Sample characteristics template for an educational institution teacher

Essay plan

First of all, the student must write which teacher will be discussed in the essay. Then you should describe why this particular teacher is your favorite .

  • External data. You can create a portrait of a teacher, describing in detail his appearance. This is usually how students write an essay about a primary school teacher. But some remarkable details can also be noted by older guys.
  • Character. You should definitely describe what traits you like most about the teacher. This could be kindness, justice, honesty, willingness to help any student and other qualities.
  • Method of conducting a lesson. Each teacher has his own style. Surely some special tricks, stories, proprietary jokes brighten up the lesson and make you fall in love with the subject.

In the final part you can summarize what has been written. You can also once again admit your sympathy for the teacher.

Characteristics of a primary school teacher

Characteristics of Valentina Mikhailovna Ignatova, primary school teacher at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution

"Pautovskaya Secondary School"

JV "Lyubimovskaya Elementary School"

Valentina Mikhailovna Ignatova – born January 29, 1961, total work experience 36 years, work experience in the education system – 29 years, work experience in this institution – 29 years, higher education, first qualification category.

Valentina Mikhailovna is fluent in the content of subjects and teaching methods in primary school, modern educational technologies: the development of critical thinking, problem-based dialogical and developmental learning, multimedia technology.

In her work she uses a systemic-activity approach, which contributes to the formation of personal, meta-subject and subject-specific universal educational actions of schoolchildren, in the classroom she searches for optimal ways and means of developing the cognitive interest of students, establishes interdisciplinary connections, and observes signs of continuity.

In her work she uses developmental tasks, various techniques for activating the mental activity of students: problem situations, cards - tasks for differentiated individual work of different levels of complexity, which turns the lesson into a business collaboration between teacher and student, into an exciting creative search for new discoveries.

The teacher has a high level of professional skill and has a wide arsenal of teaching methods and techniques. She uses active forms of work: lessons - tests, lessons - travel, business games, knowledge reviews, testing, project activities. Creating problem situations and finding solutions to them are an incentive for children to learn successfully. Students act as researchers and independently find new solutions.

Valentina Mikhailovna teaches children to reason, analyze, build generalizations, argue, prove, and defend their opinions with reason. A mandatory part of the lesson is the use of summary notes, punched cards, diagrams, handouts and illustrative material. Her children work enthusiastically, actively, enjoying everyone’s success. An analysis of the test diagnostic results shows that the level of students’ mental activity is at an optimal level, and children’s knowledge is stable.

The effectiveness of teaching with this teacher is achieved through the implementation of basic programs and personal creative initiatives.

This is a sensitive teacher, dedicated to his work, knowing the capabilities of each student and selflessly loving children. All her efforts are aimed at one thing: to awaken in the child a love for mental work, for the work of thought. Therefore, in every lesson there is constant training to consolidate oral computing skills, and extensive use of ICT in the learning process. Valentina Mikhailovna is fluent in the primary teaching methodology. Creatively approaches the choice of various techniques that activate the mental activity of children, and makes extensive use of local material.

The most reliable indicator of the quality of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities is independent completion of tasks. The teacher uses preparatory exercises, cards with differentiated tasks, a thoughtful sequence of tasks, variation, commenting on tasks and clarity. At the end of the lesson, collects and checks the work.

When checking, pays attention to the amount of additional work performed by strong students. He also looks at which main task the weak student failed to cope with. And why? Selects similar tasks for him to do at home. Independent work helps a strong student to show his creative abilities, and gives a weak student the opportunity to experience the joy of work. In the process of independent work in children. When attending lessons, the high density of the lesson attracts attention - one task is replaced by another, during the completion of which there is necessarily independent work of students not only in consolidating the material, but also in acquiring new knowledge. Diagnostics of test results showed that the quality of teaching in the Russian language was 75%, and in mathematics 80%, 67% of students read above the norm.

The teacher willingly shares his skills with colleagues. She conducts open lessons, speaks at school pedagogical councils, at meetings of the methodological association of primary school teachers, workshops, and master classes for school teachers. Valentina Mikhailovna puts a lot of effort and energy into educating younger schoolchildren. The main thing in her work is a well-thought-out system in which everything is aimed at developing children’s cognitive activity, independence, uniting the children’s team, and nurturing moral principles. The leading way of influencing children is persuasion and encouragement.

