Characteristics and image of Pavlusha from the story Bezhin Meadow by Turgenev essay

  • Essays
  • On literature
  • Turgenev
  • Characteristics and image of Pavlusha from the story Bezhin Meadow

In the story “Bezhin Meadow” the author described several main characters. One of the main characters is a boy named Pavlusha. Pavlusha was a village boy. The boy guarded the herd with his friends. The boy had tousled and black hair. Pasha was distinguished by gray eyes and wide cheekbones. Pavlusha had pale skin and huge lips. At the same time, the boy’s head was large, the size of a beer kettle. The boy was from a poor family. He always wore a simple shirt and old pants. The boys looked after the herd and cooked potatoes over the fire. Pashka looked at the fire and poked a sliver of wood into the water. The other boys did nothing.

Pavlusha tried to show his good side. The boy watched the fire and the dogs running past. One of the dogs was chasing a wolf, the other was drinking water from a pond. The hero could easily start a conversation. At the same time, the other boys always listened to him. Pavlusha was observant.

Along with his perceptiveness, he stood out for his courage. He listened to every noise that arose in the dead silence. Each sound arose in the silence and spread through the air. In the deep darkness, Pavlusha heard someone’s quiet and piercing voice. Hearing the sound and whistling, the friends shuddered.

The boys were scared, but Pavlusha showed determination and calmed his friends. Having calmed his friends, Pavlusha went in search of the dogs. The boy mounted a horse and galloped after the dogs. Returning, he reassured his friends and said that the dogs had simply smelled something. Pasha did not show his determination. Turgenev portrayed the boy only from the best side.

Sitting down by the fire, the friends began to tell scary stories. Pashka listened carefully to the stories and did not interfere in the conversation of his comrades. During the conversation, a dove flew into the light from the fire. Pavlusha thought that the poor pigeon might have fallen behind the flock.

When talking about a solar eclipse, Pavlusha interrupted his friend and made his friends forget about fear and laugh. Pashka told a story about a sign living in the village. At the end of this story, the ghost turned out to be the cooper Trishka. During the conversation, Pashka heard herons singing and frogs making noise. Every rustle made the boys very scared. Pasha told his friends about the Easter cakes whistling during the flight. Pavel was 12 years old. He was not the oldest among his friends. Despite his age, the other boys listened to his words. By the end of the story, the author described him as a brave and matured boy.

Option 2

The narration of I. Turgenev’s story “Bezhin Meadow” is told on behalf of a true connoisseur of nature. However, in addition to this, he turned out to be a subtle psychologist of the child’s soul.

Among several children gathered in the lap of night nature, he found the image of a simple, unspoiled boy of about twelve named Pavlusha interesting. His appearance was more repulsive than arousing to the observer. This was due to the boy’s clumsiness and awkward movements. The broad face was pale. And the shabby clothes were sewn up in several places.

Despite this, Paul attracted the narrator's attention. He showed experience in communicating with adults, showed diligence and responsibility beyond his years. Each of his actions was more reminiscent of actions that are characteristic of an adult man with extensive life experience.

Observing him, we can conclude that he has been familiar with these activities for a long time. They show thriftiness and care. Delving into the conversation of his interlocutors, he, alone, alone at the fire, prepares dinner. Reacts to sudden loud noises with an “indifferent voice”, demonstrating courage and fearlessness. Without thinking about the danger, he is the first to dashingly ride a horse to protect his comrades from wolves. From the conversation it became clear that he had encountered this beast more than once. Later, even the dog looks at him "with appreciative pride."

Pavel is an expert on the world around him, often being in the lap of nature. Seeing a frightened pigeon, he predicts a long journey for it in search of a home. Pavlusha fearlessly goes alone to the river to fill the boiler with water. The boy is humble about what fate has in store for a person: “you can’t escape fate.” He flatly refuses to believe in omens.

He does not focus on what causes a feeling of fear in others: “Eh, crows! ... why are you alarmed.” In the stories of the other guys, he inserts remarks that sometimes express ridicule; there is no seriousness in them, since Pavel is a brave boy. He's just trying to keep their conversation going.

Throughout the entire work, the narrator does not hide his sympathy for this hero, repeatedly calling him Pavlusha, and speaks with regret about his death this year.

Thanks to the boy's observation, wisdom, and courage, the author emphasizes that he can be compared to an adult man. Therefore, at the end of the story, he treats him with respect, calling him Pavlusha, despite the discrepancy between the hero’s appearance and his character.

Pavlushi's appearance

The characterization of Pavlusha from “Bezhin Meadow” should begin with a description of the boy’s appearance. The story is narrated in the first person. The narrator calls the 12-year-old teenager unsightly and describes his portrait in some detail, as if creating a portrait in front of the reader in a drawing. Pavlusha had:

  • resin hair;
  • grey eyes;
  • wide cheekbones;
  • big mouth.

