich comes up with a plan to laugh at Karandyshev.

Act three: Larisa runs away with Paratov, her former lover

Scene One The action takes place in Karandyshev’s room, furnished without taste.
The carpet is on one wall, the weapons are on the other. Another character appears - Aunt Karandysheva, Eurosinya Potapovna, a powerful and greedy woman. Ivan asks her for lemons for tea, she shows displeasure and gives him cranberry juice instead. Phenomenon Two During lunch at Karandyshev’s, Larisa burns with shame. But Yuliy Kapitonovich doesn’t seem to notice anything, in addition, they are trying to make him drunk on purpose in order to laugh. The girl is painfully experiencing such shame.

Scene Three Evdokia Potapovna comes in, asking if lunch is over. She reproaches that they are transferring purchased expensive products in vain. Larisa acutely senses the suffocating atmosphere of what is happening around her and wants to run again. Efrosinya Potapovna leaves to count the silver.

Scene Four Knurov is about to go to the club to eat, because after the so-called lunch at Karandyshev’s he was left hungry. This, he said, is the first time this has happened. Those present conclude that Yuliy Kapitonovich is a fool. But Paratov reveals the plan: Karandyshev was specially given to drink to see what would come of it. But Robinson, who was also well treated to wine, seemed to care nothing.

Scene 5 Robinson becomes ill after such a violent libation. He says that he was poisoned by some unknown wine. Paratov promises to cure him.

Scene Six Robinson examines Karandyshev’s room and asks about the weapon that hangs on the wall. It turns out that it is Turkish. Yuliy Kapitonovich takes the pistol off the wall, but Paratov says that it still won’t fire, even if he puts it into action now. Karandyshev objects. Then we talk about high-quality and low-quality cigars.

Scene seven Ogudalova reproaches Karandyshev for appearing drunk, but he does not consider himself drunk at all. Paratov invites Yuliy Kapitonich to have a drink with him for brotherhood. He agrees and tells Ivan to bring cognac. Robinson perks up when he hears that the owner of the house has a drink that he knows how to handle.

Scene Eight Robinson declares that they finished off Karandyshev with booze: he started, and Sergei Sergeevich will finish.

Scene Nine Ilya the Gypsy appears and offers to go with them; everyone is ready and waiting on the boulevard. Paratov, Knurov and Vozhevatov agree, but they don’t want to take Robinson for a walk at all. Vozhevatov comes up with a way to get rid of his obsessive travel companion.

Appearance Tenth Vozhevatov, in order to get rid of Robinson, pretends that he is going to Paris and takes Arkady with him, only on the way he offers to stop at his home so that he can rest before the journey. The cunning plan succeeds.

Scene Eleven Larisa appears. She was unwell - this is how she explains the reason why she was not with the guests. Paratov tells the girl that he and Karandyshev were drinking for brotherhood. Sergei Sergeevich invites Ilya into their company, explaining that he is his friend. Larisa is asked to sing something, but at first she refuses, and then agrees - resisting Karandyshev, who is trying to forbid his future wife, as he believes. Together with Ilya and Robinson, who joined in the second verse, they sing “Don’t tempt me.” Paratov and Vozhevatov are delighted with Larisa’s voice.

Karandyshev now asks for champagne, but Efrosinya Potapovna flatly refuses to serve the drink. Finally, everyone leaves. Larisa remains with Sergei Sergeevich.

Scene twelve Paratov reproaches himself for having lost such a treasure as Larisa in the past. He invites the girl to go with him to the Volga for a boat ride - and receives consent.

Scene thirteen Everyone is happy that Larisa will be in their company. They sing praises to her, Karandyshev declares that he is proud of his bride. Finally, they are getting ready to go. The girl says goodbye to her mother.

Scene fourteen Karandyshev is very upset by the flight of the bride. He did not suspect that Larisa would leave for the Volga without warning and demand that Ogudalova report where her daughter was. Receiving no answer, in a fit of fierce anger, Yuliy Kapitonich grabs a pistol and runs away. Kharita Ignatievna tells Ivan to stop him.