Particular attention is paid to the education of students, which is carried out in close contact with the children’s parents. This is facilitated by thematic parent meetings, open lessons, individual consultations, joint extracurricular activities: holidays, trips, hikes.

Her kindness and close contact with parents give good results. Parents respect Valentina Mikhailovna and help her in her efforts to form a positive attitude towards learning in their children. In relations with colleagues, she is characterized by sociability, tact, trusting relationships, the ability to listen and help. Passion for her work, broad outlook, high efficiency - all this created her authority among students, teachers and parents.

Implementing the educational and methodological set “Promising Primary School”, we developed didactic material for grades 1-4 in accordance with federal state educational standards, work programs for academic disciplines, and extracurricular activities.

Over the past five years, there has been a positive trend in the results of educational activities: in 2015, according to the results of monitoring for the primary school course, 100% of students coped with the final works in the Russian language and mathematics, with the quality of performance being 100% and 66.6, respectively.

Valentina Mikhailovna actively introduces innovative forms of working with children. He carries out targeted work with students who have high educational capabilities, which allows them to develop their research skills, logical thinking, and reveal their creative and intellectual potential. This is evidenced by the results of participation in competitions and subject tournaments: in 2013, 1st place in the telecommunications quiz “New encounters with old fairy tales.” In 2014: took 2nd place in the All-Russian telecommunications project on literature for students in grades 1-2 “In the world of fairy tales”, participants in the All-Russian Olympiad (physics and mathematics cycle).

In 2015: winners of the All-Russian competition “The World Around Us. Dinosaurs", winners of the All-Russian quiz "Broad Maslenitsa", winners of the IV All-Russian Olympiad in mathematics for students in grades 1-4 of educational institutions of the Russian Federation MATOLIMP INFO, "Olympiad on the environment, Russian language and mathematics, became winners in the regional projects "Russian Matryoshka" , “In the world of mysteries”, in the IV All-Russian Olympiad in mathematics for students in grades 1-4.

In 2013, the teacher took part in the development of a curriculum on the basics of religious cultures and secular ethics in the module “Secular Ethics”, the development of a work program for extracurricular activities “Children’s Fun”, and the project “Safety in the Home and on the Street” (2nd grade).

In 2014, Valentina Mikhailovna developed a project on the surrounding world “Travel to St. Petersburg” (3rd grade).

In 2015, the project “My Small Motherland” (grades 1-4) was developed.

The experience of a teacher is widespread and generalized among the teaching community. In 2013, material was published on the website of the teacher mutual aid community.

Her experience is presented at the municipal level for primary school teachers on the topics “Features of the organization of the educational process in a small school” (2014), “Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education in a small school” (2015)..

Valentina Mikhailovna spoke at the teachers’ council “Patriotic education in a small school (2016).

As an experienced class teacher, the teacher supports the children in all their endeavors. When conducting events, her students show creative and organizational skills: winners of the municipal competition “Grandma’s Chest” (2015), winners of the regional telecommunications project “My Constitution” (2014), All-Russian competition “Broad Maslenitsa” (2014), All-Russian environmental competition "Blue Ribbon" (2016). She has established close contact with her parents.

Awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Education Committee of the Nizhneomsky District Administration (2002). (2003)

The candidacy was recommended by the pedagogical council of the Pautovskaya Secondary School on February 27, 2017, protocol No. 3.

For her great personal contribution to the practical training of students and pupils, to the development of their creative activity and independence, Valentina Mikhailovna Ignatova is nominated to be awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region.

School director………..N.A. Mishchuk

Required qualities

To be a successful teacher who can not only be respected, but also loved, you need to have certain qualities. Typically, students write about teachers who have the following characteristics. These traits are also often mentioned in essays by high school students:

  1. Ability to remain calm in different situations. It's no secret that students are different. Some literally drive the teacher into hysterics. An experienced teacher will not allow this to happen, so this quality is considered one of the most important.
  2. Literacy is not only about your subject. Many specialists are very knowledgeable in the area that is necessary for teaching, but cannot say anything at all about other things. Of course, the teacher should not be omniscient, but minimal awareness will win over schoolchildren who will consider the teacher very wise.
  3. Tactfulness is a necessary trait in a teacher’s character, especially when he teaches exact sciences that require full concentration. Often at school, a mathematics or physics teacher humiliates children who are unable to quickly absorb information and apply it while standing at the blackboard. This type of behavior is unacceptable and unprofessional.
  4. Responsiveness plays an important role. Not every teacher will offer a lagging student to stay after class and help them understand the topic. But if a specialist is interested in the result, children will listen to him and achieve great success.
  5. Hard work . Some teachers teach the lesson as if they are serving a punishment. They read from a book or other source and do not support their words with real-life examples or other information. These people just don't like work. The story is difficult for them. This attitude does not bring results, because in many lessons you need to speak more of yourself in order to interest students.
  6. Love for your profession and subject. The first is not necessary, because a person is not always satisfied with working conditions or other nuances. But he must love his subject and be truly passionate about it.

