Characteristics and image of the grandmother in the story “Childhood”

Bright image of a grandmother

In Gorky’s story “Childhood,” Akulina Ivanovna Kashirina undoubtedly occupies a central place. She, like a guardian angel, protects her grandson, who has fallen from a friendly family into a completely different world, filled with envy, cruelty, and mutual enmity. Reading the work, you involuntarily ask yourself the question of how the grandmother, who spent many years in the environment of the Kashirins’ house, was able to retain in herself those best human qualities that were given to her at birth? Fate never spoiled this woman, but every time she found the strength not only to live according to God’s laws, but also to brighten up the hardships of the people around her.

Option 2

The story, written by Gorky and called “Childhood,” was the first in a trilogy. The writer talks about how his childhood passed and about the people around him who influenced his formation and upbringing.

For Alyosha Peshkov, who became the central character of the story, a rather important person is his grandmother, whom he met for the first time after the death of his father. Grandmother comes to take him and his mother to their permanent place of residence with their grandfather. The first impression was quite deceptive, he believes that the grandmother is a rather tough person, but at the same time surprisingly interesting, and also a little strange, all the words and manners were unusual for him. But in a short time he finds a common language with his grandmother and understands that she is a fairly kind and open person.

The grandmother loves to tell him fairy tales, so he gets acquainted with Russian folklore, and the boy enjoys spending time with her. Thanks to such communication, he literally falls in love with a word that can be bright and juicy and bring pleasure to the reader.

The intercessor for the little boy in his grandfather’s house was his grandmother, who did her best to protect him from his grandfather’s decisions. After all, a constant war was taking place in their house, an elderly man was fighting with his children, and the grandmother was trying to remind the people around her that they were relatives and should maintain close relationships.

The mother soon disappears from her father’s house because she cannot withstand his tyrannical character, so the grandmother replaces all the boy’s close relatives. The grandmother reveals to him the existence of God, who becomes quite kind and forgiving for him, and not cruel and harsh.

Already in adulthood, when Gorky writes this work, he tries to pay tribute to his grandmother, who put into him everything that was most necessary and humane. He is grateful that she developed in him a love not only for words, but also for life in general, told him about its rules and taught him how to communicate with people around him. She always tried to protect him from external influence and the wrath of his grandfather, who always set his own rules.

7th grade

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Biography of the heroine

The image of the grandmother in Gorky’s story “Childhood” emerges gradually. We learn about the life of Akulina Ivanovna mainly from her conversations with Alyosha: how she, together with her disabled mother, begged for alms until she was nine years old, how she learned from her the wonderful art of weaving lace, how at the age of fourteen she was married to Kashirin. Her future life was also bitter. She gave birth to eighteen children, and only three of them survived. And they never got along with each other. It was painful for the grandmother to watch her two sons fight to the death over the inheritance. The grandfather did not spare his wife either: even in old age he often beat her. And although the heroine was much taller and stronger than him, she endured the screams and beatings in silence. I believed that everything that happens to a person is ordained for him by God’s will. Another significant challenge was that before her death, my grandmother had to earn her own piece of bread: my grandfather sold all his property and left her with nothing.

Portrait of Akulina Ivanovna

The image of the grandmother in Gorky’s story “Childhood” is given through Alyosha’s perception of her. When he first met, she seemed to the boy “round, big-headed, with huge eyes and... a loose nose.” Despite her tall stature and stoop, Akulina Ivanovna moved softly and smoothly, which made her resemble a cat. She especially transformed during the dance: she became younger and prettier.

My grandmother had thick black hair, which she spent a lot of time combing. Maybe that’s why it all seemed outwardly dark. But when you look at her closely, you get the feeling that the heroine is glowing from within. This cheerful, warm, unquenchable light came from her big eyes.

Grandma was also an excellent storyteller and knew an innumerable number of interesting stories and folk legends—some of which Gorky introduces in his story “Childhood.” And in general, wherever Akulina Ivanovna found herself, she attracted people to her like a magnet.