Act four: Karandyshev shoots the bride

Scene One Robinson invites Ivan to play with him, however, he has no money.
The servant does not agree to such conditions. Arkady learns that Karandyshev was very indignant when the guests left with Larisa and chased after them with a pistol. He wonders if the eccentric Yuliy Kapitonich wanted to kill him. Phenomenon two Karandyshev appears and demands from Robinson an answer to the question of where all the “comrades” are. Arkady invites him to wait for everyone at the pier. An angry Yuliy Kapitonovich leaves.

Scenes Three and Four Gavrilo and Ivan are talking to each other, assuming that everyone has already arrived. Ilya and the gypsies come in. Gavrilo invites them to drink tea.

Scene Five Knurov and Vozhevatov argue that Larisa has an unenviable position. The poor girl again believed the man who had already deceived her once. And he is engaged to a very rich bride, and it is unlikely that anything will work out for them.

Scene six Robinson and Vozhevatov are talking to each other. It turns out that when Vasily offered Arkady a trip to Paris, it was not about the capital of France, but a tavern on the square. Knurov comes up and wants to tell Vasily Danilych something. He invites Vozhevatov to save Larisa from Karandyshev’s tyranny and take her to Paris (real).

Scene Seven Paratov asks Robinson if he is going to Paris soon. Arkady replies that he no longer trusts merchants, but he would go on such a trip with him. Larisa asks Paratov whether he has serious intentions about getting married, but Sergei Sergeevich suggests that she go home first. The girl is very afraid and prefers not to come to her native land at all, saying that Karandyshev is finished as a groom. The only one she wants to marry is Sergei Sergeevich. However, Paratov betrays her again, saying that he uttered the careless phrase “I am yours” only in a fit of surging feelings.

Scene Eight Robinson informs Paratov that Karandyshev was walking near the coffee shop with a pistol, but Sergei Sergeevich strictly orders him to harness the stroller and take Larisa Dmitrievna home. Vozhevatov also betrays the desperate girl, who tearfully asks her childhood friend to take pity on her and teach her what to do in such a situation. Knurov invites her to go to Paris, but the upset Larisa remains silent.

Scene Nine Larisa is dizzy. She thinks about throwing herself into the Volga, but then abandons these thoughts because she is afraid. However, the girl, betrayed by everyone, wants to die - even if she gets sick.

Scene ten Karandyshev is looking for Larisa. He wants, firstly, to take revenge on her offenders, and secondly, if necessary, to punish the bride for running away. "Here she is!" - Robinson exclaims when he sees the girl. Yuliy Kapitonovich orders to leave them alone.

Scene eleven Larisa openly admits that Karandyshev is disgusting to her. But he wants to take revenge at all costs for the insult inflicted on the girl, noticing that the rich gentlemen are playing with her as if with a thing. “If I’m a thing, then it’s very expensive,” the girl claims and asks to call Knurov. Larisa begs Yuli Kapitonovich to leave, but he never wants to back down, even agrees to immediately leave the city with her. However, the girl is adamant! In no case does she want to belong to Yuli Kapitonich. The desperate “groom,” with the words “don’t let anyone get you,” shoots Larisa with a pistol.

Scene Twelve Larisa dies. A gypsy choir sings behind the stage. The girl seems even happy with this outcome. She says that she loves and forgives everyone. Her voice gradually weakens.

Retelling of “The Dowry” - a summary of the chapters

The action takes place in the large Volga city of Bryakhimov.

Action 1

Phenomenon 2

Vozhevatov and Knurov are talking in a cafe on the boulevard. Vozhevatov talks about Paratov’s arrival, a deal should take place between them: Paratov is selling his steamship “Swallow” cheaply.” The conversation turns to Larisa Ogudalova, Vozhevatov says that she is marrying Karandyshev, Knurov is perplexed: he is not a match for her, “an expensive diamond requires an expensive frame,” “with such a young lady to Paris.” We learn that the Ogudalovs “always have a house full of single people”, “they have a small fortune, there is nothing to give a dowry from, so she (Kharita Ignatievna) lives openly, accepts everyone...” She has already given away two daughters: one to a Caucasian prince who seems to be on the way she was stabbed to death, another for a foreign swindler.