Essay “My Favorite Teacher”

My favorite teacher

Not the teacher who receives education

and the education of a teacher, and the one who has

inner confidence that he exists,

must and cannot be otherwise.

Lev Tolstoy

A teacher is, first of all, a person who not only knows a lot, but one who passes on his knowledge to others. And it doesn’t just convey, but teaches you to strengthen your character and not stop there. Helps his students improve and become what they want. A person who needs a lot of patience. After all, the profession of a teacher is not as simple as it seems at first glance. And the point is not at all in qualifications, but in the personal qualities of a person, which make all teachers different from each other.

I met teachers who simply graduated from a pedagogical university. Of course, this is not enough. No! After all, we feel love and know that we are wrong. And seeing anger and impatience towards yourself in the teacher’s eyes every day? This is not a teacher, but simply a person disillusioned with his profession. I have also met teachers who do a wonderful job with children, and the children listen and are drawn to this person. Such people are apparently destined to be teachers. Apparently they were born with this gift. Teacher is a calling. Some are destined and others find it impossible to work in school no matter how hard they try. Because only a special, chosen person can teach children and develop their personality. Being a real teacher is a talent.

My mother also works as a teacher (although this is not about her), I often watched her at home. Every day she checks a ton of notebooks, tests, and self-tests. And often, when I had already gone to bed, she remained checking all these notebooks, I don’t know how long she sat, but, according to my father’s stories, she could sit like that until late at night. She also had to prepare a lesson plan for the next day, and most importantly, not make a mistake anywhere, so that the student could not find fault later. It’s good that we live in a village where there are not so many children in classes, and therefore there are fewer checks. And how do teachers teach in big cities, where there are thirty children in a class? And on top of that, try to keep track of all these students. After all, this is a lot of work! Which often no one sees.

And there are also children who do not care that the teacher is in front, who are not respectful. A couple of times I heard phrases flying at the teacher’s face: “What will you do to me?”, “Yes, I won’t get anything for this!”, “You have no right!” What do you mean, “you don’t have the right”? Of course it does, in front of you stands a teacher, a man who is ten times wiser and more mature than you. I wish I could take you back three hundred years ago, where students would have been flogged for using such expressions. Now everyone “knows their rights” and you can’t lay a finger on them, and words mean absolutely nothing to them. Therefore, it turns out that in order to cope with everyone, a teacher needs to achieve respect. As one of the quotes I once liked says: “A teacher should have maximum authority and minimum power.”

As a high school student, I will say that by the eleventh grade I fell in love with all the teachers, each left their imprint on my memory. Everyone gave a lot of knowledge and experience, but there is no need for guile, everyone has their own favorite teacher. The person who has sunk into your soul more than anyone else. Yes, I have it too. Actually, we will talk about him now... More precisely, speaking about her.

Five years ago, when I finally said goodbye to albums, paints, colored paper, and with all this, elementary school, I had to get used to the fact that there were more teachers than just one. I got used to the new learning environment, learned the names of teachers, and sometimes, I admit, I got confused. That’s when I met her, a teacher of Russian language and literature. I was good with these subjects from elementary school, I only didn’t get along with algebra. Maybe this is why I liked Russian and literature classes. I was just pleased to be there, pleased to listen to the teacher.

Her name was Marina Sergeevna. She was a pleasant-looking woman of about thirty-two, with bright blue eyes, which she lined with small arrows. Her hair was straight and short, not as short as I was used to seeing on teachers, whose haircut was slightly similar to a man's, but short, but slightly touching her shoulders. The back is slightly raised for volume, dark brown. She did not change her hair color in the future, perhaps only the shade, sometimes she only highlighted her hair a little. I always saw her only in dresses and skirts. I honestly admit that I have never seen trousers on her, unlike other teachers. Me, of course. I understand that looking at clothes is an eternal problem of generations, what is acceptable for my generation is considered the height of bad taste for the older generation. And I admit, I never liked trousers. I also wear ones that are tapered closer to the bottom, but I hated bell-bottom trousers that are wide throughout their entire length, probably from birth. But I had never seen Marina Sergeevna in trousers, and therefore the image of the teacher in my eyes was different. Probably, appearance is not the main thing, but for me a teacher should look like this.

