Essays-reasonings in the Russian language (USE): Money is a means of distributing material wealth...G.L. Mogilevskaya (essay)

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  • Money (reasoning)

Money has long become an integral part of our lives. A very long time ago, people began to use money because it turned out to be the most convenient way to trade. In order to pay for goods and hired labor.

Everyone earns money as they know how and in whatever way they can. But everyone, no matter how much he earns. People spend money on basic things needed for life: food, clothing, hobbies, entertainment and more. People have different attitudes towards money. Some people perceive money as a means of giving them life benefits and pleasure, but for other people it is what allows them to survive

People with high incomes cannot always understand people with lower incomes. Some people believe that money can measure all success, love, and happiness. Some people can buy branded items for themselves. Simply because they want something that no one else has. Because it's fashionable. And such people cannot always understand others who spend their last money on gifts for loved ones or friends. To do something nice, for example, to buy things that his loved one so dreamed of. Unfortunately or fortunately, in the modern world it is impossible to do without money. He is part of our life. You can probably do without them only in a remote village or in a distant tribe. People can do many things for money - murder, theft, deception or brave deeds. But we must not forget that a person invented money in order to make his life easier, but not at all so that money would control him.

It's not enough to just have money. It is very important to be able to manage them because your success in life may depend on it. There are people with high incomes who can satisfy their every whim with the help of money, as if money was created for this. And there are people who do not know how to handle money, spending it on some of their own entertainment, and then take out loans or borrow money, which can ruin the life of not only themselves, but also their loved ones. When people face money problems, they react differently. This makes some people angry and aggressive and pushes them to do bad things, for others it is a good lesson in the fact that you need to work hard to ensure a good life. In any case, it all depends on the person.

Essay 2

Different countries around the world have their own banknotes. The purpose of monetary units is the same. Usually they are earned in order to later realize certain goals. For example, buy groceries, pay utility bills, go on vacation, add pieces of furniture, make repairs, spend on training, cosmetics.

It is important that money helps and not spoils a person. If we divide people into categories in relation to their means, then we can call some spenders (they can’t resist, they buy a lot of unnecessary and expensive goods), others are stingy and prudent, and there are not a large number of people (in moderation, using salary and income). Many strive to show that he has the most expensive brand of car, a suit ordered from fashion designers, while the opposite people barely live to see their paycheck.

Everyone's financial literacy is different. Some can live on a salary slightly above the subsistence level, while for others the salary is not enough for the cost of the apartment. The higher the income, the more requests for the sale of funds.

Banknotes are created for trade between countries and within a country. Every work must be paid.

There are many popular proverbs about money. At the same time, no matter what happens, you must remain human. Without a penny, there will be no ruble. Don’t have a hundred rudders, but make friends as soon as possible.

Sometimes funds appear unexpectedly: the lucky person receives an inheritance or wins, finds it. The worst thing is when, without sufficient funds, they do not provide proper treatment, they stop making friends and communicating.

I think that we need to develop more, read books, share with our neighbors. Instead of wasting your last rubles on going to a restaurant and losing large sums of money. Try to learn from successful people for whom everything is going well, and not do stupid things. The concept of a lot of money is relative: some people think one thousand rubles is a lot, but others always don’t have enough. Good deeds remain in people's memories for a long time.

Dependence on money can lead to murder, betrayal, and separation from loved ones. There are individuals who are capable of baiting others and complaining because of a salary increase.

As a friend, we try to help our parents. Work extra if the opportunity arises. Now the main thing for me is studying. When I grow up, I will definitely help my mother and sister financially. Earning income brings joy. However, we must not forget that we must use our funds correctly and respect our work and other people.

Essay: “The role of money in modern society”

Money is an integral part of modern life. We encounter them in all areas of life every day. And for many people, money can be one of the main values ​​in life. Money plays various roles in the economy and social life. In my essay, I will try to consider the role of money in modern society precisely as the role of a sociocultural phenomenon. Money forms universal connections between people and the objective world, without themselves possessing any qualitative certainty; “the things most distant from each other find a common basis in them and come into contact with each other,” writes G. Simmel. How long ago these words were written, but now they are no less relevant. Imagine a modern world without money, without any currency. Is such a society possible? The answer is obvious, of course not. If earlier in a traditional society people could do without money, producing and consuming food on their own, now in the 21st century this is impossible. As society develops, the needs of individuals also develop. People are interested not only in food and clothing, but also in information and various services. It is difficult to imagine the possibility of receiving this or that service in exchange for something. Yes, theoretically this is possible, but in this case our society would hardly develop and be effective.

Returning to Simmel, we can recall his statement “money is the homeland of the rootless.” This means that money allows people to enter into social relationships, bringing them together. The need for money may force a person to resort to certain social connections and activities. Although the need for money as such does not exist. Could there really be a need for colored papers? Not at all. By “need for money” I mean needs that can be satisfied with money. In addition, money is an indicator of a person's success. People with a lot of money tend to behave very differently from middle- or lower-class people. In the modern world, money is the very indicator that determines belonging to one or another social class. Today money is the main indicator of social stratification. It was said above that money has the ability to bring people together and encourage them to enter into social connections. But this phenomenon also has a downside. Money can also alienate people from each other. The presence of money or its absence gives rise to feelings in people such as envy, pride, hatred, and so on. S. Moscovici notes that satisfaction with what one has acquired is determined only by its relationship with the losses of another. Those who are successful tend not only to feel a sense of superiority over the less fortunate, but also to attribute negative qualities to the latter - stupidity, cowardice, sluggishness, laziness, etc. The most important quality that exists in people thanks to money is greed. And in modern society this is a very important component of social life. It is greed that encourages people to do not the most pleasant work, enter into arranged marriages, and sacrifice personal preferences for the sake of profit. N. Zarubina in her article “Money as a sociocultural phenomenon: the limits of functionality” writes that the poor hate the rich, and vice versa, and calls all this a vicious circle of alienation and hatred, which is based on money. Often money can act as a regulator of relationships between people. And this is most relevant in the modern world; in a world where you can get almost everything you want for money. Go back even a few decades ago, when there was communism in the USSR, and it was difficult to get any desired goods. Then problems could be solved by useful connections or exchange. Now the situation has changed dramatically in the opposite direction. We can say that today people are only interested in money. When providing any service or assistance, we expect a certain reward, and in modern society such a reward can only be money. Thus, money plays a very important role in the modern world. Without them, society could not develop and function. Undoubtedly, money permeates all spheres of society. Nevertheless, money can still make people greedy, cruel and cynical. Despite all the variety of goods and services that money can buy today, there are values ​​that cannot be measured by any money. Such as love, family, health, inner harmony.