Knurov is surprised by Larisa’s choice: were there really no better suitors? It turns out that Larisa had already gotten burned with Paratov, who had been visiting them for a long time, “beat off all the suitors” and disappeared. After that, she vowed that she would marry the first person who offered her his hand and heart. And then Karandyshev turned up. She had no choice but to keep her word. Now he “shines like an orange”, walks with her arm, throwing his head back, decided to remodel the apartment, hung a carpet with weapons and daggers in his office, ordered a horse from the village...

The Ogudalovs and Karandyshev enter.

Phenomenon 3

Larisa is silent all the time and looks at the Volga. Vozhevatov talks to Karandyshev with irony, but he does not notice this. He is enthusiastic about the wedding preparations and invites everyone to dinner. Knurov, reading the newspaper, shows his disdain for Karandyshev with all his appearance. Vozhevatov and Knurov are about to leave - to meet the “Swallow”. Kharita Ignatievna steps aside with Knurov, talks about the large expenses, and hints that she will not refuse financial assistance. He promises to come.

Phenomenon 4

Larisa asks Karandyshev to quickly take her to the village. Karandyshev, meanwhile, is asking about her conversation with Vozhevatov. He is jealous and forbids calling him Vasya. Larisa explains that she “has known Vasya since childhood.” Karandyshev recalls her house looking like a gypsy camp. Larisa Dmitrievna, with tears in her eyes, rather sharply tells him that she had more fun there than now, and that she is already fed up with his reproaches. He asks for forgiveness. But when Larisa mentions Paratov, he again falls into indignation. He begins to compare him with himself: “Well, why am I worse than Paratov?” Larisa replies: “The comparison will not be in your favor. By yourself you mean something; you are a good, honest person, but by comparison with Sergei Sergeich you lose everything.” Karandyshev is beside himself and demands proof. Larisa talks about how Paratov practiced shooting. He asked one of his acquaintances, a Caucasian officer, a good shooter, to shoot at the glass that was standing on Paratov’s head. He fired, broke the glass, but turned pale. Paratov told him: “You are a great shooter, but you turned pale, shooting at a man and a person who is not close to you. Look, I will shoot the girl who is dearer to me than anything in the world, and I will not turn pale.” He gave the coin to Larisa and fired, deftly knocking off the coin. Karandyshev asks how she could let him do this? Larisa, without hiding her admiration for Paratov, says: “How can you not listen to him?” A cannon shot is heard here. Larisa shudders. She says absentmindedly that she became nervous, that she felt dizzy when she looked down. The cliff seems to attract her, she approaches the grate, looks down and almost falls. Karandyshev holds her back: “Come on, what childishness!”

Phenomenon 5

Ivan and Gavrila rejoice at the master’s arrival. Enter the “brilliant gentleman” Paratov, Robinson, Knurov, Vozhevatov.

Phenomenon 6

Paratov introduces everyone to Robinson and tells his story: this is the drunken “actor” Arkady Schastlivtsev. He and his friend, the “merchant son Neputev,” were landed on an empty island for a “dramatic performance” on the ship: they “undressed, cut the pillow, rolled out in the fluff and began to pretend to be wild...” Paratov took him to his “Swallow” for fun, as personal jester. One problem is that he drinks a lot. He even offers to lend Robinson to Vozhevatov. Knurov is surprised that Paratov is not sorry to part with “Swallow”. He replies: “I don’t know what “sorry” is. I... have nothing treasured; If I find a profit, I’ll sell everything, whatever...” Then he reports about his profitable marriage, for which he sacrifices his freedom, and wants to have a fun time with his last days. Vozhevatov and Knurov promise to help.

Phenomenon 7

The same. Vozhevatov negotiates with Gavrila about a holiday in honor of Paratov’s arrival. Sergei Sergeich invites everyone to his place. Vozhevatov and Knurov refuse: they have already been invited to dinner with Larisa Dmitrievna’s fiance. Paratov, having learned about this, thinks about it, and then says that it’s even better: “I’m a little guilty before her, that is, so guilty that I shouldn’t even show my nose to them... after all, I almost married Larisa,” here I’d make people laugh!” She promises to visit them if she gets married. Everyone agrees to meet for lunch at the Ogudalovs'.