Her gait was fast, light and always in heels. You know, throughout our entire time at school, my classmates and I learned to recognize teachers by the clicking of their heels. If the teacher leaves the office during a lesson, and a rumble begins in the class, everyone calms down when they hear the necessary click of heels. We knew which “heels” would pass by and which ones would return to our office. There was some kind of extraordinary softness on her face. You know, there are people, when you look into their faces, you immediately understand that the person is kind and sweet. This is actually what happened. She was a smiling, pleasant person, communication with whom made your soul feel warm. I also very rarely saw her angry. In general, I saw her in anger at most five times. But her anger was also different from other teachers. If the student was really guilty, she raised her voice, but there were no punishments or reproaches, all of this somehow quickly turned into a joke. She just threw up her hands and smiled. But, nevertheless, the student understood that he was wrong and obeyed her. It is a precious quality of an intelligent person to tactfully point out a mistake. Among my classmates, and all students, she was respected. No jokes were ever made on her, and discipline reigned in her lessons. Of course, it happened that we were given a literature or Russian language lesson last, or after physical education classes, when we were pretty tired and no longer had the strength to do any Russian exercises or analysis of literature. Then all of us, to be honest, were lazy and tried to somehow stall for time without doing anything, by talking. This, of course, disrupted the lesson a little, but Marina Sergeevna could always support the conversation a little, and then say: “We talked, discussed, and now we’re doing an exercise.” And you can’t do anything, you had to write. After all, she knew how to communicate with us not just as students, but as real friends. Marina Sergeevna managed to pick up the key to our hearts, but without the right of transfer.

She is a wonderful teacher. And he knows his subject without hesitation. Can answer all questions. As long as I knew her, she was never wrong. She explained everything to us clearly and clearly, as it should be explained to students, not university students. I sorted everything out with examples, in general there were no misunderstandings. And I really enjoyed her lessons. These are lessons of kindness, mutual understanding, where you can be yourself. She teaches us to think outside the box and always defend our point of view. When she talked about a writer, she always added some fact or an interesting story from his life, and after telling it, she smiled and said: “You will need this someday.”

This is how my years of life in primary school flowed. But time flew inexorably, and here were the first exams of my life. It was necessary to decide which subjects I would take. There were four items to choose. And I decided to take two subjects with Marina Sergeevna. Naturally these were Russian language and literature. The Russian language is a mandatory exam, but not many people dared to take literature at my school, or, to be more precise, only me. Of course, I was afraid, and Marina Sergeevna was probably worried, because literature is not often chosen for passing. All year I read a lot of essays and wrote my own, became better acquainted with the biographies of writers and poets, and did various tasks. And in everything, absolutely everything, my teacher accompanied me. She corrected me, told me how and where to do it better, what to add and what to remove. In general, we both immersed ourselves in literature. I was preparing for three more subjects, but I was most worried about literature. We've looked at the options hundreds of times. And at the end of the year I began to get tired. I started to get bored with all this writing, I didn’t understand why I should carry out so many options, or rather, I didn’t want to understand. I didn’t want to do, write, read. But Marina Sergeevna always repeated the same phrase: “What if you come across an option that you have already done, so you need to do it as best you can.” And I dutifully continued to write.

And then the day of the exam arrived. Honestly, there weren’t that many of us in the audience, apparently because many people think that passing this subject is very difficult. I thought the same. A thousand times I scrolled through all the words of Marina Sergeevna, trying to remember everything I needed. And now they give me my option. I quickly ran my eyes over it and literally for a minute I just looked at the sheet, emptiness reigned in my head. Just quiet. And then I realize that I’ve done all this before. I did this option. I know the answer. It was then that my teacher’s words came to me.

I did absolutely everything. Of course, I knew the answer by heart. All that remains is to wait for the results. Days passed, but there were no results. I was incredibly afraid that I had made a mistake after all. I was wrong about everything. I let Marina Sergeevna down.