Essay about Grandma Akulina Ivanovna

Akulina Ivanovna Kashirina is the central character of M. Gorky’s story “Childhood”. Her image is conveyed through the perception of her grandson Alyosha. She seemed to him “round, big-headed, with huge eyes and ... a loose nose,” the grandmother was tall, but stooped, despite her physique, she had the graceful gait of a cat. She had thick black hair and big eyes. It seemed that she was glowing from within. Akulina Ivanovna was an excellent storyteller and knew many fairy tales. Alyoshka and other family members loved listening to her. Grandmother is very hardworking and devout.

Akulina Ivanovna experienced a lot. Before marriage, she begged for alms with her disabled mother. At the age of 13 she married the hot-tempered master Kashirin. She gave birth to 18 children, but only three survived. She raised the foundling Tsygonka. Her husband beat her mercilessly, and after 50 years of marriage he left her without money. At the end of her life, Akulina Ivanovna was forced to earn her own bread.

Grandmother is a big-hearted person. Despite her difficult fate, she did not harden. She always tried to protect herself, her family, her children. She took other people's guilt (the children's guilt) upon herself only to protect them from their grandfather's cruelty. The mother of three children could not watch her sons greedily fight for their inheritance, and she kept silent about her husband’s beatings. But despite everything, she prayed every evening and asked God for help to those close and loved by her.

Akulina Ivanovna in the story acts as the keeper of the hearth. Indeed, the grandmother copes well with her mission. She raised three wonderful, hardworking and talented children. She also did not leave the foundling Gypsy and raised him as her own. Her family fed on her warmth and energy. She worked from dawn to dusk, but managed to give attention and care to every member of the family. Thanks to their grandmother, comfort, warmth and tranquility always reigned in the Kashirins’ house.

Akulina Ivanovna dedicated her life to people. She helped overcome life's difficulties and spiritually enriched people.

It was from his grandmother that Alyoshka acquired his best qualities. She taught her grandson sincere kindness, love, taught him not to give up in difficult situations, not to hold grudges and not to hold a grudge against people... The grandmother contributed to the formation of her grandson’s personality.

Akulina Ivanovna has experienced a lot over the long years of her life, but, no matter what, she has not changed. All her life she analyzed her actions, tried to do good to people, gave her love and every day raised a strong, wise woman.

In caring for others

Alyosha didn’t remember his grandmother ever complaining. On the contrary, she often tried to take on someone else’s guilt and could expose herself to blows in order to save others from the pain. This is what happened that evening when the grandfather subjected Alyosha to his first punishment. And when the enraged Mikhail began to break into his father’s house: the grandmother tried to calm her son down, and he broke her arm. And Akulina Ivanovna didn’t think about herself at all when she rushed into the burning workshop to protect everyone from the vitriol explosion. Even the horse, agitated by the fire, did not obey his grandfather, behaved like a mouse next to this fearless woman. It is no coincidence that the heroes of Gorky’s story “Childhood” went to her in difficult times of their lives.

And Alyosha really loved watching and listening to how his grandmother prayed to God. Every evening she told him about what happened in the house. And she always asked to help someone, to bring some sense into someone. This prayer, coming from the heart, was close and understandable to the boy, in contrast to the memorized words that his grandfather uttered.

This is how, episode by episode, the image of the grandmother in Gorky’s story “Childhood” takes shape. This is a portrait of a kind, sympathetic, sincere, morally pure, brave, determined woman. She has experienced a lot over the years, but has remained unchanged, “as if made of cast copper,” like our difficult life itself.

After the fire, the behavior and statements of the grandfather betray his feelings: the stingy praise addressed to the grandmother and then the malicious accusation of Grigory Ivanovich indicate that he understands the unseemly behavior of his behavior during the fire, but at the same time wants to erase this impression as quickly as possible and again declare your ownership rights.

Compared to her grandfather, her grandmother behaves like a real heroine, and Nekrasov’s words about a Russian woman are quite applicable to her; “He will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut!” During the fire, Akulina Ivanovna, the only one in the family, does not lose her composure. From the very first minute, the grandmother seems to be transformed: her usual softness and compliance disappear, and they are replaced by composure and determination. She speaks in a stern, strong voice and gives clear and necessary instructions.