Act 2

Phenomenon 2

Kharita Ignatievna greets Knurov very respectfully. The conversation is about Larisa's future. Ogudalova listens to Knurov, agreeing with him in everything. He starts a conversation from afar: about the beggarly situation of Karandyshev, who will not be able to give a decent life to his wife. “After all, in Larisa Dmitrievna there is no earthly, this worldly thing. Well, you know, the trivial things that are needed for a poor family life... What remains for her? Waste away." She assumes that, unable to bear it, she will leave her husband. And he hints that she needs to find “a good friend, respectable, lasting.” In this role, of course, he sees himself. Then he gets to the main thing: “You need to make a good wardrobe for Larisa Dmitrievna, that is, it’s not enough to say good - very good. It will be a shame to see her dressed haphazardly.” He promises to pay for everything. Ogudalova thanks. Knurov leaves, Larisa enters.

Phenomenon 3

Kharita Ignatievna asks Larisa to thank Vozhevatov for the gift and Knurov in addition. The girl says that Karandyshev is running for magistrate in Zabolotye. Ogudalova wonders why at such a distance? Larisa, on the contrary, quickly wants to go to the village: “I want to walk through the forests, pick berries and mushrooms” - away from the bustle of city life, away from memories.

Phenomenon 4

People are shouting from the street that the master has arrived. Ogudalova is interested in what kind of gentleman he is. Ilya replies: “Such a gentleman, we can’t wait: we’ve been waiting for a year - that’s what a gentleman is.”

Phenomenon 5

Ogudalova is concerned about who came: “He must be rich and probably single, if the gypsies were so happy about him. Oh, Larisa, haven’t we missed the groom?” Larisa says that she has already been humiliated and suffered, she’s had enough. Kharita Ignatievna interrupts her: “We are poor people, we have to humiliate ourselves all our lives, so it’s better to humiliate ourselves from a young age, so that later we can live like human beings.” Karandyshev enters.

Phenomenon 6

Larisa asks Karandyshev to leave quickly. But he doesn’t intend to, he says: “I suffered many, many injections for my pride, my pride was insulted more than once; Now I want and have the right to be proud and boastful.” Karandyshev is in euphoria, only thinking about how to take revenge for the humiliated pride of those whom he almost openly envies: “Look what is happening in the city, what joy on their faces, everyone is cheerful, jumping through the streets, shouting to each other: “The master has arrived, the master I’ve arrived!” Then he announces that Paratov has arrived. Larisa gets up in fright and asks to be taken to the village before things get worse. Paratov appears near the door. Larisa goes with Karandyshev to her mother’s room: “Mom, please get rid of his visits!”

Phenomenon 7

Ogudalova greets Paratov with hugs. He asks about the reason for his previous disappearance, he makes excuses, says that he was saving his movable and immovable property. Kharita Ignatievna asks if he is going to say goodbye to his bachelor life soon? He avoids answering, wants to see Larisa, her mother calls her.

Phenomenon 8

Larisa speaks meekly to Paratov and tries not to show that she is glad to see him. Paratov himself is worried about whether she still loves him? And he begins to blame her: “I want to know how soon a woman forgets her passionately loved one: the day after separation from him, a week or a month later...” Larisa is offended to the core, and this reveals her true feelings for Paratov. He understands that she still loves him, and this warms his pride. He asks for forgiveness. Larisa asks what’s next, and he: “Now I will keep the most pleasant memory of you for the rest of my life, and we will part as best friends.” Larisa asks: “So, let a woman cry, suffer, if only she loves you?” Paratov replies: “There is no equality in love, this is not something I started.” In love you have to cry sometimes.” Larisa regretted her confession, saying that she hoped that he would not use her frankness for harm. Paratov declares that he honors marriage and asks what is good about her fiancé? Larisa Dmitrievna provides compelling evidence: “He loves me.”

Phenomenon 9

Ogudalova and Karandyshev enter. Yuliy Kapitonich meets Sergei Sergeich rather reservedly. Paratov understands who he is dealing with and immediately begins to tease him: “You are not jealous. Jealous people are jealous for no reason." Karandyshev, in order not to fall on his face, is also rude in response. Paratov, having achieved his goal, begins to demand that he ask for forgiveness: “It seems that it’s time to know me. If I want to teach someone, I lock myself at home for a week and come up with an execution.” Kharita Ignatievna and Larisa calm them down and convince Karandyshev to ask for forgiveness. They bring champagne, Karandyshev invites Paratov to dinner.

