As technology advances, we begin to notice how the world responds and begins to change along with it.
Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin To the beginning Electronic publications Library Photos Once upon a time there were two generals,
The theme “Love and Hate” has excited the minds of philosophers and writers for many centuries, and
Works On literature Nekrasov The image of peasants in the poem Who Lives Well in Rus' Image
The magical world of the Danish storyteller's fairy tales is bewitching and beautiful. His fabulous magical creativity is dedicated to everyone
Works On literature Bulgakov Characteristics and image of Doctor Bormental A story by the Soviet writer Bulgakov M.A.
The story “Nikita” - Andrei Platonov Early in the morning, the mother left the yard for the field
April 14, 1745 – December 12, 1792 (47 years old) 4.3 Average rating: 4.3
The theme of truth in Gorky’s play “At the Depths” - Luka The image of an aged wandering man