Essay-reasoning on the topic: “life’s path is a constant choice”
Essay on the topic: “The Path” - examples of choosing a life path
Life path in literature Every day people look for answers to many questions. Students decide
Linguistic analysis of V. Mayakovsky’s poem “Here!” (7th grade)
Futurist poets of the early 20th century set as their goal the creation of completely new poetry. For this they
To Kill a Mockingbird summary and analysis of the novel by Harper Lee
To Kill a Mockingbird summary and analysis of the novel by Harper Lee
Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird" history of creation Despite the fact that the book touches on serious
Report-message Pyramids of Ancient Egypt grade 5
The Egyptian pyramids are one of the greatest attractions in the world of ancient Egyptian architecture.
The essay “Family Thought” in M. A. Sholokhov’s novel “Quiet Don”
Works Literature Sholokhov In Mikhail Sholokhov’s novel “Quiet Don” the main role is given to the family. Author
Summary of the book by Mucha Sartre
Popular retellings of Emma today - a summary of Jane Austen's novel In a remote English village
The image of an ideal family
What will the family of the future be like and why the naturalness of traditional marriage is a myth
Essays About the Family What a family should be like Every person begins his life in a family.
Essay on the topic of traveling around the city
City Cities in medieval Europe were quite small. Our usual “metropolis” scale is not at all
Characteristics of the main characters of the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”
Description of the plot The king decided that the time had come for his three sons to marry and
Examples of essays on the topic of my future profession
A surgeon is a doctor who performs surgical interventions and specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of injuries, diseases, pathological
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