Act 3

Phenomenon 1

Larisa complains to her mother about Karandyshev, who sees nothing behind his pride, and meanwhile they deliberately drug him and make fun of him: “It’s a shame, it’s a shame, I should have run away somewhere. But he doesn’t seem to notice anything. Why, they’re tormenting me!”

Phenomena 2, 3

Ogudalova talks with Efrosinya Potapovna (Karandyshev’s aunt). Larisa says, without listening to them: “I would run away from here, wherever my eyes look.”

Phenomenon 4

Paratov, Knurov and Vozhevatov laugh at the drunken Karandyshev: “Well, gentlemen, for such cases Robinsons are dear.” They are going to a restaurant: “He invites famous people to dinner, but there is nothing to eat...” But first they want to listen to Larisa’s singing.

Phenomenon 6

Karandyshev offers everyone cigars: “Royal cigars, made from cabbage leaves, for friends,” but everyone refuses. Paratov laughs at Yuli Kapitonich’s collection of weapons: “So who is to blame that the Austrians cannot defeat the Turks. You took away all their crappy, unusable weapons; So, out of grief, they stocked up on good English.”

Phenomenon 7

Kharita Ignatievna shames Paratov for bullying Karandyshev. He, as if nothing had happened, offers brotherhood to Yuliy Kapitonich.

Apparitions 8, 9

Knurov, Vozhevatov and Paratov conspire to go beyond the Volga with Larisa Dmitrievna. Paratov undertakes to persuade her.

Phenomenon 11

Everyone asks Larisa to sing, but Karandyshev forbids: “If I say that it won’t happen, it won’t happen.” To spite him, Larisa begins to sing “Don’t tempt me unnecessarily.” Everyone is just delighted. Paratov became gloomy, ran his hands through his hair, and then kissed the girl’s hand and said: “I think I’m going crazy”; Knurov: “It’s a great pleasure to see you, and even more pleasure to listen to you”; Vozhevatov: “Listen and die - that’s what it’s like.” Paratov orders the boat to be prepared.

Phenomenon 12

Paratov regrets that he left Larisa for a long time: “Oh, why! Of course, cowardice. I needed to improve my condition. God bless him and his fortune! I lost more - I lost you; I myself suffer, and I made you suffer.” Larisa is afraid to believe his words. He asks her to come with them. She is confused. But then he decides: “Let’s go, you are my master.”

Phenomenon 13

Paratov informs Knurov and Vozhevatov that Larisa agrees. Karandyshev makes a toast to his future wife: “Gentlemen, you just admired Larisa Dmitrievna’s talents. But it’s not for them that I want to praise her, she knows how to appreciate and choose people, distinguish gold from tinsel, I considered it my duty to thank publicly for such a flattering preference for me.” Unbeknownst to himself, he remains alone. Larisa says goodbye to her mother: “Apparently, you can’t escape your destiny.” Kharita Ignatievna reflects: “General flight!.. Whatever it is, there are still people around her... But here, even if you give up, the loss is not great!”

Phenomenon 14

Karandyshev finds out that everyone has left for the Volga, and Larisa Dmitrievna too. He rushes to Ogudalova, and she replies: “I brought my daughter to you, you tell me where my daughter is. It was too early to celebrate!” Karandyshev with tears in his eyes: “Yes, this is funny... I’m a funny person... But are people executed for being funny? I'm funny, well - laugh at me... Come to dinner with me, drink my wine and swear, laugh at me - I'm worth it. But to break the chest of a funny man, tear out his heart, throw him under his feet and trample him! Oh oh! How can I live!.. For me now there is no fear, no law, no pity; Only fierce anger and thirst for revenge choke me. I will take revenge on each of them...” He grabs a gun and runs away.

Act 4

Phenomena 3-5

Knurov and Vozhevatov discuss Larisa Dmitrievna’s action. Apparently, since she left Karandyshev, Sergei Sergeich promised her something. She couldn't be deceived a second time. But Paratov would not exchange a million-dollar bride for a dowryless one. It turns out he's cheating. Vozhevatov: “What to do! It’s not our fault, it’s our fault.”