She throws herself into the fire to prevent an explosion and protect her confused household members from death. She asks people for help in a heartfelt and thoughtful way. He has unlimited faith in the power of a kind word, so he boldly throws himself at the feet of a charging horse, stands in front of him with a “cross”, influencing the animal with his calmness and affection. She cares about children and their safety.

And after the fire, all burnt, the grandmother first of all feels not her own, but someone else’s pain. Not a single complaint is heard from her; on the contrary, she finds strength to console and support others.

A natural continuation of a conversation about grandparents would be to find out how each of them perceived ruin and poverty. During the conversation, we find out that difficult material trials did not change the character of the grandmother, her attitude towards the world and people. The “ideals” of the Kashirins were always alien to her: their commitment to property, the ambitious desire to “get out among the people,” to command, contempt and cruelty towards the poor.

If the collapse of these aspirations destroys the life basis of the grandfather - he becomes even more evil and at the same time pitiful, helpless, insignificant, then the grandmother, even in times of adversity, remains the same humane, generous and compassionate. Alyosha saw how, usually cheerful and cheerful, the grandmother cried quietly, looking at the nickels earned by her grandson, grieving over the unfortunate fate of Grigory Ivanovich. These are tears for others, the desire to see them happy. Always meekly enduring the beatings and bullying of her grandfather, which corresponded to the ideas of that time about the complete dependence of a wife on her husband, the owner, the eldest in the family, the grandmother does not bow her head to the difficulties of life, on the contrary, she believes and instills in Alyosha the belief that a person must be persistent, must struggle with difficulties: “You and I won’t be able to feed ourselves,” we? Great job!”

It is no coincidence that at the end, as at the beginning of the story, Alyosha again perceives in sharp contrast not only the actions, but even the appearance of his grandmother and grandfather. Let us remember Alyosha’s initial impression (chapter

The books of Maxim Gorky are a must-read, because this writer is a famous world playwright who was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature 5 times. His works are significant in that the naturalness of scenes and characters come into contact with mental reasoning.

One of Gorky’s significant works is “Childhood,” written in 1913. The story contains on its pages the most vivid memories from the author’s difficult life, but many critics believe that Gorky was not entirely autobiographical, since much of the work is artistically embellished.

The story “Childhood” tells readers about the life of a little boy Alyosha, who very early for his age learned the turbulent, harsh reality of this life with its cruel laws.

One of the central characters of the story is the grandmother. And it was not without reason that Gorky chose this particular character for the almost central role.

For all times and peoples, grandmother is the wisest and holy person, she is affectionate and kind. After all, even when you come to visit her, there are always treats on the table, and the grandmother makes sure that her beloved grandson or beloved granddaughter is always well-fed and warmly dressed. So Gorky’s image of his grandmother turned out to be the way we are all accustomed to imagining it.

She was the complete opposite of her grandfather, who had a very stern disposition. Alyosha didn’t like his grandfather because he was very hot-tempered and somehow severely punished the little boy for a seemingly minor offense: all children are mischievous and thirst for adventure. After the punishment, the boy became seriously ill, but his grandmother, like an angel, tried to look after him.

The grandmother in Gorky’s story was also a little afraid of her grandfather’s harsh disposition; she was sure that everyone should live in peace and kindness. Stealthily, she prayed to the Holy Mother of God to instill reason in her children and grandchildren.

The grandmother in Maxim Gorky's story is the keeper of the hearth, who seems to little Alyosha to be the kindest person in the world, capable of protecting him from the evil people around him.

Grandmother did not complain about life, despite all the difficult trials that fate threw at her. She believed that all of a person’s life difficulties are God’s tests that must be endured and overcome:

“...don’t get mixed up in the affairs of adults! Adults are flawed people; they have been tested by God, but you have not yet, and - live with a child’s mind. Wait for the Lord to touch your heart, show you your work, lead you to your path, do you understand? And who is to blame for what is none of your business. The Lord judges and punishes. To him, and not to us!..”