The boy's head seemed huge and his body awkward. The teenager has pale skin, which could be a consequence of malnutrition. Pavlushka was wearing patched trousers and a holey shirt. He looked the most poorly dressed of the whole company. Despite his unattractive appearance, the boy had a noticeable charm to everyone .

His eyes shone with intelligence, his face expressed calmness, and his voice “sounded with strength.”

Essay Image and characteristics of Pavlushi

Turgenev, as an author, always tried to convey his unique feeling of fullness, the feeling that guided the author all his life. Trying to live to the maximum, he conveyed this desire through his works and literary creations. He always tried to pursue the ideals of the human personality, thanks to which he conveys this image to his reader.

Many of his works are also filled with many different characters, through whom he conveys the same ideal. And the work “Bezhin Meadow” is by no means an exception. In it, the author tells the story of a small group of children who have a lot of fun with each other, also trying to spend it as productively as possible. Many, if not all, of them are wonderful people. However, a boy named Pavlusha stands out against their background.

Pavlusha is a rural boy from the company of other children. The author describes him as a man of a down-to-earth build, one might say clumsy, with gray eyes and black hair. By nature, he is a shy boy, but at the same time self-confident, he is also very brave, although he tries not to show it, so as not to stand out from the rest. From the story it is clear that Turgenev clearly sympathizes with Pavel. And for a reason. Although Pavlusha is not the oldest, he thinks like an adult, not allowing any childish prejudices to fill his head. It is because of this that the author sympathizes with Pavel. Pavel for Turgenev is the ideal person. A freedom-loving person, brave, and not boastful. From all of the above, we can conclude that Pavel is one of the people closest in character to the author, if not the closest. That is why a lot of attention is given to him in the work.

It should also be noted that since this work is based on a purely subjective opinion, it cannot be assessed objectively.

Character, relationships with others

Village teenagers often went out at night to guard horses. Each boy told his story around the fire. The character of Fedya from the story “Bezhin Meadow” is contrasted by the author with other images.

This teenager is already 14 years old, he is the oldest in the company. Due to his age and wealthy position, Fedya treats everyone condescendingly and says little. Yes, he has nothing to talk about, unlike others.

Ilyusha is a boy from a middle-class family, he scares others with stories about the merman and other evil spirits. Seven-year-old Vanya and ten-year-old Kostya also went out at night. While the horses were grazing, the guys sat by the fire and talked, the author listened to them and did not soon fall asleep.

In the story “Bezhin Meadow” a lot of time is devoted to the description of Pavlusha. The narrator carefully observes the boy and sees the following:

The described character traits of the character can be used as arguments for an essay on the topic of the story. Unfortunately, the author later learns that a sad fate awaited Pavlush. The boy fell from his horse and died that same summer.


Pavlusha is one of the main characters in the story “Bezhin Meadow” by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Pavlusha is a peasant boy. His age is approximately twelve years. He has black shaggy hair, gray eyes, wide cheekbones, a pale face, and a large mouth. And the head itself was large, but at the same time it looked correct. Still, he was not handsome. His body was clumsy. He did not dress provocatively: just a simple shirt and pants with patches.

At night, he and other boys drove out a herd of horses to graze. Fedya, Ilyusha, Kostya, and Vanya were with him. Pavel was considered a nice boy. That's what he was. He was smart and had a strong character. The author singled him out more than the others. Paul does more than he says. All the boys turn to him for advice, and not to Fedya, even though he was older. He was fourteen years old. Among them Paul enjoys great authority, even among the animals. This became noticeable when the dog was happy to be petted by Pavel. Pavlusha is an agile boy. He always speaks calmly and leisurely. When Pavel rode alone on a horse after the wolf, it became clear that he was a brave and determined boy. It happened that some sound would be heard and the boys would get scared. And Pavlusha calms them down and explains that it was, for example, a heron.

Mostly the other boys talked about all sorts of evil spirits and mysticism. It was at the moment of such conversations that Pavlusha said nothing. But when the conversation starts about nature, or when he starts it himself, Pavel immediately supports the topic. From this behavior it is clear that Pavlusha loves nature very much. He even noticed that a dove flew by in the reflection of the fire. Pavel said that he could have gotten away from the house.

In general, Pavlusha somehow showed himself throughout the entire story. Either he was watching the fire, or he went alone to see why the dogs were scared. He is also very attentive. When Pavel was checking the potatoes, he heard a pike splash in the water. And then he noticed that a star was flying in the sky. He takes part in the conversation without any difficulty. And the author himself focuses on it.

Unfortunately, a year after the events of the story, Pavel passed away. He fell to his death from a horse.