Phenomenon 6

Knurov tells Vozhevatov: “I kept thinking about Larisa Dmitrievna. It seems to me that she is now in such a position that we, close people, are not only allowed, but we are even obliged to take part in her fate.” Vasily Danilych understands that he wants to take Larisa with him to Paris, and he himself is also not indifferent to Larisa. However, he subordinates his feelings to sober calculation: “No, somehow I, Mokiy Parmenych, don’t notice this in myself at all... what is called love.” Knurov approves of him: “Commendable, you will be a good merchant.” They play her toss. Knurov emerges as the winner, Vozhevatov gives the merchant his word that he will not be an obstacle.

Phenomenon 7

Paratov thanks Larisa for the wonderful time spent. She replies: “No, no, Sergei Sergeich, you don’t tell me phrases! Just tell me: am I your wife or not?” Paratov wants to avoid the conversation and send Larisa home. She refuses and says that she will only go with him so that her mother will bless them, or she will not go at all: “For unfortunate people there is a lot of space in God’s world: here is the garden, here is the Volga.” Paratov has no chance to leave without explaining anything, like last time. And he tells her: “The frenzy of passion soon passes, what remains are the chains and common sense, which says that these chains cannot be broken, that they are inseparable... I am engaged.” Larisa laughs hysterically, saying: “Godless, godless! Get away from me! Enough! I’ll think about myself..."

Phenomenon 8

Vozhevatov approaches Larisa, she asks to take pity on her: “Vasya, I’m dying!.. you and I have known each other since childhood... what should I do - teach me!” But he replies that he cannot, he is held not by chains, but by shackles - the merchant’s word: “Larisa Dmitrievna, my dear! What should I do? It's nothing you can do". Larisa is almost unconscious. Knurov comes up and offers to go with him to Paris for an exhibition: “For me, the impossible is not enough. Don’t be afraid of shame, there will be no condemnation... I can offer you a huge allowance, full provision for life... the most evil critics of other people’s morality will have to remain silent and open their mouths in surprise... I wouldn’t hesitate for a single minute and offer you my hand, but I married. If you would like to favorably accept my proposal, notify me, and from that moment I will become your most devoted servant...” Larisa is silent, Knurov, bowing, leaves.

Phenomenon 9

Larisa is alone. She wants to rush into the Volga, but lacks the courage: “How scary!.. Parting with life is not at all as easy as I thought... I’m so unhappy... But there are people for whom it’s easy... Why am I hesitating? .. What is holding me over this abyss... Oh, no, no... Not Knurov... Pathetic weakness: to live, at least somehow, but to live... when you can’t live and don’t need to... If only someone would kill me now..."

Phenomenon 11

Karandyshev finds Larisa. She drives him away: “How disgusting you are to me, if only you knew... For me, the most serious insult is your patronage.” Karandyshev is trying to return her, because for others she is a thing. The truth is revealed to Larisa: “A thing, yes, a thing... I am now convinced of that, I have tested myself... I am a thing! (with fervor) Finally, a word has been found for me, you have found it... Every thing must have an owner, I will go to the owner.” Karandyshev eagerly: “I’ll take you, I’m your master.” Larisa: “Oh no! Every thing has its own price... Ha, ha, ha... I’m too, too expensive for you... If being a thing, there’s only one consolation - to be expensive, very expensive... Come, send Knurov to me.” Karandyshev cannot believe his ears, is humiliated, kneels down, shouts that he forgives her, that he loves her. Larisa: “You’re lying. I was looking for love and didn't find it. They looked at me and still look at me as if I was funny.” Karandyshev: “You should be mine!” Larisa refuses. Karandyshev: “So don’t let anyone get you!” Shoots.

Leaving this life, Larisa says: “My dear, what a blessing you have done for me! The gun is here, here on the table! It's me... myself. Oh, what a blessing... (raises the pistol and places it on the table).” Paratov, Knurov, Vozhevatov and others appear.

Phenomenon 12

Nobody understands anything. Larisa, in a weakening voice: “It’s me myself... No one is to blame, no one... I don’t want to interfere with anyone! Live, live, everyone!.. I don’t complain about anyone, I don’t take offense at anyone... you are all good people... I love you all, everyone.”

A loud choir of gypsies can be heard.