Grandma was also someone who was willing to go into a fire to save others, despite the possibility of getting burned.

If we talk about the appearance of this heroine, she was quite typical: she had a pleasant smile and kind eyes. She was a person of a cheerful disposition: there was something joyful and ringing in her voice.

Here's how Maxim Gorky described his grandmother's appearance:

“...grandmother is round, big-headed, with huge eyes and a funny, doughy nose; she is all black, soft and surprisingly interesting..."

Most likely, the grandmother was remembered throughout the writer’s life, because Akulina Ivanovna replaced the writer’s parents. Although this work is embellished by the author, the image of the grandmother is more than real, because the first draft of the story “Childhood” was called “Grandma Akulina”.

Gorky’s story “Childhood” is autobiographical, and the image of the grandmother in the story closely echoes the writer’s own real grandmother.

The boy Alyosha Peshkov talks about his grandmother as a kind and wise person. Her kindness knew no bounds and was absolutely selfless. It seemed that grandmother loved everything and everyone, just like that, without demanding anything in return.

Grandmother became Alyosha’s best, most faithful friend and teacher in life. She always gave wise advice.

“Grandmother in the life of Alyosha Peshkov (based on M. Gorky’s story “Childhood”)”

The story “Childhood” is the first part of M. Gorky’s autobiographical trilogy. In it, the writer talks about his childhood years and about the people who influenced his development at that time. Undoubtedly, the most important person in the life of Alyosha Peshkov, the main character of the story, was his grandmother. The boy saw her for the first time after the death of his father - she came to take him and his mother “to live” with their grandfather. Then the grandmother seemed to Alyosha “black, soft and surprisingly interesting.” And also strange - all her words and manners were unusual for the boy. But very soon Alyosha became friends with his grandmother - she was such a kind, affectionate and cheerful person. It was the grandmother who introduced the boy to Russian folklore - listening to fairy tales from her lips was a true pleasure: “He speaks as if he were singing, and the further he goes, the more complex the words sound. It’s an indescribable pleasure to listen to her.” And it was the grandmother who instilled in her grandson a love of words - bright, juicy, apt. In his grandfather’s house, where Alyosha felt restless and uncomfortable, his only intercessor was his grandmother. Of course, the final decision always remained with the grandfather as the head of the family, but she tried her best to protect her grandson from what was happening in the house. And there was an ongoing war there - between the grandfather and his children. And only the grandmother tried to somehow save the family, tried to remind all these people that they were their own blood. Grandmother replaced Alyosha’s mother, who “disappeared” soon after moving to her father’s house. This old woman became that ray of light that supported the little boy, gave him joy of life, warmth and love, and helped him in the everyday struggle for existence. She tried to save her grandson from his grandfather’s wrath, when he almost beat Alyosha to death, she was always on his side, always supported and protected. It was the grandmother who revealed God to Alyosha - not harsh and evil, like the Kashirins, but kind, forgiving, loving. It was the grandmother who taught the boy life, explaining to him everything that was happening around him, in the house and outside it. And this continued until her death. And when the grandmother died, the hero’s childhood also ended - he went “to the people.” As an adult, the narrator, turning back to his childhood, brings belated gratitude to his grandmother. Gratitude for the fact that she replaced his mother, illuminated his life with love, sprouted his talent in him: “Before her, it was as if I was sleeping, hidden in the dark, but she appeared, woke me up, brought me into the light, tied everything around me into a continuous thread , wove everything into multi-colored lace and immediately became a lifelong friend, the closest to my heart, the most understandable and dear person - it was her selfless love for the world that enriched me, saturating me with strong strength for a difficult life.”


In contrast to her unsightly appearance, her inner world was beautiful and cozy. It seemed to Alyosha that she was glowing from within with some kind of divine light, like a saint. And not without reason, because she always tried to help everyone, could not pass by a person in need of help, even if it was to her detriment. She never sat idle. She was always busy with housework, taking care of her children and grandchildren. This was her meaning in life.