The role of the image in the work

Turgenev paints a vivid picture for the reader, which is very close to real life. Realistic landscapes, vivid images of village boys, and first-person narration allow the reader to immerse himself in the atmosphere of the night forest and mystical stories heard around the fire.

Expressing his sympathy for Pavel, the author shows that a person’s internal qualities may not be consistent with his appearance and destiny. The writer is surprised by the savvy, courage and prudence of a teenager, who rather resembles an adult man. Pavlusha, without a doubt, was worthy of a better life, but in reality he lived in hopeless poverty and, in addition, a tragic ending awaited him.

Most likely, this ending is not accidental. The author, as a realist, shows that in this world it is not always possible to get what you deserve ; fate is often unfair. Even the boy's courage played a cruel joke on him.

If Pavel had been more cowardly and cautious, perhaps he would have had a chance to live a long life instead of dying almost as a child.

Morning and return home

Waking up early in the morning, the hunter decides that it is time to return home. He quietly gets ready and approaches the sleeping boys. Everyone is asleep, only Pavlusha raises her head and looks at him. The hunter nods his head to the boy and leaves. Bezhin Meadow says goodbye to him. The characteristics of boys require special attention. After finishing reading it is worth re-watching it.

The story ends with the words that Paul subsequently dies. The boy does not drown, as the boys' stories predict, he falls from his horse and is killed.

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He tells a story about Trishka, an “amazing man” who will come “when the last times come”:

“Tell me, please, Pavlusha,” Fedya began, “what, you also saw heavenly foresight in Shalamov?” - How come the sun wasn’t visible? Of course. - Tea, are you scared too? - We're not alone. Our master, Khosha, told us in advance that, they say, you will have a foresight, but when it got dark, he himself, they say, became so afraid that it’s like. And in the yard hut there was a woman cook, so as soon as it got dark, hear, she took and broke all the pots in the oven with a grabber: “Whoever eats now, he says, the end of the world has come.” So the stuff started flowing. And in our village, brother, there were rumors that, they say, white wolves would run across the earth, they would eat people, a bird of prey would fly, or they might even see Trishka himself. - What kind of Trishka is this? - asked Kostya. - Do not you know? - Ilyusha picked up warmly. - Well, brother, you’re an otkenteleva, don’t you know Trishka? Sidney is sitting in your village, that’s for sure Sidney! Trishka - this will be such an amazing person who will come; and he will come when the last times come. And he will be such an amazing person that it will be impossible to take him, and nothing will be done to him: he will be such an amazing person. The peasants, for example, will want to take it; They will come out at him with a club, surround him, but he will avert their eyes - he will avert their eyes so much that they themselves will beat each other. If they put him in prison, for example, he will ask for some water to drink in a ladle: they will bring him a ladle, and he will dive in, and remember what his name was. They’ll put chains on him, and he’ll shake his hands and they’ll fall off him. Well, this Trishka will walk around the villages and towns; and this Trishka, a crafty man, will seduce the Christian people... well, but he will not be able to do anything... He will be such an amazing, crafty man. “Well, yes,” Pavel continued in his leisurely voice, “that’s how it is.” That's what we were waiting for. The old people said that, as soon as the heavenly foresight begins, Trishka will come. This is where the foresight began. All the people poured out into the street, into the field, waiting to see what would happen. And here, you know, the place is prominent and free. They look and suddenly some man is coming from the settlement from the mountain, so sophisticated, with such an amazing head... Everyone shouts: “Oh, Trishka is coming! oh, Trishka is coming! "- but who knows where! Our elder climbed into a ditch; the old lady got stuck in the gateway, screaming obscenities, and scared her door dog so much that she was off the chain, through the fence, and into the forest; and Kuzka’s father, Dorofeich, jumped into the oats, sat down, and let’s shout like a quail: “Maybe, they say, at least the enemy, the murderer, will take pity on the bird.” That's how everyone was alarmed! . And this man was our cooper, Vavila: he bought himself a new jug and put an empty jug on his head and put it on...”

I. S. Turgenev loved to talk about the life of ordinary people, peasants. The story is told from the perspective of the author, who reminisces about a great day hunting grouse. The hunter was preparing to go home with a heavy load, but got lost, and gradually, hoping to find familiar places, he reached a clearing in which he recognized “Bezhin Meadow.” There, the tired traveler discovered the guys coming out to graze the horses. Night grazing was common because at this time the animals were not disturbed by gadflies and other insects.

The basis of the work is the description of the boys, since the hunter pretended to be in a dream, they were able to express themselves without embarrassment in front of a strange adult. The story describes all the boys both in appearance and in character. Among them was Pavlusha. He cannot boast of a pleasant appearance, his face is not beautiful, and his hair is dark. The boy is clearly poor, because he is dressed in a shirt and trousers with patches, and has no bast shoes at all. The guy's figure is squat, his face is pale, his head and mouth are large.

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