“The image of Katerina in the assessment of Dobrolyubov and Pisarev (based on the drama by A.N. Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm”)” methodological development in literature (grade 10) on the topic

1.Image of Katerina

Katya is about 19 years old, she was married off early. From Katerina's monologue in the first act, we learn about Katya's childhood. Mama “doted on her.” Together with her parents, the girl went to church, walked, and then did some work. Katerina Kabanova remembers all this with bright sadness. Varvara’s phrase that “we have the same thing” is interesting. But now Katya doesn’t have a feeling of ease, now “everything is done under duress.” In fact, life before marriage was practically no different from life after: the same actions, the same events. But now Katya treats everything differently. Then she felt supported, felt alive, and had amazing dreams about flying. “And now they dream,” but only much less often. Before her marriage, Katerina felt the movement of life, the presence of certain higher forces in this world, she was devout: “she loved going to church with passion!” From early childhood, Katerina had everything she needed: her mother’s love and freedom. Now, by force of circumstances, she is torn away from her loved one and deprived of her freedom.

Katerina lives in the same house with her husband, her husband's sister and mother-in-law. This circumstance alone is no longer conducive to a happy family life. However, the situation is worsened by the fact that Kabanikha, Katya’s mother-in-law, is a cruel and greedy person. Greed here should be understood as a passionate desire for something, bordering on madness. Kabanikha wants to subjugate everyone and everything to her will. One experience with Tikhon was successful, the next victim is Katerina. Despite the fact that Marfa Ignatievna was looking forward to her son’s wedding, she is unhappy with her daughter-in-law. Kabanikha did not expect that Katerina would be so strong in character that she could silently resist her influence. The old woman understands that Katya can turn Tikhon against her mother, she is afraid of this, so she tries in every possible way to break Katya in order to avoid such a development of events. Kabanikha says that his wife has long become dearer to Tikhon than his mother.

“Kabanikha: Or maybe your wife is taking you away from me, I don’t know. Kabanov: No, mama! What are you saying, have mercy! Katerina: For me, Mama, everything is the same as my own mother, as you, and Tikhon loves you too. Kabanova: It seems like you could have kept quiet if they didn’t ask you. Why did you jump out in front of your eyes to make jokes! So that they can see how much you love your husband? So we know, we know, in your eyes you prove it to everyone. Katerina: You are in vain saying this about me, Mama. Whether in front of people or without people, I’m still alone, I don’t prove anything of myself.”

Katerina's answer is quite interesting for several reasons. She, unlike Tikhon, addresses Marfa Ignatievna on a personal level, as if putting herself on an equal footing with her. Katya draws Kabanikha’s attention to the fact that she is not pretending or trying to seem like someone she is not. Despite the fact that Katya fulfills the humiliating request to kneel before Tikhon, this does not indicate her humility. Katerina is insulted by false words: “Who likes to endure falsehoods?” - with this answer Katya not only defends herself, but also reproaches Kabanikha for lying and slander.

Katerina’s husband in “The Thunderstorm” appears to be a gray man. Tikhon looks like an over-aged child who is tired of his mother’s care, but at the same time does not try to change the situation, but only complains about life. Even his sister, Varvara, reproaches Tikhon for the fact that he cannot protect Katya from the attacks of Marfa Ignatievna. Varvara is the only person who is at least a little interested in Katya, but still she persuades the girl that she will have to lie and squirm in order to survive in this family.

The drama "The Thunderstorm" ends tragically. Katya rushes into the Volga, realizing that she cannot live in such a world. And there is no other world. The girl, despite her religiosity, commits one of the most terrible sins of the Christian paradigm. To decide to do such an act requires enormous willpower. Unfortunately, the girl had no other choice in those circumstances. Surprisingly, Katya maintains inner purity even after committing suicide.

Katerina is not a “hero of the times”

Pisarev thinks philosophically about Ostrovsky’s “The Thunderstorm.” He wonders whether in a slave society a person who is not endowed with a deep mind, who does not have the will, who does not engage in self-education, who does not understand people - in principle, can become a ray of light. Yes, this woman is touchingly meek, kind and sincere, she does not know how to defend her point of view. (“She crushed me,” says Katerina about Kabanikha). Yes, she has a creative, impressionable nature. And this type can really charm (as happened with Dobrolyubov). But this does not change the essence... “Under the circumstances set out in the play, a person – a “ray of light” cannot arise!” – says Dmitry Ivanovich.


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