And now they tell me that the results are ready. I look at the table, Russian is excellent, literature is excellent. Marina Sergeevna even called me and congratulated me. "Well done!" - she said, and I only wanted to thank her. I wanted to say: “You’re a great guy for putting up with me and teaching me everything.”

I wouldn't have done anything without her help. If I had been taught by another teacher, I doubt that my result would have been the same. It was with her that everything worked out for me; she taught me the names of everything that I know now.

Ninth grade passed and life went on as usual again. I began to take part in various Olympiads, competitions in literature and the Russian language. Marina Sergeevna and I were preparing together, and I knew that I wasn’t afraid of anything with her, it was as if I knew that no matter what question came our way, she knew the answer to it, but she just didn’t want to talk, so that I I guessed it myself, I figured it out myself. Once we went to the regional Olympics, and while preparing for it, she even told me something interesting in her free time. Really interesting. It was interesting for me to listen to this, to know. I was discovering a new world for myself. Humanitarian world. She just guided me. Then she asked how it all went. And it was clear that she was really interested in how I did everything. One way or another, I forgot something or posted everything. And when she asked about everything, her eyes burned. She tormented me with questions, and I told it like it was. Yes, in some places I already realized that I had been stupid, somewhere, and she, sighing, said: “As I did, I did so, literary analysis is your vision of poetry.” Father-in-law, she did not scold me for any mistakes. I’ve always respected teachers who don’t just talk about mistakes, but who help correct them, who don’t correct them themselves, but actually help. Based on all this, Marina Sergeevna and I somehow got along in character. Much of us coincided, many of our thoughts were the same. I really liked her lessons, they captured me completely and completely, I was already drawn to all this myself. This is the greatest merit of the teacher. Make the student want to learn himself.

And I think Marina Sergeevna coped with all this.

She remained and remains my favorite teacher. Because my soul lies with her, with her objects. She is a person of extraordinary beauty, namely spiritual beauty. A person capable of filling other souls, the souls of his students, with this beauty. Give them all your knowledge without reserve. Worry about their successes and failures. And the initial condition remains her boundless love for children, the desire to leave a piece of herself in each of us. After all, to the question: “Why did you become a teacher?”, she always answers: “I never saw myself in another profession!” Probably, Lev Nikolaevich spoke specifically about this “inner confidence.”

And let many years pass, I will finish school, build my life, but this classroom of Russian language and literature with blue walls and painfully familiar portraits of writers will forever remain in my memory. The smell of sometimes dusty books that I read from cover to cover. And the person who opened the way to this life for me, showed me what it should be, set me on the path to which my soul lies, gave himself completely.

In my memory there will forever be this man, with blue eyes burning brightly with ideas, whose name is TEACHER.

A history teacher

An essay on the topic “My Favorite Teacher” rarely contains information about a teacher of physics, chemistry or geometry, since such sciences are difficult for children. However, they write about history teachers quite often, because talented specialists in this field are found in most schools. They deserve respect only because they can tell the most interesting stories that are not printed in the textbook and are not included in the curriculum.

Some students talk about a teacher who, during lessons, spoke about facts from the history of a particular state, and after mastering the program, he gave other examples, because you cannot read about them in a textbook. In addition, many historians talk about the country's past, and then complete their story with stories from the present.

Classroom teacher

A child in primary school has difficulty writing an essay on the topic “Description of a teacher.” His first mentor is not always liked. Sometimes the child does not understand him or is even afraid. Often the reason for this is the teacher’s impatience and the desire to immediately control.

But over time, the kids get used to the mentor: he becomes family and friends. That is why most essays about teachers are dedicated to class teachers. They go with children the whole long way from first grade to graduation. Everyone develops a certain relationship with them, but at the end of the journey, the vast majority express sincere gratitude.

Some thank you for the timely help, others for the appropriate remark, others for the well-deserved punishment, the essence of which they only now understood. Class teachers are the most selfless teachers who care about everyone, consider everyone their children, protect and protect.

In most cases, their specialization does not matter, because a teacher of history, mathematics, physics, chemistry, music becomes a good mentor to the whole class if he really cares about his work.

Every sentence in an essay about a class teacher is imbued with sincere affection for a person who gives several years of his life to educate worthy people. Usually students understand this only after finishing school. Looking at the aged mentor, they realize how much he was able to give, how much he told, what he taught, what he protected from. Therefore, the most touching essays are usually written about the class teacher.

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