When their house was engulfed in fire, she fought as best she could for the things dear to her heart, while receiving burns, she continued to calm and encourage people. She proved herself to be a brave and determined person. She was the complete opposite of her grandfather, who was a real tyrant and kept everyone around him in fear. Only the grandmother could object to him and rushed to everyone’s defense when the grandfather was wrong.

The importance of grandmother in the life of a writer

Alyosha met his grandmother when she was over sixty, this happened after the death of his father. But she became the most important person in his life, who put her whole soul into him and taught him how to live. Gorky always remembered the image of his grandmother as the brightest thing in his life, which left its mark on his character and life position.


M. Gorky wrote the story “Childhood”, where in the image of the main character he brought out an autobiographical character - Alyosha Peshkov. All events and heroes of the work are depicted by the writer through the perception of a little boy.

The image of the grandmother whom Alyosha loved so much helps to reveal the character of the main character more deeply.

The grandmother is the complete opposite of her grandfather and her husband: affectionate, kind, ready to help everyone. The grandmother is very worried about the constant quarrels of her sons, and is dissatisfied with the severity of the grandfather. What especially stood out on the grandmother’s face were the eyes, thanks to which the heroine “shone from within... with an unquenchable, cheerful and warm light.”

The grandmother’s character is soft, compliant, she loves people from the bottom of her heart, knows how to appreciate true beauty, and is attached to home: “I remember my grandmother’s childhood joy at the sight of Nizhny.” It is the inconspicuous grandmother who becomes a kind angel for Alyosha, protecting the boy from evil people and difficult living conditions. It was she who grabbed the hero in her arms when his grandfather punished him for ruining the tablecloth. Grandmother did not know how to hold a grudge for a long time, to be cruel. People took advantage of her kindness, but she never complained about life. Living with her grandmother, Alyosha listens every evening to stories about the life of the Kashirin family. When it came to the business life of the family, the grandmother “speaking laughingly, aloofly, somehow from a distance, like a neighbor, and not the second eldest in the house.”

Material goods were not the heroine’s life values. Pity and compassion for people are the main qualities of the grandmother’s character, which is why she worries and suffers after the death of her foundling, Gypsy. The wise woman perceives the difficulties encountered in life as God’s tests, this is what she tells her grandson about Vanya the Gypsy: “Grandfather wanted to take Vanya to the police, but I dissuaded him: let’s take him for ourselves; This is what God sent us to those places that died. After all, I had eighteen births... but the Lord loved my blood, took everything and even made my children into angels. I’m both sorry and happy!” During the fire: “illuminated by the fire, which seemed to catch her, black, she rushed around the yard, keeping up everywhere, in charge of everything, seeing everything.” Having become practically beggars, Alyosha was forced to beg. He brought small crumbs to his grandmother, who “looked at them and cried silently,” worrying about the future of her grandson.

The grandmother’s entire life was spent for the benefit of people, so her image was imprinted for a long time in the mind of the main character. A wise woman smoothes out the “leaden abominations of wild Russian life”, spiritually enriching the difficult lives of people.

(Option 2)

The young grandson describes the grandmother, watching her, talking to her, listening to her, he gets to know people and the world. The grandmother was “round, big-headed, with huge eyes and a funny loose nose... soft and surprisingly interesting,” “stooped, almost hunchbacked, and she moved easily and deftly, like a big cat.” This is only a description of her appearance, but here are observations: “She was all dark, but she shone from the inside - through her eyes - with an unquenchable, cheerful and warm light.”