Larisa perceives the news that Paratov is not going to marry her, that he is engaged to someone else, as a tragedy. She cannot realize that the man to whom she gave her beauty, youth and honor so easily took advantage of it and abandoned her so easily. She wants to die. But she is not capable of suicide: she does not have the inner strength and uncompromisingness that Katerina Kabanova had.

But death overtakes her: Karandyshev shoots at her. “It’s me... myself,” she says, dying. Larisa realizes that she herself pushed Karandyshev to murder, hurting his already wounded pride with the words that she was too expensive for him.

Character of the name Larisa

Positive characteristics of the name:

attaches great importance to simplicity in communication, appreciates friendliness and a sense of humor. A woman named Larisa defends order and justice. She does not know how and does not want to pretend, in this regard it is easy to deal with her.

Negative characteristics of the name:

As a girl, Larisa takes everything to heart and is easily vulnerable. He feels uncomfortable in society and loves loneliness. Larisa experiences disappointments and failures for a long time, again and again looking through the unpleasant event with her inner gaze.

Larisa is not vindictive, objective, and often reproaches herself. Hiding her self-doubt, she becomes caustic and caustic, which gives rise to a lot of enemies. Lara sets a life goal for herself, but does not achieve it. The meaning of the name Larisa often gives rise to aggressiveness, internal anxiety, which she tries to hide from others behind some kind of mask - a reckless girl or a balanced woman. However, internal tension and dissatisfaction with the environment often breaks out.

Larisa and Paratov

For a homeless woman, Paratov became the ideal man. He managed to win her heart, the girl forgives him for running away. Once upon a time he already disappeared from her life, having driven away all the suitors. Charm is built on the external actions of a man. This shows the girl's naivety and her strong belief in a person's honesty. Love blinds Larisa, but the author emphasizes that it is unlikely that any other woman could resist his charms. Having given herself entirely to the feeling, Larisa remains completely devastated. The words of her beloved hurt the girl:

“In love you have to cry sometimes.” Paratov says beautifully: “I lost more than my fortune, I lost you; I myself suffer, and I made you suffer...” It’s difficult to trust a deceitful merchant, but Larisa’s assessment is correct. She is wealth that could bring happiness. In the hands of an immoral libertine, it becomes a thing to be drawn by lot.

The fate of Larisa Ogudalova

Karandyshev, by shooting his would-be bride, did her a huge favor, because further life as a kept woman would hardly have made the heroine happy. The unfortunate woman did not lose herself even in the last minutes of her life: she acted nobly, taking the gun from Karandyshev. She turned out to be higher than all the people around her, even on the verge of death. The last words of the heroine are evidence of her boundless nature, pure soul: “You need to live, but I need... to die. I don’t complain about anyone, I don’t take offense at anyone... you are all good people... I love you all... all....”

The article presents material for preparing for an essay on the topic “Larisa Ogudalova” based on the play “Dowry” by N. Ostrovsky.

The soul and character of the main character

The author pays special attention to the talents of his heroine, emphasizing her spiritual beauty, subtle, sublime, poetic nature. Larisa’s songs are her main characteristic; they reveal the heroine’s inner world, they are an emotional portrait of a girl. A broad soul is burdened by the fact that the love she dreamed of turned out to be a fairy tale, something non-existent, invented. She did not meet a close person who was equal in spirit, loving and understanding.

Paratov’s deception, his open betrayal is a death sentence for a girl who was let down by gullibility and naivety. Larisa understands that life has no meaning for her, since the one who was supposed to “save” leaves her to “drown”, not one bit regretting what happened. The lover informs Larisa Dmitrievna that he is going to marry a rich heiress. The girl is thinking about suicide, but she does not have the determination to take this step. The tragedy of her situation is further aggravated by the fact that all events taking place in the city are the object of general discussion.

Larisa and Knurov

A rich businessman has a huge fortune, a wife, probably, and children. What does the merchant lack? Beautiful kept woman. Larisa is a target that either moves away from him or approaches him. The merchant's venerable age is the main reason why he does not try to act openly. Larisa behaves towards her family friend with respect, with a sense of respect. She strictly carries out her mother’s instructions, whispering words of gratitude in her ear for her help. The girl is a good conversationalist. If Knurov is silent with others, then about Larisa he speaks tenderly:

“It’s nice to see her alone more often - without interference.”

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