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Essay on the topic: “Money needs to be managed, not served...”

EssayMoney needs to be managed, not served... Today in the modern world, money is given great importance. In my opinion, many people thoughtlessly extol the importance of money, but if you think about it, you can say that this is true.

Money satisfies people’s needs for almost everything: delicious food, comfortable conditions in an apartment, the latest brand of telephone and many other “pleasant” things that a person pampers himself with. In order to get these “conveniences,” a person is ready to work day and night, depriving his loved ones of attention, losing his health.

A person turns into a slave, he is controlled by money. What is the price of this money? Health, life, maybe several lives...

We can talk about this for a long time.

They say that money spoils people, and in general they say that money is evil. How can a person become a slave to what is evil? Rather, a person replaces values. But the truth is that money can both cause harm and benefit its owner.


The benefits of money, of course, cannot be disputed; it can save lives: for example, you can get a rare medicine to save a patient, pay for expensive treatment, and in general there are many situations where money is actually needed.

Today in the civilized world, a person can afford almost everything with money: education, work, entertainment... Undoubtedly, one can list a lot of benefits of money or what it can give, but the fact remains a fact.

The path that a person often has to go through is sad because many losses await along the way, and the price of achieving wealth is different for everyone. Nowadays people make money their goal in life. Everyone knows that nothing is free in the world, except cheese in a mousetrap.

Since ancient times, society has been divided into poor and rich. Even when there was no money, those who did not lack food and shelter were considered rich. And others were ready to serve in these times, even stepping over human lives.

Many people have a desire to appear better and more successful in the eyes of others than they actually are. (This is an example of people who put material values ​​above all else). They are ready to live from hand to mouth, but to have some expensive thing. But we are not thinking about such people now.

You need to learn how to manage money so that it works for you, and not you for it.

Every person should not overestimate the importance of money, in my opinion, this is not the most important thing in life, because there are things that a person cannot buy for any money, for example, love, respect, friendship, health and even talent, as happened in N.V. Gogol's story "Portrait".

A person often cannot withstand need, and when prosperity comes to him, he often forgets about true values ​​and begins to live only by needs. Forgets about his personality and principles. The hero of the story exchanged his talent for the popularity of a fashionable artist, because he was driven by money.


There are many examples in literature when heroes do not become slaves to their money, when it is a means to solve problems, for example, in the work “The Wonderful Doctor” by A.I. Kuprin.

Doctor Pirogov was a rich man, a famous doctor, but money did not control him, it was not the main value of his life, for him the most important thing is simple human happiness. The act that the doctor committed influenced the entire life of the family, the children received a good education, and the parents gained faith. Most likely, the value of money in this family was overestimated; we, the readers, saw in the example of Dr. Pirogov that money should do good, and the person over it should be the master.

There are people who, having little income, live a happy life without a lot of money. For them, happiness is children, respect, love, in frequent meetings with loved ones, and also happiness for them in the smiles of their family. There are not many such people, but they do exist.

People need to learn to be happy even without money, as in the work of G.H. Andersen's "The Snow Queen", where Gerda managed to save Kai thanks to faith, loyalty to her love, and courage.

For these heroes, money did not exist as a phenomenon; they lived in their simple little world, where their entertainment was growing roses.

It should be concluded from all that has been said that one cannot reject the value of money, because a lot depends on it, but the truth should be that a person should never become a slave for it, because money is a means to happiness, and happiness is built by the person himself !


Lessons from Owl Filinovna

Talking about money in society was once simply indecent, and it was not for nothing that money was called “despicable metal.” But surviving without money in the modern world is quite difficult. What is money for? What is their role in society?

Since ancient times, sticks, wooden dies, shells and other objects have served as money. Man came up with this method only in order to get away from the natural exchange of products, because it is easier to exchange conventional objects than to drag bags of potatoes or animal carcasses. This means that money in itself is worthless. Man himself came up with this value and became dependent on it.

This can be confirmed by the words of Omar Khayyam:

Miser, don’t lament that times are bad.

Spend everything you have. Remember: there is only one life.

No matter how much gold you steal, you'll be transported to another world from here

You won’t be able to carry away even a handful of grain.

The words of the great philosopher of ancient times are very relevant today. Indeed, money is just a way to provide for yourself and your family. They cannot be the most important thing in a person’s life, because the most important thing is the person himself and eternal values: goodness and mercy, honesty and faith, truth and homeland, friendship and love.


Reflecting on this problem, one cannot help but recall the popular proverbs and sayings: “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”; “Extra money means extra worries”; “Money can’t buy health.” They reflect the wisdom of a people who know how to value spiritual values ​​rather than wealth.

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