Her life was truly dark: she begged for alms with her disabled mother, then mastered the skill of a lacemaker, was married off at the age of fourteen, gave birth to her first child by the age of fifteen, had eighteen children, of whom only three survived. My husband has been beating me brutally all my life, and not a word in response, he justifies everything: “He’s angry, it’s hard for him, the old man, everything’s a failure... Don’t feel too sorry for me... I’m also to blame.” Sons are beasts, but they all rush to their defense and teach their grandson: “Who is to blame for what is none of your business. The Lord judges and punishes." What saved her, gave her inner light? “She knew countless fairy tales, stories and poems,” “she danced as if she were telling something,” talked with God (“He will understand. Whatever you say to him, he will understand...”) and the Mother of God (“Source of joy, most pure beauty, apple tree in bloom!..”) as with equals, with horses (“What, child? What, kitten? Want to play pranks? Well, indulge, God’s fun!”), birds, plants, brownies. There is a lot of strength, inner fire, restlessness of life in her: “Grandmother cooked, sewed, dug in the garden and in the garden, spun all day like a huge head over heels driven by an invisible whip, sniffed tobacco, sneezed deliciously and said, wiping her sweaty face: “Hello , honest peace, forever and ever! During the fire, she kept up with everything: she managed to order the icons to be taken out of the house and the children to be taken away, to take out the vitriol from the workshop, to stop the horse, to organize and thank the neighbors; with burnt hands after a fire, she gave birth. Five townspeople beat a man - the grandmother rushes to the rescue, waving a yoke. Listen to the comments about this woman from your grandfather (“Hooray, you blessed fool... you don’t feel sorry for anything...”), your grandson (“You are absolutely a saint, they torture and torture you, but you don’t care!”).

Neither wealth nor poverty, neither sorrow nor joy changes it. “And the grandmother herself, as if cast from copper, is unchangeable,” like life itself.

The image of Alyosha Peshkov’s grandmother in A.M. Gorky’s story “Childhood” - presentation

The image of Alyosha Peshkov’s grandmother in A.M. Gorky’s story “Childhood”

I often cried while reading - the stories were so good about the people, they became so sweet and close. And, as a boy, overwhelmed by stupid work, offended by stupid swearing, I made solemn promises to myself to help people, to serve them honestly when I grew up. M. Gorky

When characterizing a literary character, reflecting on the author’s attitude towards him, you should formulate your impressions: – of the person’s appearance; – from the environment with which he surrounds himself or in which he finds himself; – from a person’s actions and behavior; – from his attitude towards the people around him and people towards him; - from a person’s statements.

Questions for the image of a grandmother: How does Alyosha see his grandmother? (Portrait of a Grandmother - chapter 1, p. 22) With the help of what literary devices did Gorky describe the portrait of his grandmother so vividly?

Conclusion: “... she was all dark, but she shone from within - through her eyes - with an unquenchable, cheerful and warm light,” her words resemble “affectionate” flowers, and her gait is the movement of a gentle animal. Grandmother seemed to Alyosha radiating light, warmth, joy. Alyosha is attracted by her kind, touching attitude towards the world, her ability to see the beauty of nature, admire it to the point of tears, her stories that “poured” strength into the boy’s heart, lifting him up. Grandma immediately became a friend for life, the person closest to her heart.

In what environment does Alyosha’s grandmother live? (chapter 2, page)

Conclusion: Life in Alyosha’s grandfather’s house seems “inexpressibly strange,” unnatural, and evokes eerie sensations. Enmity, fights, mockery of the blind master Grigory, punishment of children - these are the “leaden abominations of life” that M. Gorky tells us about.

Remember and name the episodes in the process of reading which your grandmother aroused in you a kind, warm, respectful attitude towards yourself.

“Days of ill health” Every evening before going to bed, my grandmother told me fairy tales or her life. chapter 2, page )

Festive evening at the Kashirins' house. Grandma's dance is a story about yourself, about joy and sorrow, about love for people, perseverance and optimism. (Chapter 3, p. 46)

Conclusion: the description of the grandmother’s dance is both a characteristic of a highly gifted person and the beneficial effect of his talent on others; Grandmother’s dance is a story in movements, gestures, facial expressions about the complex, difficult life that she lived, about the sorrows and joys that befell her, it is a story about herself, about her living soul, full of inexhaustible love for people, to peace, about mental fortitude and bright optimism, about faith in the best aspects of human life.

