“Petka at the Dacha” - a summary of the story by L. Andreev
“Petka at the Dacha” - a reader’s diary based on a story by Leonid Andreev
A very brief retelling of the story “Petka at the Dacha.” A ten-year-old boy, Petya, is apprenticed to a local
Quote characteristics of the Head Presents quotes from the poem by A.S. Pushkin “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, characterizing one
Essay: Attitude towards the peasants of Dubrovsky and Troekurov (based on Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky”)
As you know, the beginning of the nineteenth century was marked by the incredible popularity of adventure stories and novels. Didn't retreat
Characteristics of the character Oksana from “The Night Before Christmas” by N. Gogol
The character of Oksana from “The Night Before Christmas” Oksana stood for a long time, thinking about the strange speeches of the blacksmith.
Essay on the comedy The Tradesman in the Nobility by Molière
Works On literature Other On comedy The tradesman in the nobility by Moliere This work was written
“The Shot” A. S. Pushkin wrote during his most fruitful period
“Shot” - a summary of the story by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
A. S. Pushkin wrote an analysis of the work “Shot” during his most fruitful period -
Nikita Platonov's story
"Nikita": summary. What does Platonov’s “Nikita” teach?
Today he is popular, even Andrei Platonov is studied in the literature curriculum. "Nikita" -
A.S. Pushkin and history. “The history of the Pugachev rebellion” (8th grade)
“The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals” - a reader’s diary based on the tale by Saltykov-Shchedrin
Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin To the beginning Electronic publications Library Photos Once upon a time there were two generals,
Andrey Platonov - Nikita
The story “Nikita” - Andrei Platonov Early in the morning, the mother left the yard for the field
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