Fire in the Kashirins' house. What feelings and character traits did the grandparents reveal during a difficult, dramatic situation? (chapter 4, page)

Ruin and poverty. How did your grandmother and grandfather perceive ruin and poverty? (chapter 13, page)

Grandma's attitude towards others How does grandma relate to people and people towards her? to Alyosha to Gypsy to Master Gregory to my husband to my children

How do you remember Alyosha’s grandmother?

“Our life is amazing not only because there is such a fertile and fat layer of all sorts of rubbish in it, but because through this layer the bright, healthy and creative still victoriously grows, the goodness of humanity grows, exciting the indestructible hope for our revival to a bright, human life.” M. Gorky

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Portrait of grandmother Akulina Ivanovna description

In the autobiographical story “Childhood,” M. Gorky conveys the childhood impressions of Alyosha Peshkov - himself. His childhood years evoke many contradictory memories, but the memories of his grandmother Akulina Ivanovna, his reliable and faithful friend, are imbued with constant warmth and love. Having found himself in the Kashirins' house after the death of his father and finding himself in an unfamiliar atmosphere of fear, it is in his grandmother that the boy finds an understanding person who knows how to warm with a word, support in difficult times, and give good advice.

Akulina Ivanovna tries to justify her innocent grandson before his grandfather, feels sorry for him, stands up for him, and does not allow him to be beaten. Of course, she could not protect the boy from all troubles, but his grandmother supports him, helps him find better ways to behave and communicate with cruel relatives. She also felt like a stranger in the Kashirins’ house.

Talking with her grandson about the life of her relatives, Akulina Ivanovna “said laughing, aloofly, somehow from afar, like a neighbor.”

The grandmother’s characteristic desire to care for those in need is also manifested in her kind attitude towards the blind master Gregory. Even ruin and poverty could not harden the grandmother’s heart. In the most difficult moments of her life, she retains the ability to sympathize, the generosity of her soul, and the love of humanity that are so characteristic of her.

Grandmother was very different from other people. Her voice and manner of speaking were different, “singing the words somehow especially,” her grandmother’s smile seemed to illuminate her face, returning her youth, her eyes shone with an “inexpressibly pleasant light.” Are you enrolling in 2021? Our team will help you save your time and nerves: we will select directions and universities (according to your preferences and expert recommendations); we will fill out applications (all you have to do is sign); we will submit applications to Russian universities (online, by e-mail, by courier); we will monitor competition lists ( we will automate the tracking and analysis of your positions); we will tell you when and where to submit the original (we will evaluate the chances and determine the best option). Entrust the routine to professionals - more details.

When looking at her, one felt the contrast: “She was all dark, but she shone from within - through her eyes - with an unquenchable, cheerful and warm light.”

Despite her difficult life, my grandmother loved the world around her and talked about it with humor. She treated Alyosha with touching tenderness and care, which helped the boy to steadfastly endure the hardships of later life.

Listening to amazing fairy tales and stories told by his grandmother quietly and mysteriously, Alyosha seems to experience a surge of strength that lifts him above life’s troubles.

Traveling on the ship, the grandmother admires the beauty of nature to tears. Akulina Ivanovna dances beautifully. Very plump and stooped, she seems to gain lightness and silently float through the air. In the dancing grandmother, Alyosha saw a soft cat who did not dance, but seemed to be telling a story. At these moments, the grandmother became young and beautiful again.

In emergency moments, Akulina Ivanovna also behaves amazingly. During a fire, the grandmother’s behavior is also very different from the reaction of other household members. Without a moment's hesitation, she rushes into the burning house, trying to take out the “bucket bottle” of oil of vitriol, which could explode. The grandmother manages to stop the frightened horse, calming it with a kind word. Akulina Ivanovna finds the strength to give clear orders and ask for help from her neighbors. After the fire, the grandmother tries to support others, ignoring her own pain.

Reading the author’s memoirs about her grandmother, we feel her selfless love for people, her ability to see and appreciate beauty, prudence and strength of character. It was these traits that helped shape the personality of Alyosha, who learned to understand life.

Useful material on the topic:

  1. Characteristics of the literary hero grandmother - Akulina Ivanovna
  2. Nature and portrait in the story “Old Woman Izergil”
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